Like how? (by the way, can we choose our team)?TheDarkLucario said:The picture you posted isn't showing up. It isn't right :/
BrightWater13 said:All I did was this, 1. Went to the website 2. Made safariblade's move and then mine 3. Went to this page 4. Posted the diagram code . Anything wrong?
[img] [/img]
Zyflair said:Bring it. >O
SinRaven said:I think you should randomize the pairings, but only because I want to start first >=D
Porygon-X said:Whatever you do, put me last. I'm leaving soon, and may not be back in time.
Gardegon said:SOOOOOO sorry about the inactivity, at grandparents, please don't disqualify me, i will edit this post with my move