Braces!!! Anyone?


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Who has braces?

Well I do. I'm just wondering is it a pain to you?

Yesterday I just got the last piece of my braces.

Thanks for your responds!:D
I just got mine off, actually. They weren't too painful, I found,. You get used to them after a week or so. Good luck with your braces!
O got mine off 6 months ago. They aren't bad. Just the cost to have them sucks.
Wow some PokeBeach members did and still do have braces.

The braces do hurt for like a week. I can't wait to get them off.
I had them for two years. They hurt the first week after getting them tightened. It was a relief to get them off however.

dasmter out.
I've got them right now. Mine come off in 2-7 months lol. Hopefully soon, they're a pain in the rump. It's harder to play my trumpet, and my mouth feels funny and junk. My mouth bleeds and crap. Ahhh. I can't wait until they're gone.
ESP said:
I've got them right now. Mine come off in 2-7 months lol. Hopefully soon, they're a pain in the rump. It's harder to play my trumpet, and my mouth feels funny and junk. My mouth bleeds and crud. Ahhh. I can't wait until they're gone.

Yeah it was hard for me to play the trumpet for like a week. But thr=en when I got them off I couldn't play my trumpet anymore.:(
It is hard for me to eat right now. I have like four different things in my mouth. Yesterday, I got a piece called the Quad helix piece put into my mouth.
Ugh theyre a serious pain. Ive had them since I was 13 and im turning 17 in 2 months.
I hate them soo much.
I was skating and I tried doing a nollie bigspin(skate trick for all you non skaters haha :]) down 10 stairs and I landed on the one end of the board and it popped up, smacked me in the mouth, and broke my braces somehow haha I was bleeding everywhere.
And the second time I was being recorded for a skate montage for the company Im sponsored by and I tried doing a 360 5-0 down a handrail and I landed, slipped, broke my ankle and cracked my knee cap and the board popped up AGAIN and smacked my mouth breaking my braces AGAIN!
I hate them. Im getting them off in 5 days Im SOO HAPPY!
I have braces atm. I get mine off three days after my birthday (next month).

Since like, the week after I got them, I almost forgot practically that I had them in my mouth still.
It seems like everyone is happy to get their braces off in a month. I have 3-4 years with them.
Pandamore said:
They aren't that bad. I'm not supposed to eat alot of things but I eat that crapp anyways >.>

Same here. I eat everything I normally would.
I got braces about eight months ago and I always seem to break them everytime I get them refitted. Once on my first day of getting them refitted I broke them when eating chicken, I mean thats just a fail, chicken!
I've actually only broken one brace in two years of having them. It was only because I didn't see the orthodontist for two/three months, but I think that I actually took good care of them. On the other hand, I broke my first retainer two weeks after I got my braces off. x_x

dmaster out.
I got my braces off in January, after wearing them for two years. Now I wear retainers, which smell weird.