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Brian Ha's Thread! W: Lots of Staples

RE: Brian Ha's Trading Thread

Which ones are you looking for? I'm not trading Rosy's, but I do have ONE spare Call Energy, that is kinda, not really mint. It has playware. But nonetheless, IMO, Rare Candy worthy.
RE: Brian Ha's Trading Thread

EspeonROX said:
Which ones are you looking for? I'm not trading Rosy's, but I do have ONE spare Call Energy, that is kinda, not really mint. It has playware. But nonetheless, IMO, Rare Candy worthy.

No bends or creases?
RE: Brian Ha's Trading Thread

Nope. There are scratches and whiting, though. Not massive whiting, but still, whiting on the edges.
RE: Brian Ha's Trading Thread

EspeonROX said:
Nope. There are scratches and whiting, though. Not massive whiting, but still, whiting on the edges.

I'm sorry i can't accept that

PokeKid Brandon said:
Hey wondering if you had any Spirtomb [AR] Gengar Lv.X [AR] or Mr. Mime [MT] for trade.

Sorry I don't
RE: Brian Ha's Trading Thread

cml for machamp lv x

RE: Brian Ha's Trading Thread

Would you do

3x Expert Belt
1x Call Energy
1x Gallade G Lv X

2x Rare Candy
1x Magmortar Lv X

LMK, thanks
RE: Brian Ha's Trading Thread

Hm...very tempting deal. I would do it IF AND ONLY the Magmortar LV.X is mint, without any scratches or dents or whiting, and if you could toss in a Magmar MT. :p
RE: Brian Ha's Trading Thread

There are no dents nor whiting, though there are very minor scratches near his tail in which you kind of have to look for them to see it. LMK if you're still interested
RE: Brian Ha's Trading Thread

Are there scratches across the entire holofoil part? Or just a very small section?