Bright Look

One Approved

Advanced Member
Well, I managed to acquire 2 of the newest Ninetales and 3 of the Amoonguss the other day, in addition to a RH Devolution Spray. I don't really know why, I think it's just because I didn't go to a prerelease, so I wanted to grab some new cards. Anyways, I think these two have some potential, but I don't think Ninetales should be the only attacker in the deck. It's too frail, and to get all 6 prize cards you'd basically have to play 4 Devolution Spray and then some Super Scoop Ups, so I was looking for some kind of backup attacker that could support these two. I was thinking about the Fire-type chandelure. 30 to 3 Pokémon for one energy would put some EXs into KOing range, and the 2nd attack automatically burns stuff and swings for 80 for only {R}{C}, which isn't too bad. On the downside however, it is a stage 2, so it would make for a rather clunky and inconsistant deck. I'm wondering if any of you guys had any other ideas. So yeah...

Discuss!...or something.
I think that could work actually. You might have to work on the speed though, I'd suggest you tech in a few Roserades, so you can search a lot more :)
Eh...I'm against the Roserade idea. I think draw Supporters should be good enough.

You want consistency, and I think that throwing in a Stage-2 line will make the deck immediately more clunky. That being said, stick with the Ninetales for now. When we get that one Stadium card that throws more damage onto Poisoned Pokemon, that'll be the trick. While you mention that Ninetales is frail, you are certainly right. But think again, as the only thing you really should be Devolution Spraying is Amoonguss. Any sort of damage Ninetales takes immediately puts it at risk of being KO'd when you Devolution Spray it, so I would advise Rescue Scarf to get the cards back, rather than use Super Scoop Up. Once you shut down your opponent's support, (they can only Super Rod so many times), with Bright Look, you should be in pretty good shape. This is a disruption deck, so make sure you run Tool Scrapper to get rid of any Rescue Scarves that any Eels or Garbodor could be carrying.

Your Garbodor match-up could be a tough one, (because you rely on Abilities quite a bit), so consider a Mewtwo EX tech for those pesky Garbodor.
Mew EX (to an extent, Mewtwo EX), Sigilyph, and maybe even Darkrai EX with the obvious Blend might be decent techs for the deck and gives the deck a little more beef in its attackers at least HP wise. It's worth trying it around with different things like that, but I honestly don't see the deck stacking up against all the Tier 1 threats and such. At least until the new Poison Stadium and maybe even Raticate comes out.

dmaster out.
well i will be running this deck but only mayb at battle roads but i will def have 4 max potion cuz our good friend ninetails only takes 1 fire nrg to attack so even if he has low damage on him, it can be removed with little trouble.
mrwillster said:
well i will be running this deck but only mayb at battle roads but i will def have 4 max potion cuz our good friend ninetails only takes 1 fire nrg to attack so even if he has low damage on him, it can be removed with little trouble.

Max potion wouldn't really help because it will be getting OHKOed because it only has 90 HP. As another attacker, you could use Cinccino or Zoroark from Black and white because you won't be able to get a special condition every turn.
@iisnumber12 you are exactly right, I've tested this deck and it is very difficult to get special conditions every turn. I would personally recommend mewtwo or cincinno
You'll need a high Pluspower count to score OHKO's on Garchomp, Empoleon, etc.
I don't think this will be viable until Virbank Gym comes out. Then you can rely on OHKOing Garchomp and Empoleon without Burn flips, and you can OHKO Hydreigon with a Plus Power. Then you can also use Raticate as your backup attacker.
raw19 said:
How about the new Dustox? Would that be a good or bad idea?

I tested the new Dustox and to be honest it just clutters up the deck. I thought it might be good but it's better to just focus on attacking with Ninetales. I agree however, that this deck isn't worth playing until Virbank Gym comes out. Then a lot of things will be in OHKO range.
I think that attacking to inflict a special condition isn't worth it. They're pretty easy to remove and it would be most efficient to just use a different attacker and let ninetales sit for a turn.
Sadly as fun as this deck is to play, Ninetales is just to fragile. And if you are thinking of BW-on you lose Junk Arm which makes it VERY hard to keep Devolution Spraying your Amoonguses. Overall I feel like this could be a very fun league deck but probably won't evolve into anything else.
It'll definitely see play, enough for people to play garbodor or espeon? Probably not. Mew ex is a decent way to one shot mewtwo ex, but will likely be return KO'd. Maybe some blend energy and sableye to keep the devolution sprays coming. As well as turn their tool scrapper (rescue scarf) into a wasted card
A couple of you have talked about a Raticate. Can somebody post what the card does, I'm not following that one at all. You guys don't mean the one that's already released that DOX wrote an article about, do you?
Pretty sure they're talking about this Raticate from Freeze Bolt. Here's the translation:

Raticate – Colorless – HP60
Stage 1 – Evolves from Rattata

[C] Gnaw Off. Discard a Pokemon Tool attached to the Defending Pokemon.
[C][C][C] Super Fang. Place damage counters on the Defending Pokemon until it has 10 HP left.

Weakness: Fighting (x2)
Resistance: none
Retreat: 1

The idea is to use Sporprise to poison your opponent's active Pokemon then use Super Fang so it's an auto KO on anything no matter how bulky. Personally I think it's not very good at all seeing as it's just another Pokemon that gets OHKO'd by just about anything as well as the fact that it needs 3 Energy for its attack.
Afro-G said:
Pretty sure they're talking about this Raticate from Freeze Bolt. Here's the translation:

Raticate – Colorless – HP60
Stage 1 – Evolves from Rattata

[C] Gnaw Off. Discard a Pokemon Tool attached to the Defending Pokemon.
[C][C][C] Super Fang. Place damage counters on the Defending Pokemon until it has 10 HP left.

Weakness: Fighting (x2)
Resistance: none
Retreat: 1

The idea is to use Sporprise to poison your opponent's active Pokemon then use Super Fang so it's an auto KO on anything no matter how bulky. Personally I think it's not very good at all seeing as it's just another Pokemon that gets OHKO'd by just about anything as well as the fact that it needs 3 Energy for its attack.

I would assume that too. It's a decent tech, since to stop raticate, you need an espeon, but to stop amoongus ninetales, you need garbodor. So the counter relies on your deck. If you don't use ability pokémon, use trash heap. If you do, use espeon.
CarlosDuranJr said:
I would assume that too. It's a decent tech, since to stop raticate, you need an espeon, but to stop amoongus ninetales, you need garbodor. So the counter relies on your deck. If you don't use ability pokémon, use trash heap. If you do, use espeon.

I'm sorry, but how does Espeon stop Raticate? I'm assuming you mean DEX Espeon, in which case Raticate's Super Fang isn't prevented by Espeon's ability. I say this because Espeon doesn't prevent the damage from Damagagriiigus, and Super Fang/Damagariiigus work off the same sort of....thing.
Deoxysmatter said:
I'm sorry, but how does Espeon stop Raticate? I'm assuming you mean DEX Espeon, in which case Raticate's Super Fang isn't prevented by Espeon's ability. I say this because Espeon doesn't prevent the damage from Damagagriiigus, and Super Fang/Damagariiigus work off the same sort of....thing.

Espeon (dex) prevents the effects of attacks. Placing damage counters is an effect. It doesn't block amoongus ninetales though since those effects are from abilities and not attacks.

As for damagagriigus, the damage counters would simply disappear. Since you can move the damage off your Pokémon, but if the target pokémon has energy attached to it and the opponent has espeon in play, it simply goes away.
So, then PLACING damage wouldn't be considered the same as taking damage? (I have not played against a deck that does this, local format is currently swarmed with Zeels and KlinkKlang) If Espeon can't be used against Damagriigus, it most definitely can not be used against Raticate.