'Charisma of the Wrecked Sky,' Japan's SM7 Set Announced!

A really pretty card! Unfortunately its essentially useless and will see 0 play outside of a future mill/stall deck that doesn't want to N/Judge their opponent and reset their hand and would rather shuffle draw 5 and grab less than a Cynthia. As this is a straight upgrade from Shauna, it will only see play in that specific tiny niche situation where Shauna is better than Cynthia.

Which of course is to say, it most likely will see 0 play at all :(
A really pretty card! Unfortunately its essentially useless and will see 0 play outside of a future mill/stall deck that doesn't want to N/Judge their opponent and reset their hand and would rather shuffle draw 5 and grab less than a Cynthia. As this is a straight upgrade from Shauna, it will only see play in that specific tiny niche situation where Shauna is better than Cynthia.

Which of course is to say, it most likely will see 0 play at all :(

Until rotation Tate and Liza are not useful at all. However in September Professor Sycamore and N will rotate out and we will be left with only a few reliable draw supporters. Tate and Lize sure do not replace Cynthia but with Professor Sycamore and N rotated in September Tate and Liza could subliment the stage 4 Cynthia as a 2-off card.
Looks amazing! Love the art.

Competitively? Most likely, file away for use in September 2019 and not before, unless VS Seeker's reprinted (please no).

At the moment, decks trending towards heavy counts of both Cynthia and Guzma, with other draw supporter options present, would preclude a lot of this card's use since Guzma's utility is also in being a switch card alongside the gust effect. After Guzma rotates following next season (easy money is on 2019-20 being Ultra Prism-on), having a switching supporter that can also function as draw might indeed be very good! We'll have to see.
Shiftry GX just has a rubbish GX attack confirmed. With FOGP legal, it would be funny. Plus Sceptile will be BDIF of theme deck battles
So beautiul! I will buy a playset! Tate and Liza are my favourite characters from Pokemon so I will happily sell out the cash for this.
This card will be very playable post-rotation. ^_^

That's the Theorymon, but it rests on the idea that decks will continue following the same basic structure. Maybe they will, but maybe they won't; Professor Juniper and N, later Professor Sycamore and N, greatly distorted how Pokémon played.
That Stakataka looks absolutely Menacing. If I didn't know any better, I'd say it was gonna eat me...