Canadian Nationals Thread! (Toronto Ontario)


Aspiring Trainer
The Canadian National Championships will take place on July 3rd-4th (3rd being swiss rounds and 4th being top cut)

The Canadian National Championships will be held at the DoubleTree International Airport Hotel and Conference Centre in Toronto, Ontario.

Saturday, July 2nd through Sunday, July 3rd, 2011.

Events at the DoubleTree International Conference Centre will begin on Saturday, July 2nd at 11:00 A.M. with league play going all day in addition to the Canadian National Championships.

The address of the DoubleTree Conference Centre is:
655 Dixon Rd., Toronto Missisauga, ON

The Canadian National Championships will now take place on two consecutive days, with each day’s activities outlined below.

Saturday, July 2nd:
• Onsite registration for all players will take place 8:30 A.M.–10:30 A.M. inside of International Room A. Tournament play will begin at 11:00 A.M.
o Unregistered players not in line for final registration by 10:15 A.M. may not be entered into the tournament.
• We will complete the total Swiss rounds on Saturday, based on total attendance

Sunday, July 3rd:
• Single elimination rounds (Top 8 and/or 16) for all age groups
o Players must be checked in and ready to play by 8:30 A.M., or they will forfeit their first game. Players not in their seats by 8:45 A.M. will forfeit their second game, and thereby, the match
• Results of all rounds of the Canadian National Championships will count toward players’ Premier Ratings.

Prizes are awarded to the top 32 players in each age division.

Players Attending
Ninja Pikachu

Maybe Attending

Ugly Cup Details:
You have to be a citizen of Canada to go to Canadian Nats.

I may be coming. I haven't decided yet.
Meh, I know Canadians who play the US circuit, they don't exactly have strict checks in place.
OMG Absol+Gallade is attending. Are you guys gonna be at the hotel to playtest? Im not staying at the hotel cause my mom wont let me. But I will be going to the hotel for last minute playtesting.

I will be there with another master and 3 juniors. I would love to test a deck with you. We will be staying over Fri and Sat night
Yep, I'll be getting to the hotel sometime late Thursday and will be playtesting for the rest of the day and all Friday lol. How many people usually show up at Nats in Seniors anyway?

I think there was around 60 last year. Parmcat I will be there Friday to playtest. Thursday Cam T and I are meeting at a league to test. Absol+Gallade what will you be wearing so we can find you?
If you count playtesting then yes. Otherwise you are not allowed to play in the actual tournament unless you are a resident of Canada.
I'm not sure what I'm going to wear exactly, but I know I'll be wearing a golden-ish dragon necklace and be one of the (I assume?) few girls there lol :p

I'll be a challenge in the "Masters Division" at Nationals!
I came in second in a Battle Road. Should have been first as I was 4/0 until I lost to Sable Lock in the finals:(
I have changed and updated my deck. Testing alot and I will WIN!!!!:)...... LOL
Kittymew - Im quoting that in my bio and leaving it there forever. lol

Superior/Rhyperior - Do you know how we may be able to find you?
123wert50 said:
W8, you do?

P99, how will u be going then?
I live in Canada. :p

I may come for seniors. If I do, I'll be wearing my Dragonite Nats T-Shirt, and a Canada hoodie.
I might go... I pretty sure your allowed to play if you are not a resident, but just do not receive prizes, still points though
EDIT: nevermind, i cant, "Players who are found in violation of the rules of eligibility are subject to suspension from Pokémon Organized Play and loss of prizes, including, but not limited to, invitations and Travel Awards."