Canadian Nationals Thread! (Toronto Ontario)

piplup234 said:
I might go... I pretty sure your allowed to play if you are not a resident, but just do not receive prizes, still points though
EDIT: nevermind, i cant, "Players who are found in violation of the rules of eligibility are subject to suspension from Pokémon Organized Play and loss of prizes, including, but not limited to, invitations and Travel Awards."

Wow. You actually would want to go.

Good luck to all of you going! And be thankful you don't need to wait a whole week before going. :L
Yea, I woulda gone for points. My grandmother lives in MI about 4hrs away from Toranto so...
My friend Tyler is still coming to watch. You should come to meet some of the locals and pros here.

Thanks alot :)
Its like the Nats tourney but you play a 40 card deck and theres a ban list of cards you cant use. Every round during Nationals the losers vote which cards they want banned for the Ugly cup. The top two get banned and it goes on for each round. Its really cool. Winner wins a trip to worlds.
OJ thanks bro! Gonna see if my dad will take me for the paid trip! More probable now at least though
Yeah, I just saw that you must have the same eligibility requirements as the main event =/ Guess I wont be going sorry Jav
Seniors its both.
Then we have the new players or people who hate meta (mainly new players) who play random decks.
Masters is mostly meta decks in the TO area - Donchamp, Tyranitar, and Magneboar seem to be big here. I guess we can call Tyranitar rogue, but the builds I'm seeing are just poorly thought out and unoriginal. Maybe they're just covering up their actual nats decks behind Ttar?

Expect a LOT of donphan.
I will be there with my son on Friday night, and would love to test. I hope they will have a place set up to test.

Is there a way to trade some cell numbers to text when we get there?

I will trade numbers with anyone via PM, if interested
