Black Kyurem ex from Paradise Dragona


Grass-Type Gym Leader
News Staff
Black Kyurem ex has been revealed from the Japanese set Paradise Dragona, which releases in Japan on September 13th. We expect most of its cards to become part of our Surging Sparks set in November.
Black Kyurem ex – Water – HP230
Basic Pokémon
[C][C][C] Ice Age: 90 damage. If your opponent’s Active Pokémon is a [N] Pokémon, it is now Paralyzed.
[W][W][C][C] Black Frost: 250 damage. This Pokémon also does 30 damage to itself.
Weakness: Metal (x2)
Resistance: None
Retreat: 3

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Anti Regidrago tech? I bet that this Black Kyurem was made Water so as to not counter itself, since most of the time (but not always) they make Black/White Kyurem a Dragon-type card to represent how it has 2 different elements. Meanwhile, my favorite Dragon-type archetype (Giratina VSTAR) doesn't have to fear this card much since the deck uses a lot of switching items.

If this was a Dragon-type card, I imagine that matches would devolve into 2 people just getting their Black Kyurem ex out as fast as possible to see who can lock whom in place sooner.
A card of my favorite mon FINALLY After years,i was hoping for a dragon card and for It to be slightly more meta,but i'm Happy,i can only Hope for White and base Kyurem ex,i wanted a deck with them for years now
It'll at least be meta for the brief period where both it and Regidrago VSTAR are legal. I know I'll be teching one into my Lost Zone deck

EDIT: It'll probably also be a good tech whenever there's a meta-relevant Dragon-type Pokémon card
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I'm really happy about this card. A couple of my first "rare" cards that I ever pulled with my own money were Black Kyurem and White Kyurem EX from Legendary Treasures. A lot of nostalgia seeing this.
the remaining SAR is likely Archaludon
I doubt it’s archaludon. I think the remaining two sar’s will be flygon and whatever the Pokémon is after exeggutor. Archaludon just got an AR in the previous set. Plus I think we’ll get at least two stellar SAR’s seeing as it’s the new “thing”.
It could be hydreigon or another tera or something if they're going for all dragons that aren't dragon types
It’s so beautiful I love Kyurem tho I prefer Reshi Kyurem but I’ll take this. And yeah it won’t get a SAR, still hope it’s Flygon that does