Chandyplume consistency


Ehh I want my B&W back!
I'm running Chandyplume, and I need some way of ensuring t2/3 Vileplumes to fight fast decks like ZPST and Six Corners.

Also, are matchups against Magnezone unfavourable, even or fav?
I've been playing ChandyPlume for a bit now, and the best way to get out evolutions quickly in general tends to be with Rare Candy after a Pokémon Communication. What are your trainer lines? Not using enough consistency supporters such as Sage's Training or PONT is a problem. If you can afford it, Tropical Beach is also good.

Matchups actually depend a lot on Lampents's Luring Light. Using Luring Light to bring up Eeletrik will give you at least one turn to spread, because unless they use DCE (don't worry nobody does) there is no way to retreat under trainer lock. Then you can proceed to knockout Tynamos to prevent energy acceleration (also go for the free retreat one first- less HP, and free retreat), and then their Eeletrik, and then just keep spreading. Take advantage of Jirachi too.. get a Magnezone at 80, and then retreat and make Magnezone go back to their hand, leaving Magneton to be knocked out.
Just be aware that they can retreat Eelektrik with a Shaymin tech. The Magnezone Eels match up should be ok, just try to set up Vileplume ASAP. As for getting a consistent T2 Vileplume, just try play heavy lines of Cheren and Sage's Training, I'm assuming you are already playing max out Rare Candy, some Communication, and that you at least aware of Tropical Beach. If you are worrying about speed decks such as 6 Corners and ZPST, a Blissey Prime tech should very useful, since neither of those decks can score the OHKO on your Chandelure.
How many EelZones have you seen use Shaymin?

Also, Blissey Prime should already be played.

4x Pokémon Collector
4x Sage's Training
3-4x Twins
3x N
3-4x Pokémon Communication
4x Rare Candy
1x Tropical Beach
1x PONT/Cheren

That is a good T/S/S line for setting up quickly.

You can make any edits that you want to. If you can, use 3 Tropical Beach.
Vulpix Yolk said:
Just be aware that they can retreat Eelektrik with a Shaymin tech. The Magnezone Eels match up should be ok, just try to set up Vileplume ASAP. As for getting a consistent T2 Vileplume, just try play heavy lines of Cheren and Sage's Training, I'm assuming you are already playing max out Rare Candy, some Communication, and that you at least aware of Tropical Beach. If you are worrying about speed decks such as 6 Corners and ZPST, a Blissey Prime tech should very useful, since neither of those decks can score the OHKO on your Chandelure.

The bigger problem is that they kill all my Oddishes.

Glaceon said:
How many EelZones have you seen use Shaymin?

Also, Blissey Prime should already be played.

4x Pokémon Collector
4x Sage's Training
3-4x Twins
3x N
3-4x Pokémon Communication
4x Rare Candy
1x Tropical Beach
1x PONT/Cheren

That is a good T/S/S line for setting up quickly.

You can make any edits that you want to. If you can, use 3 Tropical Beach.

I'm proxying for now anyway, so I could use 10 Tropical Beaches if it were legal :p
I'm using Blissey Prime already, so I have 2 Seeker in deck. Prob is they're rather useless except for scooping Blissey.
Need Flower Shop Lady?

petertclo said:
The bigger problem is that they kill all my Oddishes.
I have made Oddish mistakes before. You should have to have a bench of 2 Litwick (or one active), 1-2 Doduo and 2 Oddish after a Playground, Call for Family or Collector (though it is hard, 2 Litwick and 2 Oddish are mandatory). This way if they ko one Oddish, you can evolve the other. If you bench single Oddishes, they will be Catcher-ko'd. Never bench single Oddishes. To ensure you have the Vileplume you need a really good trainer line, and that's just about it.

Instead of Flower Shop Lady, I prefer Rescue Energy. Since you use Blissey, once you can no longer use Blissey, just attach a Rescue. If you use Rescue Energy, be sure to be setting up Lampents, and benching Litwicks early on.
Glaceon said:
I have made Oddish mistakes before. You should have to have a bench of 2 Litwick (or one active), 1-2 Doduo and 2 Oddish after a Playground, Call for Family or Collector (though it is hard, 2 Litwick and 2 Oddish are mandatory). This way if they ko one Oddish, you can evolve the other. If you bench single Oddishes, they will be Catcher-ko'd. Never bench single Oddishes. To ensure you have the Vileplume you need a really good trainer line, and that's just about it.

Instead of Flower Shop Lady, I prefer Rescue Energy. Since you use Blissey, once you can no longer use Blissey, just attach a Rescue. If you use Rescue Energy, be sure to be setting up Lampents, and benching Litwicks early on.

I guess I'll have to find ways to bump up from 3 candy/3 comm to 4 of each...
3-1-2 or 3-2-2 Vileplume?
I see some people use ~10 energy, but since I was running out of space i went with 4 Psychic and 3 Rescue.
Glaceon said:
Instead of Flower Shop Lady, I prefer Rescue Energy. Since you use Blissey, once you can no longer use Blissey, just attach a Rescue. If you use Rescue Energy, be sure to be setting up Lampents, and benching Litwicks early on.

I've found Seeker to actually work quite well in this kind of a situation. When no longer able to use Blissey since you evolved it, Seeker picks it up and assuming you bench Chansey that turn, you have another Blissey up for next turn. Seeker also helps to free up your bench when you have a Cleffa/Pichu/Tyrogue on your bench or that extra Oddish you didn't evolve.
Seeker is ok in this deck, and I never said it was bad. However if you just rely on Blissey how will you get Chandelures back against EelZone? Blissey won't do very much good when Magnezone is attacking.
^Which is why you use Rescue Energy and Blissey.

Honestly, a 3-1-2 Vileplume with 3 Candy, 3 PETM, and 3-4 Comm works just fine. If you're having trouble with Oddish being sniped, then just play 2-3 down T1 with Playground (or use Promo Litwick's Call for Family to grab an extra one combined with Collector).
PETM? No, there are better ways. Use 4 Candy and 4 Communication. 1 or 2 PETM at best. PETM uses your Supporter for the turn, and already ChandyPlume needs every Sage is can get for a fast set up.

For Blissey, that's what I said.
Well, you don't have to use 3 PETM, but 1-2 PETM is necessary. It's not just for Vileplume, either; Chandelure benefits too. I don't use any Sage's at all, but I get along fine. I find N and Twins better than Sage's in Item lock decks. That may just be me.
Glaceon already mentioned it but if you're not playing two oddishs down at a time, you're going just to get catchered and ko'd and the lock will never get up. Its really the most important thing. You should also be running 4 twins, they're the best at getting your evolutions out. I do prefer Cheren over Sage's but its really a matter of preference. I just feel I burn too many resources with Sage's.
^Yeah, I use Cheren over Sage's. I might use Sage's in the future, but the cards I draw from Sage's are so horrid that I've put it down for a while. I prefer the raw draw power, but that's just me. I only run 3 Twins, but everybody is different. Space gets really tight, so you have to risk cutting stuff down to fit other things.
If I don't have any Tropical Beaches and I don't have any option to buy them, what Supporters and Items would be the best for this deck?
^If I didn't have any Tropical Beach (which I don't), I would go for a maxed out Cheren and Sage's Training line (or just hope your opponents are playing them XP). Unfortunately, this deck does not tend to run as well without Tropical Beach, so I recommend you try to trade around for it. A huge draw Supporter line works, but because Chandelure does not attack very often, Tropical Beach is close to a necessity.
Really? One of my friends who runs ChandyPlume doesn't even run PETM in his version. Pokemon Communication, Professor Juniper, and Tropical Beach are usually better alternatives.
Chief Zavala said:
PETM is a godsend in the deck. helps to speed it up like no other. guarantee its great
Tyler N (currently ranked first in North America Masters) ran Chandelure/Vileplume for almost all of the Cities he went to. He didn't use PETM. It's a pretty horrible card in general, since it's so dead in an opening hand.
Yes, and Chandelure/Vileplume is already prone to bad hands, where Pokémon Communication would be useful, and in most cases PETM wouldn't.