Wi-Fi Trades Bluesummer's Shop. With a really unupdated OP!

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RE: Bluesummer's Shop. Shinies, events, etc.

Oh, sorry to keep you waiting all day... :/

I am usually only on at night... sorry...
If you're not here tonight, then possibly tomorrow night please? or we could trade FC's and I could go on Wi-fi when you want me to any time of the day. :)
RE: Bluesummer's Shop. Shinies, events, etc.

Hello, first off let me say that I'm not very common with some of the abbreviations; so please excuse if what I'm offering isn't what you're looking for...

I have:
2 x Kecleon from pokewalker (Gentle, Brave)
1 x Kangaskhan from pokewalker (Relaxed)

Was looking to get your Shiny Snorlax, Shiny Munchlax, and Shiny Heracross.

I'm not sure what UT means (I'm guessing untrained?). If that's the case, then all 3 pokemon I have don't have any exp...I've never taken them out of my PC boxes.

Please PM me about this, as I'm not sure at all how this works. Thanks in advance for your time...

RE: Bluesummer's Shop. Shinies, events, etc.

Akari - I'll try again tonight. I have work until somewhat late tonight, and I have no idea if my parents are going to use the computer (which means I will have no chance of using it until really late).

Snorlax - I'm not collecting Pokewalker Pokemon unless they're from event courses. I was about to update my shop with that.
RE: Bluesummer's Shop. Shinies, events, etc.

Bluesummers said:
Akari - I'll try again tonight. I have work until somewhat late tonight, and I have no idea if my parents are going to use the computer (which means I will have no chance of using it until really late).

Snorlax - I'm not collecting Pokewalker Pokemon unless they're from event courses. I was about to update my shop with that.

I have 2 magicarp and 3 horsea from winners path that have diff. Natures than what you have....don't remember what they are right this second, as I'm driving to work while typing this on my phone. :/ anyway, not sure what they'd equal; but I also have suicune from HG that I haven't trained....and maybe Lugia (can't remember if I've done anything with him). Also have Raikou, which I only upped 1 lvl by putting on the pokewalker once.
RE: Bluesummer's Shop. Shinies, events, etc.

I need the natures of what you're offering me and I even stated in the OP that I do not trade for T Pokemon.
RE: Bluesummer's Shop. Shinies, events, etc.

hi :) just in case... if you trade a shiny rng egg, when the pokemon hatches, it will be shiny, but a status check and it will revert back to normal, so you cant trade eggs...
RE: Bluesummer's Shop. Shinies, events, etc.

I know that. I've known it for months. But I don't update much.
RE: Bluesummer's Shop. Shinies, events, etc.

Bluesummers said:
I need the natures of what you're offering me and I even stated in the OP that I do not trade for T Pokemon.

Hello again. The 3x Horsea have (Timid, Relaxed, and Mild)

The 2x Magikarp have (Modest and Jolly)

The Suicune has Adamant.

Also, again, I'm new to this trading pokemon online, so I'm not sure what stuff like T and UT mean...8 was assuming that it meant Trained and UnTrained, which none of these listed have gained any EXP points since I got them.

Thanks again for your time, and please just let me know if you're interested in any...

RE: Bluesummer's Shop. Shinies, events, etc.

Could you RNG a shiny egg for me? Tell me what you would like and I'll try to see what I have.
RE: Bluesummer's Shop. Shinies, events, etc.

Snorlax - I'm intersted in teh timid Horsea and the jolly Magikarp.

RV - What Pokemon would you like? Most are free unless it's an egg-moved Poke from my RNG section. And I would have to hatch the egg in my game due to PID-SID reasons.
RE: Bluesummer's Shop. Shinies, events, etc.

Bluesummers said:
Snorlax - I'm intersted in the timid Horsea and the jolly Magikarp.

RV - What Pokemon would you like? Most are free unless it's an egg-moved Poke from my RNG section. And I would have to hatch the egg in my game due to PID-SID reasons.

Alright then :]

Could you breed a shiny Smeargle? Preferably a nature that raises speed (such as Timid or Jolly) but if that's not possible any shiny Smeargle is fine :]
RE: Bluesummer's Shop. Shinies, events, etc.

Bluesummers said:
Snorlax - I'm intersted in the timid Horsea and the jolly Magikarp.

RV - What Pokemon would you like? Most are free unless it's an egg-moved Poke from my RNG section. And I would have to hatch the egg in my game due to PID-SID reasons.

Not sure how this works....but I don't mind trading both. I'd really like to get the 3 shinies that I listed (Snorlax, Munchlax, and Heracross). Just let me know...I won't really be able to do anything today (long day at work, then POP card league, then designated driver for friends B-day), but I'm off work Sunday and Monday. Just lemme know when would be good for you. Thanks in advance for your time...

RE: Bluesummer's Shop. Shinies, events, etc.

RV - I'll breed one when i have some time to do so.

Snorlax - two common Pokewalker Pokemon are not worth three shinies. They'd only be good for legendaries or pokedex fillers, or their equivalent of a different pokewalker pokemon.

Blast - RNG is a method that finds the seed of your game and from that it finds frames that will result in a shiny egg. Smogon has a bunch on it.
RE: Bluesummer's Shop. Shinies, events, etc.

I would ahve to do it when I have time. I'm busy at the moment.
RE: Bluesummer's Shop. Shinies, events, etc.

Are your Korean Shinies for trade? Or are they just they're to make us jealous? xD
RE: Bluesummer's Shop. Shinies, events, etc.

They're for trade but you have to offer very well for them.
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