Boredom: Most damage possable in the format

Haha it was a trick. If you have Unown N O D all in play you only lose 40 damage from 2 darks that you can no longer play (a loss of 20 damage time 2 due to weakness), and both players could have taken 5 prizes. So in fact the maximum is 4480 and Gengar is still in the lead so far.

As a side not, the highest amount a fixed damage attack (not a multiplier like Poltergeist or Green Blast) can do without Pokémon tools or Dark Energies is Mesprit X's Supreme Blast on a Machamp LV.X with Lucario GL in play. 200 x 2 +60 - 460.
Rhincodon Typus said:
Haha it was a trick. If you have Unown N O D all in play you only lose 40 damage from 2 darks that you can no longer play (a loss of 20 damage time 2 due to weakness), and both players could have taken 5 prizes. So in fact the maximum is 4480 and Gengar is still in the lead so far.

Or it could've been a sudden death with one prize card... o_O so Gengar is still in the lead.
Rhincodon Typus said:
Haha it was a trick. If you have Unown N O D all in play you only lose 40 damage from 2 darks that you can no longer play (a loss of 20 damage time 2 due to weakness), and both players could have taken 5 prizes. So in fact the maximum is 4480 and Gengar is still in the lead so far.

As a side not, the highest amount a fixed damage attack (not a multiplier like Poltergeist or Green Blast) can do without Pokémon tools or Dark Energies is Mesprit X's Supreme Blast on a Machamp LV.X with Lucario GL in play. 200 x 2 +60 - 460.

Two things:

1. You lose 3 Special Dark's, and that's 30 * 2 = 60 for a max of 4460. I suppose Gengar is still winning.

2. You forgot to E-Belt, PlusePower, and Bucks the Mespirit Lv.X so it's:

((200 + 20 + 10 + 10 + 10 + 10 + 10 = 270) * 2) + 60 = 600

Also, it's even more on a Burned Blaziken FB Lv.X after Using Jet Shoot by a Lugia Legend. (Only by 20)

((200 + 20 + 10 + 10 + 10 + 10 + 10 = 270) * 2) + 60 = 620

captain.mongoose said:
Or it could've been a sudden death with one prize card... o_O so Gengar is still in the lead.

In a standard match :p
Yeah, i was thinking about that prize card thing after i posted it, but didn't feel like rethinking about it. So far, I'm winning the thread.

AceBlade258 said:

Your opponent has to have a max of 53 T/S/St, because you both have to have 5 KO's. To get the 5 KO's, 5 cards from their deck are lost. Neither of you can get the 5 KO's. The damage would actually be 4080

53*30 + 450 (45 Darkness Energy) * 2 = 4080

So it looks like Sceptile is still the champion with 4250


I have another list for almost as much as Sceptile.

Your List:
1 Ralts
1 Kirlia
1 Gardevoir PT
1 Psychic Energy
56 DCE

Their List:
1 Pokemon
59 DCE

Damage Equation:

You have Gardy active with 1 Psychic and 50 DCE on it (Nobody has/can take/n Prizes)
They have a Pokemon with 53 DCE on it.

(20 + (10 * ((53 * 2) + (50 * 2) + 1))) * 2 = 4180

That's only 70 less than Sceptile!

Except you can only have 4 dce in a deck.
GHJamesGH said:
Yeah, i was thinking about that prize card thing after i posted it, but didn't feel like rethinking about it. So far, I'm winning the thread.

Except you can only have 4 dce in a deck.

I just realized that right before you posted.

Yes, by the way, you are. Congrats ;P I'll beat you later...
Infernape MD with 56 fire energys using mega bravo on a shaymin Lv X will do 4480. 56 energys come from 60 cards - infernape line plus one prize left. If you can use flippyer attacks then the same scenario but with the Platinum ones inferno attack with all heads = 8960.

I think I won...

Im 40 short of the gengar one ONLY if its sudden death so you dont need the unowns for the prizes.

You lose 3 D energys from the 3 unowns so you end up with [(30X58)+470+20)X2=4460
If im wrong please correct me

And the other one is only beaten by unlimited flip cards.
1-1 Electivire SW
58 Lightning Energy

Discharge on a Pokemon with x2 lightning weakness. Flip all heads.

5700 damage
Hmm.. how about...

1x Shaymin
1-1-1 Sceptile GE
56 Grass

56 * 2 = 112 energy on shaymin

so that makes 1120 damage, unless the pokemon is weak to grass x2.

That makes a total of 2240.

Not even close, but still enough to knock out any pokemon!
^ actually that would not work because shaymin says energy cards so thats alot less
I think there should be a rule against coin flips, because those are uncontrolable.

I fixed the problem with my decklist, because it would have been impossible for both players to take 5 prizes,when no pokemon on either side can be knocked out for it to work. Here's the updated list:

Gengar(SF) 1-1-1
Darkrai LV.X 1-1
Unown N 1
Unown O 1
Unown D 1
Weavile(SW) 1-1
Psychic Energy 1
Dark Energy 48
Expert Belt 1

Your Opponents:
Basic pokemon with x2 darkness weakness x1
Any T/S/S x59

The total is 4480, so me and infernape are tied.
GHJamesGH said:
I think there should be a rule against coin flips, because those are uncontrolable.

I fixed the problem with my decklist, because it would have been impossible for both players to take 5 prizes,when no pokemon on either side can be knocked out for it to work. Here's the updated list:

Gengar(SF) 1-1-1
Darkrai LV.X 1-1
Unown N 1
Unown O 1
Unown D 1
Weavile(SW) 1-1
Psychic Energy 1
Dark Energy 48
Expert Belt 1

Your Opponents:
Basic pokemon with x2 darkness weakness x1
Any T/S/S x59

The total is 4480, so me and infernape are tied.

You and Infernape aren't tied, because his needed all heads, it doesen't count.
I'll pass you yet!

Ha Got it!
All of my old stuff for mega bravo + the defending pokemon is burned and my opponent has a blaziken FB Lv X on their bench for a total of 4520!
Gengar cant use the blaziken cause it takes away from its opponents trainers :p

Im winning :)
The major problem with anyone using the Darkrai Lv.X+Weavile SW strategy is how in the world do you level up Darkrai and then rereat without losing any of your energy? =p
Porygon Z.0 said:
I'll pass you yet!

Ha Got it!
All of my old stuff for mega bravo + the defending pokemon is burned and my opponent has a blaziken FB Lv X on their bench for a total of 4520!
Gengar cant use the blaziken cause it takes away from its opponents trainers :p

Im winning :)

How did they get burned? This can't be automagical. ;P
jade89 said:
^ 1 moonlight:) easy as that

Well then that means one less card from everyone's build. =p Which could mean one less energy card which means less damage. Sooo....EVERYONE'S damage calculations have been incorrect. :p
Soul Seeker said:
2-on-2 match, your teammate used Luring Flame :p

Cute, I like that loophole exploitation. I'll be a little more specific: at the beginning of your damage calculation, you must specify 1v1, or 2v2.