Black Friday

i had to work at toys r us
we opened at 9pm and by the time we opened the line had wrapped all the way around the building back to the front.

I think they did do a good job controlling the chaos though, only letting a few hundred in at a time to avoid clogging up the isles in the store, and handing out tickets for bigger things to avoid any fights breaking out for them. They even put people outside to talk to people in line and inform them if we were out of anything. (that was my job, in 40 degrees weather >.> )

I actually had to work from 8pm to 8am, so im gonna fall back asleep now.
EonEye99 said:
I heard one time someone was trampled during Black Friday... :{

That happened at a Walmart a couple years ago. Ever since then we've always stayed open so it isn't as big of rush of people plus we also have some items go on sale at different times.
King Arceus said:
I had the misery of having to work as a cashier until about 1:30 when the madness stopped. After that I helped sort about a dozen or so carts full of merchandise customers didn't want. After that was done I took my meal break then was in electronics the rest of the night putting away a billion movies and games. I also had no idea what we still had and didn't have for add items. I am spending my time home the rest of the day.

I'm with ya...well...I didn't work register :p. Stuck in my department while people tear it apart. We had about 12 people on the floor...then they sent 8 people home at 8 because it slowed down and then at 10 it picked back up and the 4 of us covered the whole floor..and I work in a huge department store @_@. The general public isn't nice to shoe departments (my depatment) ;_;
Got the zelda 3ds bundle at 200. Not as good as target's but they ran out. I also got some clothes.
Went today and got yelled at by a guy.

Black Friday is messed up.
Tyrant Tyranitar said:
Black Friday is pretty sad in my opinion. It makes people stupid

Said the person who didn't use punctuation at the end of their sentence.

I will say that I didn't come into any contacts with epic long lines at the places we went to. We didn't even run into a line, even though the parking lots were packed.
Trollandtoad didn't relist the $50 booster boxes like they promised >:[

Anyone know of any good deals on TCG stuff for Cyber Monday?
What is black friday anyway? I heard that its that day when people insanely buy presents for Christmas?
Well, so much for financial crisis hitting America, here in Europe ain't a B of 'Black friday'.
You pretty much have it, Gouka-no-Goukazaru. Black Friday is the day after Thanksgiving -- stores open earlier and earlier every year (a lot of stores are opening at midnight or late Thankgiving night). There are some pretty good deals, but all-in-all I find it a waste of time. Personally, no deal on a TV is worth spending hours upon hours in line outside of a store.
Ah I see :)
Well I never really forced myself to spend time in stores... The reason is because technically I aren't Europe, but Croatia (not in Europe... yet :D)
I never found Black Friday to be worth the time put into it. I wouldn't mind it so much if people these days weren't so crazy about the deals. But I'm not a shopper to begin with, so Black Friday is just another day.
Hatman said:
Said the person who didn't use punctuation at the end of their sentence.

Oh yes, because that's clearly being hypocritical, even though one punctuation error definitely means you can't call someone stupid. It's only true though that people go stupid. Heck, one year someone got trampled because of all the people wanting to get into the store. kthxGG

On topic I'm actually gonna scramble to the mall today and get a pair of well-needed shoes (my current shoes have holes) and a CD maybe
I completely forgot it was Black Friday and ventured out of the house in the early afternoon to see if CVS had some Swedish Fish.

Someone please explain to me what a pharmacy/convenience store could possibly be selling that warrants a horde of some 200+ people swarming in and out.

tl;dr I got as far as the parking lot and then turned around and went home. Not even Swedish Fish are worth going out for on that day of insanity.
Tyrant Tyranitar said:
Oh yes, because that's clearly being hypocritical, even though one punctuation error definitely means you can't call someone stupid. It's only true though that people go stupid. Heck, one year someone got trampled because of all the people wanting to get into the store. kthxGG

On topic I'm actually gonna scramble to the mall today and get a pair of well-needed shoes (my current shoes have holes) and a CD maybe in Vegas a security guard got trampled to death by a crowd on Black Friday I think last year...people become animals when the sales are good. "Oh I can get a 42 inch big screen for 700 dollars...LETS ALL FIGHT FOR IT"

We had Android tablets at work...about 100 of them and I heard they sold out in a half our lol. Some people get to crazy with it...HECK I didn't even want to wait till Black Friday to get a 3DS...I got it on Wednesday because I wasn't gonna stay up till 1 am so I could get 20 dollars off one :/ I don't care to much about the dumb made up holiday. It's just another showing of people will do anything to save a dollar :/.
Gouka-no-Goukazaru said:
What is black friday anyway? I heard that its that day when people insanely buy presents for Christmas?
Well, so much for financial crisis hitting America, here in Europe ain't a B of 'Black friday'.

black friday is the biggest sale day of the year. its not for buying christmas presents really. its for buying good deals.

most of the time the sales are really great, possibly even 100% off with mail in rebates and such, but usually the rates fall in the 40-75% off range.

mainly electronics are the most sought after items and as for people thinking its a waste of time, thats their opinion, and in mine... its a great time to go get what you need if you really want it. its not as bad as most make it out to be.
Zyflair said:
Got Dragon Naturally Speaking for $40, which is a bargain, imo. :D

You could have downloaded it illegally for free... :p

anyways, I forgot about Black Friday (Canadian), but I just got some cyber Monday sales at Future Shop as well as deals at Coles.