Normally, the Japanese sets that would become our November sets, are announced in this very site this month, so we'll see if we get a BW10 announcement before the end of this month.
If we get BW10, that means that Japan is not trying to sync up the game and TCG release. If not, then they are probably trying to sync up the game and TCG release.
If there is no BW10, it means that Japan would probably release XY1 in October, or November. In that case, we would release ours in November.
If there is BW10, then Japan will most likely release this in December. We NEVER release entire sets before Japan, and it has never happened. Maybe a few cards in a set, but never entire sets. If this happens, then here is the solution.
We release XY1 in January or February. Around 10% or 20% of the set will be packaged with the fall tins in 5 card preview packs. They will also be packaged in blister packs like Dragon Vault. BW10 would be released in November.
When we release a set, like DIamond and Pearl, or Black and White, a month away from their video game counterpart's release, Japan already has cards to import and translate. We are getting X and Y in October, and same with Japan, but by November, Japan hasn't released any X and Y TCG cards yet, so we don't have any cards to translate. They will probably have some starter decks, or some stuff like that, but that won't be enough cards to make a decent sized set, so the preview pack idea is the best idea, in case Japan decides to release BW10.