I was thinking a similar thing a card which can be used as an evolution card but as Break Pokemon, or probably a better name in the English version, it can be benched straight away. But the question there is, is it better to incentivise evolving or benching as is?
It would be a quicker route to evolution and being able to match up to an EX pokemon on the very second turn without the use of Rare candys and wallys and all those other evoling cards. So there would be alot of space saved in the deck by not having those trainers and also not having the smallest evolution.
Maybe it really is something as simple as a trainer card that says 'break evolution' (similar to spirit link right now) which says something like;
'search your deck for a stage 1 or stage 2 evolution card and put it on to your bench. Shuffle your deck afterwards.'
Then again 'break' has its own logo mark on this set unlike spirit link.