Would you all really want this? Such direct hard counters is really bad for the game. Narrow cards like this are not build-around-me cards as you will lose to other decks, but you need enough of them to be able to beat the cards you want to hard counter. Good hard counters should be indirectly beating the opponent. Gothitelle and Gardevoir SW are good examples of this. Even if your opponent is taking more prizes than you, you're still actually beating them. Once the gothitelle and reuniclus come out, you've won the game basically regardless of your opponent's prize count. These types of cards make a fun subgame within the game. Take Out returning would make an unfun "well I guess I lose" situation when your opponent sets up a few dudes. You may lose just as much to take out as to gothitelle, but at least gothitelle let's you think you are playing a game. Take Out would make the game less fun and less skill based. "Attack each turn" isn't very skillful... that's why I dislike decks like ZPTS and Reshiram as well. Sometimes you want to do other things... but in a take-out based deck, you either attack with your kill-basic attack or attack with your other attack... not very skillful.
Just my two cents... I'm surprised in how many people I am disagreeing with... I thought there would be more machamp haters D: