Boredom: Most damage possable in the format

Soul Seeker said:
If it's 2-on-2 Gardevoir ex from SS would make the topcut :p

lol, by format I mean Modified.

And the max damage for Gardevoir ex (EX Sandstorm) in a 2v2 game is: 7870

Explanitation: You are attacking on the turn Boost Energy is attached, Opponent 2 has KO'd 1 of Gardevoir's Ralts. Opponent 2 has all energy's attached to his BENCHED Sceptile and has the [Somthing x2 weak to dark] active. You attack Opponent 2.

Gardevoir ex (EX Sandstorm) deck said:
Pokemon: 8
2 Ralts
1 Kirlia
1 Gardevoir ex (EX Sandstorm)
1 Sneasle
1 Weavile (Secret Wonders)
1 Darkrai
1 Darkrai Lv.X

T/S/St: 1
1 Moonlight Stadium

Energy: 51
4 Scramble Energy
4 Bounce Energy
4 Upper Energy
1 Boost Energy
29 Basic Darkness Energy
1 Basic Psychic
Partner's Deck said:
Pokemon: 3
1 Treeko
1 Grovyle
1 Sceptile (Great Encounters)

Energy: 57
1 Boost Energy
4 Scramble Energy
52 Basic Grass Energy

Opponent 1's Deck said:
Pokemon: 3
1 Treeko
1 Grovyle
1 Sceptile (Great Encounters)

Energy: 57
57 Basic Grass Energy
Opponent 2's Deck said:
Pokemon: 4
1 Treeko
1 Grovyle
1 Sceptile (Great Encounters)
1 [Somthing x2 weak to dark]

Energy: 56
56 Basic Grass Energy


Find me more damage in Unlimited
So I cant use the burnt thing but gengar lose 10 from the one energy needed to retreat darkrai (If theirs a moonlight then you lose damage from ethier their hand of trainers or one of your own energys) so in the end its 4480-4470 for infernape and I win for modifird. Har Har. :)

Still thought this is my favorite thread so far on beach. Keep them coming!