• Please read THIS THREAD if you are a new trader/seller.

    Thank you!

Brian Ha's Thread! W: Lots of Staples

RE: Brian Ha's Trading Thread! W: DCE and Expert Belts

Hi, I have these trainers:

4 RH Pokegears
4 RH Bills
4 RH Pokeballs
4 Copy Cats
2 RH Pokemon Collectors(If im trading this, I would like to trade others also)

Also have Infernape 4 Lv X and Uxie Lv X for trade. Let me know which you are interested in thanks.
RE: Brian Ha's Trading Thread! W: DCE and Expert Belts

please CML for Regice LA and Typhlosion MT...i have 1x DCE from HGSS
RE: Brian Ha's Trading Thread! W: DCE and Expert Belts

Shawnlas said:
Hi, I have these trainers:

4 RH Pokegears
4 RH Bills
4 RH Pokeballs
4 Copy Cats
2 RH Pokemon Collectors(If im trading this, I would like to trade others also)

Also have Infernape 4 Lv X and Uxie Lv X for trade. Let me know which you are interested in thanks.

I'm guessing you're Alseato from Pokegym?

Ian. said:
please CML for Regice LA and Typhlosion MT...i have 1x DCE from HGSS

1x Regice (LA)
1x Typhlosion (MT)

1x Pokedex Handy
1x Bebe's Research

LMK, thanks

Duskbunny said:
you must have skipped me ;)

These are the prices of how much the cards are worth

3x DCE $10
1x Expert Belt $2
4x Prof Oak. New Theory $5
1x Fisherman $1.50
1x Poke Collector $1.50
1x Copcycat $1.50

1x Mime ex (even) $5
1x Mime ex (odd) $5
1x Zapdos ex (FRLG) $10
1x Moltres ex (FRLG) $10

This is how i price the cards, formulate a trade and LMK, thanks
RE: Brian Ha's Trading Thread! W: DCE and Expert Belts

1. Arcanine [RH]
2. Azunarill [RH]
3. Clefable [RH]
5. Hitmontop [RH]
6. Jumpluff [RH]
7. Ninetails [RH]
8. Noctowl [RH]
9. QUagsire [RH]
10. Raichu [RH]
11. Shuckle [RH]
12. SLowking [RH]
13. Wobbufet [RH]
14. Ampharos [RH] [R]
15. Ariados [RH]
16. Buterfree [RH]
17. Cleffa [RH]
18. Exeggutor [RH]
19. Farfetch'd [RH]
20. Feraligatr [RH]
21. Furret [RH]
22. Granbull [RH]
23. Hypno [RH]
24. Lapras [RH]
25. Ledian [RH]
26. Meganium [RH]
27. Persian [RH] [R]
28. Pichu [RH]
29. Sandslash [RH]
30. Smoochum [RH]
31. Sunflora [RH]
32. Typhlosion [RH]
33. Tyroughe [RH]
34. Weezing [RH]
36. Blissey [RH]
37. Corsola [RH]
38. croconaw [RH]
39. Delibird [RH]
41. Dunsparce [RH]
43. Heracross [RH]
44. Igglybuff [RH]
45. Mantine [RH]
46. Metapod [RH]
48. Parasect [RH]
49. QUiliva [RH]
51. Skiploom [RH]
52. Slowbro [RH]
53. Starmie [RH]
55. Unown [RH]
56. Wigglytuff [RH]
58. CHansey [RH]
59. Chikorita [RH]
62. Drowzee [RH]
63. Exeggcute [RH]
64. Girafarig [RH]
65. Growlithe [RH]
66. Hoothoot [RH]
68. Jigglypuff [RH]
69. Jynx [RH]
70. Koffig [RH]
71. Ledyba [RH]
72. Magikarp [RH]
73. Mareep [RH]
74. Marill [RH]
75. Meowth [RH]
76. Paras [RH]
77. Phanpy [RH]
78. Pikachu [RH]
79. Sandshrew [RH]
80. Sentret [RH]
82. Snubbull [RH]
83. Spinarak [RH]
84. Staryu [RH]
85. Sunkern [RH]
86. Totodile [RH]
87. Vulpix [RH]
88. Wooper [RH]
89. Bill [RH]
90. Copycat [RH]
91. Energy Switch [RH]
92. Fisherman [RH]
93. Full Heal [RH]
94. Moomoo milk [RH]
95. Poke Ball [RH]
96. Pokegear [RH]
97. Pokemon Collector [RH]
98. Pokemon Communication [RH]
99. Pokemon Reversal [RH]
100. Professor Elm's Training Method [RH]
101. Professor Oak's New Theory [RH]
102. Switch [RH]
103. Double Colorless Energy [RH]
104. Rainbow Energy [RH]
107. DOnphan Prime

Do you have any of these?
RE: Brian Ha's Trading Thread! W: DCE and Expert Belts

can i trade you 2x base set dce for 2 of each type of holo energy that you have?
RE: BrianHa Trading thread !!!

SotH said:
CML for your:
Flareon *
Jolteon EX
Suicune EX
Vaporeon Ex

Trade u your Magnezone X for my Luxray Gl X flygon X Gliscor X and Mewtwo X {ALL PACKS}

If u like PM me
RE: Brian Ha's Trading Thread! W: DCE and Expert Belts

Soariyant said:
can i trade you 2x base set dce for 2 of each type of holo energy that you have?

Sorry nope

PokeKid Brandon said:
1. Arcanine [RH]
2. Azunarill [RH]
3. Clefable [RH]
5. Hitmontop [RH]
6. Jumpluff [RH]
7. Ninetails [RH]
8. Noctowl [RH]
9. QUagsire [RH]
10. Raichu [RH]
11. Shuckle [RH]
12. SLowking [RH]
13. Wobbufet [RH]
14. Ampharos [RH] [R]
15. Ariados [RH]
16. Buterfree [RH]
17. Cleffa [RH]
18. Exeggutor [RH]
19. Farfetch'd [RH]
20. Feraligatr [RH]
21. Furret [RH]
22. Granbull [RH]
23. Hypno [RH]
24. Lapras [RH]
25. Ledian [RH]
26. Meganium [RH]
27. Persian [RH] [R]
28. Pichu [RH]
29. Sandslash [RH]
30. Smoochum [RH]
31. Sunflora [RH]
32. Typhlosion [RH]
33. Tyroughe [RH]
34. Weezing [RH]
36. Blissey [RH]
37. Corsola [RH]
38. croconaw [RH]
39. Delibird [RH]
41. Dunsparce [RH]
43. Heracross [RH]
44. Igglybuff [RH]
45. Mantine [RH]
46. Metapod [RH]
48. Parasect [RH]
49. QUiliva [RH]
51. Skiploom [RH]
52. Slowbro [RH]
53. Starmie [RH]
55. Unown [RH]
56. Wigglytuff [RH]
58. CHansey [RH]
59. Chikorita [RH]
62. Drowzee [RH]
63. Exeggcute [RH]
64. Girafarig [RH]
65. Growlithe [RH]
66. Hoothoot [RH]
68. Jigglypuff [RH]
69. Jynx [RH]
70. Koffig [RH]
71. Ledyba [RH]
72. Magikarp [RH]
73. Mareep [RH]
74. Marill [RH]
75. Meowth [RH]
76. Paras [RH]
77. Phanpy [RH]
78. Pikachu [RH]
79. Sandshrew [RH]
80. Sentret [RH]
82. Snubbull [RH]
83. Spinarak [RH]
84. Staryu [RH]
85. Sunkern [RH]
86. Totodile [RH]
87. Vulpix [RH]
88. Wooper [RH]
89. Bill [RH]
90. Copycat [RH]
91. Energy Switch [RH]
92. Fisherman [RH]
93. Full Heal [RH]
94. Moomoo milk [RH]
95. Poke Ball [RH]
96. Pokegear [RH]
97. Pokemon Collector [RH]
98. Pokemon Communication [RH]
99. Pokemon Reversal [RH]
100. Professor Elm's Training Method [RH]
101. Professor Oak's New Theory [RH]
102. Switch [RH]
103. Double Colorless Energy [RH]
104. Rainbow Energy [RH]
107. DOnphan Prime

Do you have any of these?

Sorry I don't have any of those

PokeBun111 said:
Trade u your Magnezone X for my Luxray Gl X flygon X Gliscor X and Mewtwo X {ALL PACKS}

If u like PM me

wow.... do i seem that gullible?
RE: Brian Ha's Trading Thread! W: DCE and Expert Belts

I have lots of expert belts. How many would it take to get Raikou *? CML for more cards.
RE: Brian Ha's Trading Thread! W: DCE and Expert Belts

Could you CML for Raichu Lvl X?
RE: Brian Ha's Trading Thread! W: DCE and Expert Belts

Angel117117 said:
I have lots of expert belts. How many would it take to get Raikou *? CML for more cards.

your trade thread doesn't seem to work

Grizzly said:
Could you CML for Raichu Lvl X?

sorry nothing of interest
RE: Brian Ha's Thread! H: Gyarados (SF) W: Pokemon Communication


sceptile GE
porygon Z G

10x matrix energy
RE: Brian Ha's Thread! H: Gyarados (SF) W: Pokemon Communication

hi there.
i have :
1x Shaymin #15 (PL)
1x Luxray (AR)
1x sunny shore stadium non holo

do u want trade all those with ur:
1 prime meganium
RE: Brian Ha's Thread! H: Gyarados (SF) W: Pokemon Communication

Soariyant said:

sceptile GE
porygon Z G

10x matrix energy

I can do it for 2x Matrix Energy

ash_satoshi said:
hi there.
i have :
1x Shaymin #15 (PL)
1x Luxray (AR)
1x sunny shore stadium non holo

do u want trade all those with ur:
1 prime meganium

Do you have any other of my wants?
RE: Brian Ha's Thread! H: Gyarados (SF) W: Pokemon Communication

ok how about:

sceptile GE
porygon Z G


the crappiest (yet still playable) rare candy that you have.