Wi-Fi Trades Blue's Poke-shop

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RE: Blue's Poke-shop 2.0. Lots of updates.

Wifi likes to DC today.o_O This trade seems like it'll take quite a while to complete.
RE: Blue's Poke-shop 2.0. Lots of updates.

Would you be interested in


~P99's Perfect Shiny Heatran ★
Nature: Timid | Ability: Flash Fire | Gender: Male | [IVs: 31/31/31/31/31/31]
LVL: 50 | EVs: N/A | Moves:
Location: Stark Mountain | [OT: Matthew] [ID: 36140]
Fully Redistributable (Anyone can trade it)
RE: Blue's Poke-shop 2.0. Lots of updates.

I already have a timid Heatran, sorry.>.< I have pretty much all the good natures of shiny Heatran alrady.
RE: Blue's Poke-shop 2.0. Lots of updates.

In Response to your CMT, I would like these pokemon:

Timid Darkrai (Myself)

Bronzor shiny, Green Can (RNG)

Magnemite (Perfect IV's)

Shroomish Adamant (RNG)

4 for 6 seems good to me. I'm more generous of my pokemon, so I'd rather not have 6 for 6. Does 4 for 6 Sound good?
RE: Blue's Poke-shop 2.0. Lots of updates.

Um, sure. But there's two small problems:
The timid Darkrai is German. Ones I've RNGed are calm and bold.
Shroomish wasn't RNGed. It was wild encounter.

Do you still want them?
RE: Blue's Poke-shop 2.0. Lots of updates.

Bump... I need to update the OP.>.> I'll have time to later.
RE: Blue's Poke-shop 2.0. Ash's Pikachu, Korean Goon Scizor, and new shinies!

Hi, could you get the exact ivs of your near flawless rotom please?
RE: Blue's Poke-shop 2.0. Ash's Pikachu, Korean Goon Scizor, and new shinies!

HP Fighting 70
RE: Blue's Poke-shop 2.0. Ash's Pikachu, Korean Goon Scizor, and new shinies!

I normally like 31 in speed so I know I at least speed tie with other pokemon of the same species. Cml though and if you see anything you want I'll trade it for rotor. Do you have any other good near perfect/perfect Pokemon?
RE: Blue's Poke-shop 2.0. Ash's Pikachu, Korean Goon Scizor, and new shinies!

I really like that shiny Timid Zapdos. Do you want to trade that for the Rotom?
And any flawless/near flawless Pokemon that I find as I check them are usually noted as such in the filed shiny Pokemon section (or shiny legendary section).
RE: Blue's Poke-shop 2.0. Ash's Pikachu, Korean Goon Scizor, and new shinies!

sure, but before we do that, what are the iv's of your shiny adamant ho-oh and/or other adamant ho-ohs you have? also, i hava a timid perfect darkrai that's not listed on my trade thread as well as many more pokemon if your not willing to trade a ho-oh for zapdos.
RE: Blue's Poke-shop 2.0. Ash's Pikachu, Korean Goon Scizor, and new shinies!

I only collect shiny Pokemon so the only Adamant Ho-oh I have is shiny. HP->Speed, its IVs are 9/28/30/23/11/26.
I value Pokemon fairly uniformly (with a few exceptions), so pretty much any 1:1 trade is fine with me.
RE: Blue's Poke-shop 2.0. Ash's Pikachu, Korean Goon Scizor, and new shinies!

how about adamant groudon and timid latias?

if neither of them have good iv's ill trade for rotom.
RE: Blue's Poke-shop 2.0. Ash's Pikachu, Korean Goon Scizor, and new shinies!

In order, HP->Speed,


Edit: I need to leave for a couple of hours. If you're online whe I get back, we can trade.
RE: Blue's Poke-shop 2.0. Ash's Pikachu, Korean Goon Scizor, and new shinies!

wow, i'll take groudon for zapdos.

can you trade now?

edit: i gotta go now, i'll be on later today to trade
RE: Blue's Poke-shop 2.0. Added two new event sections.

CMT for:
Pokemon Ranger 3

Heatran English
Shaymin English
Deoxys English Normal

I missed these missions so I cant get these again. ):
RE: Blue's Poke-shop 2.0. Added two new event sections.

Small update notice: Added another language to the European Celebi section.

What is the nature and ID of your shiny Mespirit?
RE: Blue's Poke-shop 2.0. Added two new event sections.

Are you interested in an Ash's Pikachu? (Cloned of course) IV's and nature upon request
RE: Blue's Poke-shop 2.0. Added two new event sections.

I have the WC for the Pikachu, as is stated in its section of my shop.
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