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Chia Trades [H] Lots of new Ex's [W] Darkrai ex regular and shiny rayquaza

RE: CHIAs[H]3x Mew Prime,Regigigas Promo,Cities Mat [W] Gengar Prime etc

RE: CHIAs[H]3x Mew Prime,Regigigas Promo,Cities Mat [W] Gengar Prime etc

Thanks, I do however have 4 seeker RH now. I responded on your trade thread.
RE: CHIAs[H]3x Mew Prime,Regigigas Promo,Cities Mat [W] Gengar Prime etc

Please CML for your:
6x Twins (or as many as I can get)
4x Seeker
4x Seeker RH TR (offer well)
1x Vaporeon RH undaunted
1x Leafeon undaunted pre-release holo
1x Blastoise UL RH
2x Flower Shop Lady RH
1x Umbreon MD RH

I'm afraid I have none of your Wants. Please do LMK if you see anything, thanks!
RE: CHIAs[H]3x Mew Prime,Regigigas Promo,Cities Mat [W] Gengar Prime etc

I'm interested in Smeargle UD, offer away bud :)
RE: CHIAs[H]3x Mew Prime,Regigigas Promo,Cities Mat [W] Gengar Prime etc

**Bumping for the day******
RE: CHIAs[H]3x Mew Prime,Regigigas Promo,Smeargle,Regice RH LA [W] Gengar Prime,Donphan

Do you have any EM Energies?
RE: CHIAs[H]3x Mew Prime,Regigigas Promo,Smeargle,Regice RH LA [W] Gengar Prime,Donphan

Smeargle UD are pending, but I'll let you know if they can still be traded or not. Thanks for your interest!
RE: CHIAs[H]3x Mew Prime,Regigigas Promo,Smeargle,Regice RH LA [W] Gengar Prime,Donphan


No I don't I'm sorry :(


Thanks man let me know :)
RE: CHIAs[H]3x Mew Prime,Regigigas Promo,Smeargle,Regice RH LA [W] Gengar Prime,Donphan

*bump* updated
RE: CHIAs[H]3x Mew Prime,Regigigas Promo,Smeargle,Regice RH LA [W] Gengar Prime,Donphan

Heya, I'm very interested with your:

3 Magnezone Prime (would like to trade for all 3)
1 Machamp Prime

I don't see anything from your Wants list, so if you would please take your time and see my list. :D Let me know, thanks!
RE: CHIAs[H]3x Mew Prime,Regigigas Promo,Smeargle,Regice RH LA [W] Gengar Prime,Donphan

They are not on my wants list but I saw

Gengar X and Mew Prime
RE: CHIAs[H]3x Mew Prime,Regigigas Promo,Smeargle,Regice RH LA [W] Gengar Prime,Donphan


3 Magnezone Prime
1 Machamp prime
2 Double Colorless Energy

For my:

1 Mew Prime
1 Gengar Lv X
2 Seeker
RE: CHIAs[H]3x Mew Prime,Regigigas Promo,Smeargle,Regice RH LA [W] Gengar Prime,Donphan


I see you don't have Mew anymore, I updated my wants today so have a lok today see if anything is changed.
RE: CHIAs[H]3x Mew Prime,Regigigas Promo,Smeargle,Regice RH LA [W] Gengar Prime,Donphan


Yeah sorry about that. :( CML for the Magenzone Primes? I really want them!
RE: CHIAs[H]3x Mew Prime,Regigigas Promo,Smeargle,Regice RH LA [W] Gengar Prime,Donphan

Hello, I am interested in your Salamence lv. x
I have:
Absol G
Seeker (let me know how many you would want)
And if you want to feel free to check my list, thanks
RE: CHIAs[H]3x Mew Prime,Regigigas Promo,Smeargle,Regice RH LA [W] Gengar Prime,Donphan

Hey Chia, we had this trade worked out a while ago and you keep on not replying to my PMs. LMK if you still want to do it cuz I want to get this Blaziken shipped out before people bother me for it at states.

3 rare candy
1 communication
1 cursegar (I wanted to see if you could swap this out for an Unown Q)
1 reg's garchomp c
Blaze fb X

RE: CHIAs[H]3x Mew Prime,Regigigas Promo,Smeargle,Regice RH LA [W] Gengar Prime,Donphan


Sorry its been traded already I'll update my page


I really didn't see anything else. I'll see if kids have any new interests tonight though


Hey man I'm sorry I haven't been logging on, ya we had talked about it but never finalzed it, issue is I think I lost my Garchomp C reg. at league I don't have it. I don't really need Blaziken X anymore so I'm sorry didn't mean to hold you up. If you get a good offer take it.
RE: CHIAs[H]3x Mew Prime,Regigigas Promo,Smeargle,Regice RH LA [W] Gengar Prime,Donphan

Alright thanks for letting me know man. Maybe I'll trade with you another time.
RE: CHIAs[H]3x Mew Prime,Regigigas Promo,Smeargle,Regice RH LA [W] Gengar Prime,Donphan

Thanks man, actually your 4x gastly were of interest.