Wi-Fi Trades Bluejay's trade thread -Lot of new shinies

RE: Bluejay's trade thread

sorry have a toys r us mew but i refuse to trade it on the grounds taht i lost the game it was in
RE: Bluejay's trade thread

Would you give me a shiny Eevee for a shiny Oddish?

BTW, how are the EV's on your lv. 100's?
RE: Bluejay's trade thread

i have no idea...got them in trades and am breeding my own for good iv's

UPDATED...new shinies on front
RE: Bluejay's trade thread

i have a ledgit lugia. i want a shiny milotic for it. can the milotic hold a charish ball?
RE: Bluejay's trade thread

delta storm you must wait the trade i was getting them in failed and muat must wait till sunday to get them....and ill have to think about the milotic trade...
RE: Bluejay's trade thread

Charmander, Bulbasaur, Treecko, Torchic, Mudkip, Totodile, and Cyndaquil for your shiny Roselia and shiny Gyarados?
RE: Bluejay's trade thread

are they shiny....cus if not then i have all of them i just forgot to take them off my list
RE: Bluejay's trade thread

BlueJay1993 said:
are they shiny....cus if not then i have all of them i just forgot to take them off my list

Well I was going to trade non shiny ones but I do have all of them shiny.
RE: Bluejay's trade thread

Would I be able to get:
Ralts (m)
and a Razor Claw?

I know you don't mention Elekid but I really need one with Electrizer (or whatever...:p)

I am willing to trade you some Kanto/Hoehn starters with Master Balls but only after I defeat the E4! Please Help me!
RE: Bluejay's trade thread

D.N.A im sorry i dont have the elekid but i have the Electrizer and the other things you asked for but i already have all the starters so you have to make another offer
RE: Bluejay's trade thread

BlueJay1993 said:
delta storm you must wait the trade i was getting them in failed and muat must wait till sunday to get them.

I can wait, and please specify your Cherish Balls being hacked.
RE: Bluejay's trade thread

did you decide if you want to do the trade. remember i had a ledgit lugia and i wanted a shiny milotic holding a charish ball. i can have my lugia hold a master ball and no the master ball is not cheated.
RE: Bluejay's trade thread

no thank you sasuke unless i learn how to clone in d/p then im not trading the milotic for anything unless its like a sweet deal
RE: Bluejay's trade thread

i can tell you how to clone in d/p. it is risky thought. post back if you want to know how.