Bring back take out


Hating durant since 11/16/11
I've noticed a trend lately. A lot of the top tier decks are built around basics; resharim, zekrom, tornadus, mew, ect. While stage 2 pokemon are mostly used for support; magnezone, typhlosion, reuniclus, ect. Why? Because so many strong basic pokemon are coming out with insanely high HP and good attacks. I mean, when mewtwo EX comes out it will have more HP than any stage 2 currently in the format. Resharim/Zekrom/Kyurem have as much HP as any average stage 2. And thats before you put evolite on it.

I propose a partial solution: Bring back take out. It doesn't have to be a machamp, and it doesn't even have to be a stage 2. Just something that kills a basic instantly. I'd play it. I always liked SF machamp.
I second! But it would have to be on a stage two... A stage one with take out would be.. Well it would be too good. I do agree we need it back thought. It'd help in the google deck match up, against Reshiphlosion, ZPTS, D & D... The only deck it wouldn't help against would be Gothitelle. So it would be very viable in this format.
I agree, though it needs to be on a stage 2, and have at least one more attack incase I'm not battling something with a basic as it's main attacker. *coughreshiphlosionandzpstfillmymetacough*
Yeah as much as I like the dragons, I have to admit that the meta's a bit messed up with the way Basics are attacking and Stage 2s are just chilling on the bench. Granted, I think it's leagues better than the SP engine was (sorry, I never have, and never will like the SP meta). However, with the new Rare Candy rule (which is probably still a good idea considering how it would affect Reshiplosion or Reshiboar) and pokemon Catcher, paired with the dragons, Stage 2 attackers have become pretty useless, especially given that most of them need a stage 2 tech.

I do like the idea of it being a conditional KO though. Otherwise evolution based decks would still get killed by catcher if said pokemon's "champ attack" had a low energy cost (and if it had a high energy cost, dragons could probably score a revenge KO before another "champ" was ready).
Shaymin Lv.X said:
Make it so it only works at 100+ HP basics.
OR else it only does 40 damage.

I agree with that... They should bring it back but changed to only affect the Higher HP basics like the Dragons... otherwise, the poor basics that need to evolve would all be donk bait just like when SF Machamp was around...
the aura is with me8 said:

What other attacker is in ZPST that is not a basic? And I don't think it's needed to change the text from the old attack. Any non-evolved pokemon should be taken out. That attack works fine as is.
Sleeping Snorlax said:
What other attacker is in ZPST that is not a basic? And I don't think it's needed to change the text from the old attack. Any non-evolved pokemon should be taken out. That attack works fine as is.

No that's not what I meant, I meant Take Out would be good because my meta is filled with basics.
I on the other hand think Take Out would be far too overcentralizing, even on a Stage 2. 1 card that single-handedly destroys more than half the meta? People are already complaining about how their is little variety, this would make it 10x worse. Maybe something like the inverse of Mandbuzz's Punishment, something with 40 damage that becomes 100 is the foe is a basic. That would be so much more balanced than a Take Out reprint.
Before I opened up this topic I honestly thought somebody was trolling. Then I realized they weren't.

The idea of Take Out against any Basic Pokemon with 100+ HP? That might not actually be a bad idea. It wipes out the basics that over-centralize the metagame, while at the same time leaving the decent or above-average basics not severely harmed.

In a metagame like this now where Basics are pretty much worshiped, I'd advocate some form of Take Out coming back.
I'm not sure how much I agree with Take Out coming back - Although the general idea behind punishing the Dragons for being so ridiculously overpowered sounds great. Maybe something like Mewtwo lv. X could come back - It wouldn't be as bad now, since we have Catcher to dead with it, but it's still a nuisance and a great counter to the most overpowered cards in the format. Basics with 170-180 HP should definitely not exist while there are stage 2's with half that.
A take out attack would be great. Most of those aren't used because of the dragons. Gengar, Blastiose, Seperior, and actually Donphan aren't played much because of good basics. Yes, Donphan isn't played as much because of Tornadus.
Bigbija brings up a very good point, though. It isn't just the dragons and the genies that are around (though those are going to be around a lot), but the big problem will be when EXs come about - and those guys will have as much as 180 HP. There needs to be some sort of response.

If there were an attack that said something like "If the Defending Pokemon has 100 or more remaining HP, that Pokemon is now Knocked Out" that would be pretty fun. Of course, there would need to be quite a drawback to that, such as large energy cost or it did very little damage otherwise (like 20 or less).

I'd love that.
100 or more remaining wouldn't work for Zekrom because after a Bol Strike it's at 90
Make Take Out use two energy or something. THough it is going to be hard because it sucks when you use Take Out on an EX and that's an auto two-prize for one cheap shot.
We need an attack on a Stage 1 that says, "[C][C] 40 damage. If the Defending Pokemon is named Reshiram, Zekrom, Tornadus, Thunderus, or (insert new EX Pokemon here) that Pokemon is now Knocked Out (instead of doing damage). You cannot take more than 1 prize card each time you use this attack."

If you gave it 90-100HP, it would easily be revenge killed and wouldn't be over-powered. All it would do is maintain a prize trade. It would also be useless outside of those matchups, whereas Take Out is much more broken. Foul Play doesn't work quite as well anymore because of Evolite, and Zoroark couldn't OHKO the genies, so it would basically be a stronger Foul Play that has no outside uses. This means players have to run it in larger copies and base their deck around it, not just tech it.

I know there's never been anything like this before (I believe Zangoose and Seviper GE countered each other and there's been a few other examples, but none playable), so it's wishful thinking. But I think it would be great for the metagame.
It would just be really hard to list every broken basic card in the format on one attack, plus when new ones come out it'd be even harder. There are really little solutions to this whole overpowered basics problem.
YES!!! THIS WOULD BE AMAZING!!! I was a heavy Machamp player back in the day, and it made the meta pretty balanced. But now the new meta is like SP without Machamp. Then again, it might be too broken, it could KO EXs for two easy prizes. I think it should be a stage two with _CC with the same effect as Take Out, but doesn't work on EXs.