Wi-Fi Trades Bluejay's trade thread -Lot of new shinies

RE: Bluejay's trade thread

I want shiny Milotic and Crobat, and possibly Eevee and Charmander, depending on natures. I have Adamant Snorlax, it only has 24 IVs in HP, but 31 in Attack and Defence, and 30 in Special Defence. It also knows Curse. I have shinies too - check my thread.
RE: Bluejay's trade thread

no thank you Wichu unless i can find a way to clone Them if you can succesfully colne and will trade back the orginals then you can keep the clones for the trade
RE: Bluejay's trade thread

i can tell you how to clone in d/p unless you didnt read my posts
RE: Bluejay's trade thread

Im way intrested in that Adamant Ditto w/ the amazing IV's!
If you can give me a clone back Im willing to trade a speed form Deoxy's for it ( legit )
RE: Bluejay's trade thread

um i dont have ditto's im looking for them and Saskuegan i know how to clone it just wont work for me and do you have a my player thread for the gardevoir
RE: Bluejay's trade thread

umm there under the hacked section..and i could easily do it w/o a hack just start your game with the name red get the pokemon raise them and give them the movesets
RE: Bluejay's trade thread

o' i thought they had put reds pokemon on the gts like the mew that belongs to mystery.
RE: Bluejay's trade thread

Interested in garchomp , Ho-oh, and Lugia. Have Deoxys, Mewtwo, Articuno, Zapdsos, Moltres, and Suicune. Let me know about it:)