• Please read THIS THREAD if you are a new trader/seller.

    Thank you!

Blah's Trading Thread: H: EX's and FA's W: CYL


1. All Pokebeach rules apply.
2. I want only real cards.
3. I want only English cards. Do not offer me anything but English cards. I may not mention it during a trade, but if you’re trying to send non-english cards I will report you.
4. I would prefer you make offers so that I don’t have to check your list. If I really need to I will, however.
5. I expect all cards to be mint or near mint. If they aren’t, please say so and describe the flaws on the card.
6. I don’t list every common and uncommon that I have, so feel free to ask for them.
7. I will only ship inside of the U.S.
8. No ripping. I promise you I will make sure I report you, get you banned, all of the above. Just don’t do it.
9. An add on to the note above, don’t try to be sneaky. Please list the set of every card that has been printed in multiple versions in different sets and any other information I would need. (Example: Terrakion. Please confirm it’s Noble Victories during the trade.)


Secret Rares:
Shiny Gardevoir x1
Shiny Garchomp x1

EX’s/Ultra rares:

Articuno EX FA x1
Registeel EX FA x2
Mew EX x3
Zekrom EX promo x1
Reshiram EX promo x1
Groudon EX x2
Kyogre EX x1
Gengar Prime x1
Feraligatr Prime x1
Typhlosion Prime x1
Salamence ex x1 (Damaged)

Dragons Exalted:
Hydreigon (Dark Trance) x2
Altaria (Dragon Song) x2
Lots of stuff like Goodbite, Deino, Gible, etc. Request for any of those and other un/commons.

Dark Explorers:
Every non-EX or secret rare card in the set, and I have multiples of many of them. Please request for any.

Next Destinies:
Please request. I have a bunch of random, not very good cards but if you need any, ask.

Noble Victories:
Hydreigon x1
Eelektrik x2


LOTS of Plasma Freeze Stuff.

Plasma Energy xX (seriously, I have like 5-6 playsets)

A large portion of the Southern Islands Collection. Please request if you want any.
Bulk x1000 (not exact amount, I would need to count.)


CYL (To be honest, not much right now. I'm mainly interested in high-value cards and playable shinies.)
RE: Blah's Trading Thread: Have DE stuff and Mewtwo EX!

Approved. Please make sure you have FULLY READ THE RULES (you should know why I am making this bold) if you have not already done so.

Thank you.

RE: Blah's Trading Thread: Have DE stuff and Mewtwo EX!

i have
terrakion x3 (1rh)
Professor Oak’s New Theory x1
Revive x1
Pluspower x1
Energy Retrieval x1
Exp Share x1
Dual Ball x3
Pokemon Catcher x1
mewtwo EX
RE: Blah's Trading Thread: Have DE stuff and Mewtwo EX!

I have
Lost Remover x2
Energy Retrieval x1
Exp Share x1
Dual Ball x1
DCE RH (what set is it from?)
RE: Blah's Trading Thread: Have DE stuff and Mewtwo EX!

Darkscyther said:
I have
Lost Remover x2
Energy Retrieval x1
Exp Share x1
Dual Ball x1
DCE RH (what set is it from?)

It's from Next Destinies. What would you give me for it?

jgreen said:
i have
terrakion x3 (1rh)
Professor Oak’s New Theory x1
Revive x1
Pluspower x1
Energy Retrieval x1
Exp Share x1
Dual Ball x3
Pokemon Catcher x1
mewtwo EX

I would rather have 4 Terrakion then two and one RH. I also really need a Groudon EX and was hoping to get one for the Mewtwo. Sorry :/
RE: Blah's Trading Thread: Have DE stuff and Mewtwo EX!

x2 Lost Remover and x1 Exp Share For the DCE
RE: Blah's Trading Thread: Have DE stuff and Mewtwo EX!

CML for
Mewtwo EX x1
Zekrom EX promo x1
RE: Blah's Trading Thread: Have DE stuff and Mewtwo EX!

justintam0731 said:
CML for
Mewtwo EX x1
Zekrom EX promo x1

You have Groudon EX, which I am in dear need of. However, there's not a lot else that I want, and not enough to add up to a Mewtwo EX. I'd give you the Zekrom EX for the Groudon EX, but I'm afraid I'm giving you too little on my end. Is there anything else you want from my list?
RE: Blah's Trading Thread: Have DE stuff and Mewtwo EX!

Blah said:
You have Groudon EX, which I am in dear need of. However, there's not a lot else that I want, and not enough to add up to a Mewtwo EX. I'd give you the Zekrom EX for the Groudon EX, but I'm afraid I'm giving you too little on my end. Is there anything else you want from my list?

Do you have any other EXs from ND and DE
RE: Blah's Trading Thread: Have DE stuff, getting more soon!

Updated with new wants and new haves. I have a lot of Southern Island Collection stuff, mostly Holo too, and I have a large portion of a Zekeels deck. More to come soon!
RE: Blah's Trading Thread: H: Huge amounts of DE cards and Junk Arms! W: Darkrai Ex!

Got a booster box, everything has been updated! I have a ton of Dark Explorers cards and Junk Arms! I am looking for Darkrai EX.
RE: Blah's Trading Thread: H: Huge amounts of DE cards and Junk Arms! W: Darkrai Ex!

CML for
Zekrom EX promo x1
Raikou EX x1
Kyogre EX x1
Groudon EX x2
Shaymin EX x1
Shiny Gardevior x1
RE: Blah's Trading Thread: H: Huge amounts of DE cards and Junk Arms! W: Darkrai Ex!

justintam0731 said:
CML for
Zekrom EX promo x1
Raikou EX x1
Kyogre EX x1
Groudon EX x2
Shaymin EX x1
Shiny Gardevior x1

Is there any way you could trade me a Darkrai?
RE: Blah's Trading Thread: H: Huge amounts of DE cards and Junk Arms! W: Darkrai Ex!

CML for:
Groudon-EX 2x
Shiny Gardy
RE: Blah's Trading Thread: H: Huge amounts of DE cards and Junk Arms! W: Darkrai Ex!

Vablakes said:
CML for:
Groudon-EX 2x
Shiny Gardy

Hmmmm...do you have any other current EX's then the ones listed? The only trade I can think of would be Gardevoir for your FA Reshiram but I think I'd rather keep Gardy.

If you can get your hands on a Darkrai though, I'd be glad to give you both Groudon, the Gardy, and a bunch more :)
RE: Blah's Trading Thread: H: Huge amounts of DE cards and Junk Arms! W: Darkrai Ex!

can you CML for your Junk Arms?
RE: Blah's Trading Thread: H: Huge amounts of DE cards and Junk Arms! W: Darkrai Ex!

If I get another Darkrai, I will LYK! I managed to get 2 FA already, so I am good. Any more I get are up for grabs, so if I manage to open one, I will let you know! :)
RE: Blah's Trading Thread: H: Huge amounts of DE cards and Junk Arms! W: Darkrai Ex!

Vablakes said:
If I get another Darkrai, I will LYK! I managed to get 2 FA already, so I am good. Any more I get are up for grabs, so if I manage to open one, I will let you know! :)

Sweet, I'll make sure to give you a great deal on that if you get one.

Puff said:
can you CML for your Junk Arms?

Anything else you might need? I'm interested in your FA Raikou, but 4 junk arms is not nearly enough for that lol.