Cards which hyped up many people but in the end....=.=


Aspiring Trainer
So i was wondering which cards do you think was overrated before the card came out in english, but turned out to be a white elephant. OR a card which everybody thought was useless but ended up being a nice metagame. OR a card which people were hyped up about and still created a decent deck.

My thoughts:

Overrated: Tangrowth lv x, feraligatr prime, amphy prime, blissey prime, salamance lv x, staraptor fb lv x, gallade e4 lv x, upper energy


Normal: FLygon lv x, jumpluff, dce,toxicroak g promo

Thats all I can think of for now. Any other thoughts?
Salamence and Absol were very hyped. Also Tangrowth, Arceus Omniscient, and maybe Rayquaza C Lv.X?
As for overlooked how about Entei Raikou Legend?
I think there is a thread similar to this that someone posted a while ago, I'll see if I can find it.
Blastoise from Platinum was hyped beyond reason, some people considered it BDIF with Delcatty. It didn't really do that much, to be honest.

Toxitank was pretty hyped back in my day, I even played it because of the hype and it turned out alright, netting me 2nd place at the 2009 Florida state championships, losing to GeChamp in the finals.

For those of you who've been playing for about forever, you'll also remember the hype over Claydol EX, Power Keepers. Someone made a trade thread asking for a ton of them, he created an intentional hype over the card and was used as a "secret" tech by a lot of people. It turned out to be quit stupid, actually.

Crobat Prime also got a lot of hype. I even gave it a little bit of hype, looking back I realize the critical flaw in my thinking, but at the time it didn't seem such a bad card (which it is, for anyone who might ask).

Edit 2:
Luxape, which won the 2009 nationals in Masters division, was at one point considered over-hyped. It later became the most-played deck at the 2009 nationals.
Rampardos was hyped for States 09 but nobody saw Dialga G coming to wreck it.

dmaster out.
I think Tyranitar Prime was plenty overhyped. Sure, there are effective tyranitar decks out there, but they're based on the SF one.
I feel that Blaziken FB Lv.X was way too overhyped. It did well in Japan, and therefore everybody figured it must be the BCIF, when in actuality it doesn't stick around long enough to do anything. Salamence Lv.X was rather overhyped as well.

As far as the best underdog card becoming BDIF that goes to Regigigas at States two years ago. Everybody felt that with Machamp, the deck would be trash, but after the first two states, everybody concluded that Regigigas was the best deck, and then it became the most overplayed deck I've ever seen.
amisheskimoninja said:
I think Tyranitar Prime was plenty overhyped. Sure, there are effective tyranitar decks out there, but they're based on the SF one.

I think you may have the prime and SF ones mixed up. Alot of people did very well at nats with T-tar prime including steven silvestro
Pretty much the entire Platinum set, Rampardos, Blastoise, Delcatty, Ampharos, Shaymin Lv X, and maybe Giratina Lv. X.
PokeChamp said:
Crobat Prime also got a lot of hype. I even gave it a little bit of hype, looking back I realize the critical flaw in my thinking, but at the time it didn't seem such a bad card (which it is, for anyone who might ask).

I beg to differ. If Crobat prime is used right with the right partner(s) it can be great. I speak from personal experience.
CyndaquilMaster said:
Pretty much the entire Platinum set, Rampardos, Blastoise, Delcatty, Ampharos, Shaymin Lv X, and maybe Giratina Lv. X.

Bar Blastoise all of those are good or were good at one time.
Overhyped: Flygon RR (The Japanese version was translated as being invincible if you discard an opponent's tool or stadium, unlike the English card), Blastoise UL (Getting that, Feraligatr Prime, and a bunch of Water Energy just doesn't happen in a timely manner)
I bet Shuppet was one card no one paid much attention to. :D

Flygon X is the only card I can recall being hyped so much that players in my area were buying the jp card and running it in decks. Other than that card everything else was just talk. Which is why I don't look at future sets anymore.
Kingdra Prime was overrated. So was Steelix Prime.

I think I recall that Claydol was underrated. Most of the cards from Luxchomp were underrated as well.

I think Scizor Prime is overrated and will just be an okay card. Donphan Prime was the same way.
Meaty said:
I beg to differ. If Crobat prime is used right with the right partner(s) it can be great. I speak from personal experience.
CyndaquilMaster said:
Pretty much the entire Platinum set, Rampardos, Blastoise, Delcatty, Ampharos, Shaymin Lv X, and maybe Giratina Lv. X.

Bar Blastoise all of those are good or were good at one time.
Giratina maybe with the G-Dos counter, but I don't remember the others ever being good.
amisheskimoninja said:
I think Tyranitar Prime was plenty overhyped. Sure, there are effective tyranitar decks out there, but they're based on the SF one.

I think T-tar Prime has way too much potential, I would consider it underhyped, it just wasn't played.
Drapion LvX. So many people said that it would be a huge impact to the meta and that all the "good" players would use it.
Guess what happened to it?
Upper did see play. It was hyped because it was the best one of the better Energy Cards at the time (if I'm right).

I think Arceus Lv.X was also hyped for a little bit. But then it quickly lost it.
So many cards that people hyped but didn't become huge are considered horrible, but it's not true. A lot of previously hyped cards still ahve huge potential. Just because a card was hyped and didn't become BDIF doesn't mean it's horrible and overhyped.
Also another underrated is giratina (let loose), ambipom g
overrated: judge
