Call of Duty: Bulletproof Soldiers

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red blastoise said:
I don't get the diffrence between holo sight and red dot.
Anyone care to explain me?

The difference is theres a red dot on one and not on the other. :p LOL LOL LOL

Im sorry, I just say a huge oppening there.... lol

Uh, I was wondering that same thing....
red blastoise said:
I don't get the diffrence between holo sight and red dot.
Anyone care to explain me?

I think some guns get less or more recoil ( depending on which gun) for the holographic sight and the Red dot sight. I know that the recoil is reduced on the M16 when you have the Holo sight on it.
There is no difference except for the fact that the dot is bigger on holographic which some may prefer rather than the small dot. I personally prefer red-dot sight due to the fact it's easier to aim into gaps.
If find the Holographic sight is better for accuracy; red dot sight is ugly and smaller. Nothing major but when an EMP comes lets just say that you with your Holographic is going to have trouble, I mean EMP with Red-Dot sight is liveable; EMP with Holographic: unbearable.
Nice work on your lists, dragon9. Newbie here, just to let you know. Best assault rifle? ACR. Best used with attachments and and an ACOG scope. That's my opinion. As for red dot, it's a thousand times easier to get headshots with it than ACOG and holographic, from my experince. May I suggest a topic change?

Username: Salami of DP
System (PS3/XBOX360): Both
Online username: PS3 - Kydd_Fresco 360 - ill sticky icky
Call of Duty games owned: MW 1 and 2, World at War
How good do you think you are?: Ummm I don't know, but I do know I'm above average.
Favorite gun(s): Famas, UMP, EBR, M16, and Model
Highest Killstreak: 21
Which Prestige are you currently on? (If you have not prestiged yet, what rank are you?): I'm not prestige and I'm not planning to, but I am rank 66

I play on my PS3 a lot more than my 360. Just send me a friend request and I'm willing to play anyone 1v1.
Thank you Shadoworganoid, but all you need to do is click the report button. As for Salami of DP, he sent me an application through PMs so he's accepted. As for ::DF111::, I don't understand why he still hasn't sent me an application through PMs. It's pretty funny when people expect to join a clan without even reading the whole thread.

ShadowLugia, what topic do you want? Depending on what it is, we may change the topic for what you have in mind.
I think that the Scar-H is like the gun that i most use. It's fire rate isn't awesome but it's fairly decent. I like to use FMJ, Scavenger,Stopping power, Commando (of course!)

I hate the F2000. It is like the worst gun I think. I cannot get any kills with it. The first game I played with it I went 6-18. Compared to 23-7 with the Scar-H or the UMP45.
UMP45 is great it is amazing with the silencer. Pretty much if you don't have silencer you shoot all over the place. also the The iron sight is the best all the other sights are just useless.
M16 and Famas are like mini-me's the famas is the mini-me of the m16. M16 or Famas 2 shots OMG you are DEAD! haha!

And mabye for the matches we could give the scroes to you and compare them to tell who is better.
What is your Highest K/D ratio in a match and overall.

I went on Domination, 70-4, Got nuke eventually, I got so close twice, but 3rd times the charm.

my K/D is 1.10, it is pretty bad because I like to quick scope and sometimes it isn't so successful lol.

The best gun IMO is the M4A1 or the UMP45. M4A1 provides almost zero recoil and has a decent damage output. Its got a pretty decent range, which I like.

However, I use the UMP45 slightly more since I like to get up close and personal with my opponent. I think we can all agree that the UMP is the best gun close range. That paired with rapid fire, stopping power and commando makes it the perfect gun for me most of the time.
Lenny said:
ShadowLugia, what topic do you want? Depending on what it is, we may change the topic for what you have in mind.

Favorite weapon in general, or favorite equipment, what set you're using currently, something along those lines. I just thought the assault rifle description was getting a tad stale, and turning into a "which sight is better" argument. It's up to the group.
Personally, I feel that discution should be left open to us members. Free to discuss things as they come.

People like myself are not very far in the game so we have yet to experience some of the better weapons. Therefore its hard for us to make a solid arguement.
THe differnece between the holo and the RDS is that the holo sight zooms in farther and the dot is bigger with more acuracy. The RDS is normal zoom with more accuracy added than the holo sight.
Well alright, I guess I can change it. I'm not going to be very strict with this, so...


As of right now, I am using:

FAMAS w/ Red Sot Sight + FMJ
AA-12 w/ GRIP
Flash Grenades
Bling Pro
Stopping Power Pro
Ninja Pro / Commando Pro

Not that great, but it's what I like to use right now. Trying to master the FAMAS because I am in love with it. ;f
Based on what I have availible to me;

RPD w/ Red dot sight + Grip
Stinger - for killing arial vehicles.
Stun Grenades
Bling Pro
Stopping Power Pro
Steady Aim
(drop live grenade thing)

Its pretty cool. Why bother having another secondary weapon for normal kills when your primary will do just fine? With rockets, I can kill those annoying Hariers and Choppers.
ALL MEMBERS: Tell me when you are busy and when you are not so I can set up a time for BOTH systems. I will also add peoples' online usernames to the front page so you know who everyone is during our big match.

I also need a volunteer from the XBOX community to record the scores for me very quickly. You should have a paper (or word document) with everybody and their Kill/Assist/Death. I know it may be a lot to do, but I need someone to do it for me. I was first gonna do score, but I'd rather know all the exact and specific things so I know everyone is where they should be.

Also understand that I understand that people have good games and bad games. Just because you do really bad one game doesn't mean you suck or are being demoted or something like that. Although, those that said you are really good, I expect good results and you will be demoted if the playing is horrific.
Well, here are my two most used setups:

ACR @ Red Dot Sight
Spas-12 @ Grip
Stun Grenades
Scavenger Pro
Stopping Power Pro
Commando / Steady Aim Pro

This is my "do everything" class. It works on pretty much any gametype, on any map.

UMP 45 @ Silencer
M1014 @ Red Dot Sight (working on the grip)
Stun Grenades
Marathon Pro
Lightweight Pro
Commando Pro
Final Stand / Painkiller / Martyrdom

This is a bit of a hybrid between a rush class and a tactical class. I plan to test the class with Painkiller and Martyrdom soon, so remember that I haven't used those deathstreaks yet.

Oh, I also had a question. Do you guys know how to get more custom class space? Does it have to do with prestige or anything?
^ Don't worry about a death streak. That is the least of your worries in that class. Plus if your good enough you should never get a death streak :p.

Best gun IMO:

Ump 45 @ Silencer, rapid fire
Spas 12 @ Grip, Silencer

Bling pro
Stopping power pro
Commando pro/ Steady aim pro

Idea of this class is to rush in and dominate close range kills. That is my playstyle most of the time. Although I do like a bit of quickscoping action. That is why I would use commando, due to the nature of this class. No marathon as after I get to the destination I will never sprint making it a wasted perk. Plus rapid fire just out speeds any other gun.

Also I would recommend that you use Stopping power in every class. It just helps a lot.
This probably isn't the best set, but I've always liked it in one-one-one play. (Based on what's available)

Barret .50 Cal - Thermal Sight
PP-2000 - Super-fast, good ROF.
Semtex - Sticky!
Stun Grenades - I'm pretty accurate with these.
Scavenger Pro - No shortage of supplies.
Hardline Pro - Better stuff faster.
Steady Aim - Trying to upgrade.
Painkilller - What's available.

Sniper. What can I say? :p
Also, does anyone here use PS3, actually? I would like to know.
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