Whoever told you that Buzzwole isn't good is bad. Landorus-EX was BDIF in the BCR-on format, until Archiestoise came around, and that matchup was still decent. Buzzwole has more HP, and better second attack, and a GX attack. The only negative thing about it is its psychic weakness, but what Psychic type is going to be doing 100 damage to this? Garb has nothing on a Pokemon that swings for 60+ for a single Energy since you don't need to dig to set up, Espeon can't OHKO you unless they have a Choice Band, and although that probably WILL be the case, you can simply not bench Buzzwole, and if you start it, then you just do your thing until you switch, or it dies. I'm thinking of how to run this deck myself, but I haven't came up with a concept yet. I will probably just play a similar variant to Landorus/ Garb that was popular when FUF was first printed. Although, we don't currently have a strong, one-prize attacker like Hawlucha
![Roll Eyes :rolleyes: :rolleyes:]()
. I highly doubt Silvally will be "the partner" that Buzzwole has the best synergy with, but I also think the same of Carbink. I suppose Trashalanche will be an OK one-prizer, since the deck already plays Garbotoxin, but IDK. Also, don't play psychic, play 4 Rainbow, and add a Shining Jirachi. I think it's better than Espeon-EX in here because you'd rather be doing damage the whole game, and with all of your 2-prize attackers(other than Garb), yielding 1 prize is a little bonus. Also being a Brigette target helps, especially if you want your opponent to know you have it. This means that they will have to play perfectly with no room for misplays, which means misplays will come more often when you're attacking them, since if they don't draw exactly what they need and the pressure gets to them, you can do exactly what they were trying to avoid- you taking prizes.