ORAS Changes to the Hoenn Region's Design

Bolt the Cat said:
Leaf_Ranger said:
I just hope they don't make those a Battle Zone. The Frontier is enough for battling. All I want is something like Nature Preserve but with villages and more background on some Pokémon namely the Regis (Gigas included), definitely Lati@s, Deoxys and Jirachi (these last two could be developed upon in Mossdeep) or some kind of Orangue League where we win the badges in contests like the Pokéthlon (but including regular battle as one of the phases for each).

Um... what? The Battle Zone refers to the post game island area in Sinnoh. I was just saying that Hoenn could use a similar area, with the Battle Frontier being surrounded by a bunch of other post game areas. Not sure what you mean by a new Nature Preserve area, do you mean a similar kind of environment or a bonus area for completing the Pokedex?

And I don't think we're ever getting post game badges or anything.

Yes, I know that but the Battle Zone was way too focused on battling and felt empty on other content, not to speak that it was explained as a different area but not Sinnoh. The entry point was just a zone filled with containers and the Frontier, the Resort just had the Ribbon Syndicate and villa and the other area just the battling area and one or two people speaking about Heatran.
What I mean with the Nature Preserve is both: I do support the idea for post-game areas and again using those shown but unknown islands would be a good idea but with more information, less battling stuff, story and history and more Pokémon as a bonus, instead of expanding the Safari Zone like they did in Emerald.

Well, dreaming still doesn't pay taxes.
Changes to Hoenn Hmmm? I'd like to hear about Steven having his own champion theme! The Hoenn champion theme was used for Steven, and then for Wallace. Steven becomes a secret champion, or a super trainer hidden somewhere in the region, Wallace takes his place in the Pokemon league.
I don't think the water areas should be changed, but it's important that the surfing speed stay as fast as in RSE or faster. Those games had fast surfing because they needed it with all that water. Another thing that I think will really help is being able to move diagonally on the water like in X & Y or even more fluidly. Basically allowing more than four directions. I thought the improvement was great in X & Y and in Hoenn there is a lot of application for speed and maneuverability on the water.
Leaf_Ranger said:
Bolt the Cat said:
Um... what? The Battle Zone refers to the post game island area in Sinnoh. I was just saying that Hoenn could use a similar area, with the Battle Frontier being surrounded by a bunch of other post game areas. Not sure what you mean by a new Nature Preserve area, do you mean a similar kind of environment or a bonus area for completing the Pokedex?

And I don't think we're ever getting post game badges or anything.

Yes, I know that but the Battle Zone was way too focused on battling and felt empty on other content, not to speak that it was explained as a different area but not Sinnoh. The entry point was just a zone filled with containers and the Frontier, the Resort just had the Ribbon Syndicate and villa and the other area just the battling area and one or two people speaking about Heatran.
What I mean with the Nature Preserve is both: I do support the idea for post-game areas and again using those shown but unknown islands would be a good idea but with more information, less battling stuff, story and history and more Pokémon as a bonus, instead of expanding the Safari Zone like they did in Emerald.

Well, dreaming still doesn't pay taxes.

Well, I think they'll probably keep both the Safari Zone expansion (which personally, I think is going to be revamped into a Friend Safari type place) and the new areas. Between those two areas, Swarms, and maybe Poke Radar if they need it, there's going to be plenty of room for the 200-300ish post game Pokemon they're going to need to include in the game. Aside from that, I think fleshing them out with story and post game features is pretty much the only way to go.

Meaty said:
I don't think the water areas should be changed, but it's important that the surfing speed stay as fast as in RSE or faster. Those games had fast surfing because they needed it with all that water. Another thing that I think will really help is being able to move diagonally on the water like in X & Y or even more fluidly. Basically allowing more than four directions. I thought the improvement was great in X & Y and in Hoenn there is a lot of application for speed and maneuverability on the water.

Oh yes, grid free movement will definitely help with Surf speed. IDK that it needs to be sped up though, I think XY's Surf speed was fairly reasonable. I wouldn't be opposed to it, though.
[split] Changes to the Hoenn Pokédex?

I'm hoping for there to be more islands in the ocean so it isn't so empty. By the way do we officially know if this is a remake or a sequel.
RE: [split] Changes to the Hoenn Pokédex?

TrainerLoganPoke said:
I'm hoping for there to be more islands in the ocean so it isn't so empty. By the way do we officially know if this is a remake or a sequel.

Both Pokemon.com and Nintendo describe the game as a "full remake". So yeah, it's a remake, not a sequel.
Btw, expand the evil teams' plot by making them appear right in Oldale Town, like in the anime, adding some ruins to the East of it. Also, while not a change in design for the region, make Team Aqua's base bigger with rooms and beds (I understand not seeing this in Magma's hideout since they're supposed to be always on the move between caves) and add an aquarium in Archie's room, like the one I've suggested for Slateport's museum.
And I thought the grunt showing up in Petalburg woods was so early and random already O_O
98Greener said:
Hoenn is a pretty big region, I'm expecting gates everywhere.

I hate gates and was very pleased that Hoenn didn't had them but I'm guessing that they'll be used in the remakes. :(
Seven is a Color said:
I never understood why some regions felt it was necessary to put a gate before almost every single area.

I've thought of that too and the only explanation I can come up with is technical issues and capacity (the newer Castlevania games also use an empty corridor area to connect areas). The gates serve to load up something (the city or whatever) so bigger ones are expected to have those. That said, I'm still wondering how come the Hoenn games don't have none, except for the ones between Mauville and Slateport and LG/FR still have them.
If they're to be used like I'm suspecting, I just hope they don't make them like the ones in Pearl/Diamond because those were awful in everything: ugly and we couldn't ride our bikes inside.
Kinda disappointed by the Hoenn map...it confirms that the region is 95% accurately recreated from the originals with like rock formations, all diving spots and everything in the exact same location and structure lol..

I looked at it closely and marked all the points that do have some noteworthy changs (apart from minor self-explanatory stuff like the bigger launchpad and stretched path to route 103 etc..)

Hoenn map

1 - definitely a new building next to devon corps.
2 - that's not just a crashed ship, it's an actual island with stuff on it
3 - mauville got an aesthethic overhaul. the other hoenn-art shows it too. seems like a wall around it with some electric function. I bet it relates to the new-mauville powerplant sidequest
4 - definitely a new exit from meteor falls into a green spot
5 - probably just rock. too huge to be a building, but its still odd there...
6 - no idea whats going on there. the safari-zone entrace is to the right of it, and the inside of the safari is never on the map. friendsafari or something perhaps?
7 - this is where mirage island used to appear. looks more complex than it though, with an inner beach and stuff.. (the sky tower is hiding north of the route in that cloud btw)
8 - rock formations are similar as they were, but now it seems to be an actual separated area from the path with a beach on the outside?
9 - southern island. perhaps not an event-area anymore but regular gameplay. I bet the latiosite/latiasite is located there now.
10 - portal to dark Hoenn. just kidding. Id speculate its some post-game area to obtain DPt mascots or Reshiram/Zekrom (black and whtie cloud clashing?) or something like that..
11 - what a nice spherical white cloud. not suspicious at all. since its right below the route with the sealed chamber, my guess is: Regigigas

and then there is a bunch of clouds. the obvious one in the south is hiding the Battle Frontier. rest maybe postgame extra legend areas, maybe nothing.
Seven is a Color said:
I thought 5 was the Berry Master's house.

the berry masters house along with the berryfields is 2 more ledges and a small surfing area to the left of that in the originals and on this map. not to mention it would be absurd for that unimportant house to be as big as the whole of pacifidlog, fortree or the rocket launchpad lol.
Mitja said:
Kinda disappointed by the Hoenn map...it confirms that the region is 95% accurately recreated from the originals with like rock formations, all diving spots and everything in the exact same location and structure lol..

Agreed here, I was hoping for more changes to the region or at least something that's not a virtual tile by tile recreation of the originals.

Mitja said:
4 - definitely a new exit from meteor falls into a green spot

I'm not so sure it's anything. Maybe, maybe not.

Mitja said:
5 - probably just rock. too huge to be a building, but its still odd there...

It could be the entrance to a new cave. Rt. 123 could use some kind of point of interest anyway, there's pretty much no reason to explore the cliff area aside from battling more trainers or catching Pokemon that you could already catch on other routes.

Mitja said:
7 - this is where mirage island used to appear. looks more complex than it though, with an inner beach and stuff.. (the sky tower is hiding north of the route in that cloud btw)
8 - rock formations are similar as they were, but now it seems to be an actual separated area from the path with a beach on the outside?

Well they redesigned that entire Rt. 129/Rt. 130 section, they added dive spots to the route most notably (which I assume you noticed and just didn't list it because it was too obvious). They're probably just enclosed secret areas that you can only reach by diving, like the ones on other diving routes (Rt. 124, Rt. 126, Rt. 127).

Speaking of which, I like what they did with those two routes. They needed more flavor anyway, they were such bland routes with no character. Also of note on those routes is that the border between Rt. 128 and 129 seems to be blocked by a giant rock, maybe now you need Dive to reach Rt. 129.
Mitja said:
Kinda disappointed by the Hoenn map...it confirms that the region is 95% accurately recreated from the originals with like rock formations, all diving spots and everything in the exact same location and structure lol..

I looked at it closely and marked all the points that do have some noteworthy changs (apart from minor self-explanatory stuff like the bigger launchpad and stretched path to route 103 etc..)

Hoenn map

1 - definitely a new building next to devon corps.
2 - that's not just a crashed ship, it's an actual island with stuff on it
3 - mauville got an aesthethic overhaul. the other hoenn-art shows it too. seems like a wall around it with some electric function. I bet it relates to the new-mauville powerplant sidequest
4 - definitely a new exit from meteor falls into a green spot
5 - probably just rock. too huge to be a building, but its still odd there...
6 - no idea whats going on there. the safari-zone entrace is to the right of it, and the inside of the safari is never on the map. friendsafari or something perhaps?
7 - this is where mirage island used to appear. looks more complex than it though, with an inner beach and stuff.. (the sky tower is hiding north of the route in that cloud btw)
8 - rock formations are similar as they were, but now it seems to be an actual separated area from the path with a beach on the outside?
9 - southern island. perhaps not an event-area anymore but regular gameplay. I bet the latiosite/latiasite is located there now.
10 - portal to dark Hoenn. just kidding. Id speculate its some post-game area to obtain DPt mascots or Reshiram/Zekrom (black and whtie cloud clashing?) or something like that..
11 - what a nice spherical white cloud. not suspicious at all. since its right below the route with the sealed chamber, my guess is: Regigigas

and then there is a bunch of clouds. the obvious one in the south is hiding the Battle Frontier. rest maybe postgame extra legend areas, maybe nothing.

Route next to Mauville looks different.
Evergrande City looks like it might actually live up to its name now.
The the Space Center move from bottom right to the top right? That's weird.
10 doesn't have any water or land routes to it, so it's either accessed by boat and/or an event of some sort.

Ya know, i've always wanted to be able to surf in that big area left of Sootopolis, north of the rapids route, and right of the cycling road. All of that. Even from around mt Pyre. Just all of central Hoenn. It's just kinda weird that we pretty much just go in a big circle around it.
I have a feeling (though I'm probably wrong) that the area where the black and white clouds mix have an important purpose. Someone mentioned that it could be where Reshiam and Zekrom might be, but since it's a smoke cloud and a water vapor cloud I say it might me Volcanion's resting place as well. Since...well...fire gives off smoke and yeah...there's my logic behind it. ^^;