Canadian Nationals Thread! (Toronto Ontario)

I'm interested sure, PM me if you want I can send you guys my number as well. But as I stated, I will only be there early in the morning.

What will most of you guys be wearing there? Or what do you look like so we can all find each other :p

I'll be sporting My Sonic hat, shoes, and other various forms of apparel at the event so I wont be hard to notice. I also have spiked hair in a faux hawk if I don't end up wearing the Sonic hat.
Not sure what im going to wear. Im spanish though so that knocks out a ton of people. (I look mexican :D)
Jav, you should add my thread for the ugly cup(just a popy paste from gym) to the front page:

The guys from London are here. We are heading for dinner, and then down stairs after (around 7:30 or so), to do do testing/trading...

I have a Blackberry hat on
A final good luck to everyone tomorrow and happy playtesting! Keep us updated on whats doing well and if there are any weird things doing well
Yeah guys, good luck. Let's have a beacher take home the prize!

Good luck, happy trading/testing!
Oh yeah special shout out to my bros Jav and The Lesages. Jav and Jacob in T2 and Zach winning masters. I called it now
I was there playing last night with my son. If it was any indication, today will be a long day!
Wait... I don't know if this was completely covered, but can Americans compete at Canadian Nationals? Traveling is fairly easy for me and I'd love to take the opportunity next year!
No, I would have gone this year if i could play. Only Candian residents(dont need to be citizens) can compete
So... If I bought a house in Canada, then everything would be good to go then?
How would they know you haven't been living there for xX amount of time? Lol

they need to make these rules more clear
Well, to play you must be a Canadian Resident:

Adjective: Living somewhere on a long-term basis.

How long, is a "long term basis"?
You can only be a resident of one place, so they will know you are a long term resident of the US.(Also why would you buy a house in canada?)