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Chia Trades [H] Lots of new Ex's [W] Darkrai ex regular and shiny rayquaza

RE: CHIAs[H]2x Luxray gl lv. x HGSS cities Mat,Primes[W]Lost World RH,COL Holo energies,


Is there anything else you might on my list that I could add for the Pachi?
I could do 3 spray plus...? (I'm sorry not willing to part with Mew Prime for it though.
RE: CHIAs[H]2x Luxray gl lv. x HGSS cities Mat,Primes[W]Lost World RH,COL Holo energies,

@ Chia

Not really. Unless you have anything on my wants unlisted (My wants on my trade), powers are the only things i need. Unless you have any warp energy, need those two
RE: CHIAs[H]2x Luxray gl lv. x HGSS cities Mat,Primes[W]Lost World RH,COL Holo energies,

*bump* updated for the day
RE: CHIAs[H]2x Luxray gl lv. x HGSS cities Mat,Primes[W]Lost World RH,COL Holo energies,

Im interested in your call. The only thing I have that you want though is the Holo CoL Fire

And your Blaziken FB
RE: CHIAs[H]2x Luxray gl lv. x HGSS cities Mat,Primes[W]Lost World RH,COL Holo energies,

I like Staraptor X and the RH collector from your list. Feel free to make an offer :)

Ya sorry Sergel I didn't see anything else:(
RE: CHIAs[H]2x Luxray gl lv. x HGSS cities Mat,Primes[W]Lost World RH,COL Holo energies,

i need 3 mew prime and 3 magnezone primes i have pokemon collectors rh twins lost world non rh
non rh seekers rh vs.seeker junk arms 1 lookers rh cyrus sp radars black belts lots of meta game stuff
RE: CHIAs[H]2x Luxray gl lv. x HGSS cities Mat,Primes[W]Lost World RH,COL Holo energies,

poketurn, rh seeker for 2 gcx promo?
RE: CHIAs[H]2x Luxray gl lv. x HGSS cities Mat,Primes[W]Lost World RH,COL Holo energies,

RH Collector
Staraptor FB Lv.X
2x Blaziken FB
2x Cyrus's Conspiracy
2x Energy Gain
RE: CHIAs[H]2x Luxray gl lv. x HGSS cities Mat,Primes[W]Lost World RH,COL Holo energies,


I'm sorry I didn't see anything for Mew or Magnezone


I'll have to pass sorry

Azelf Master

I'm sorry Azelf I don't need the Raptor X anymore
RE: CHIAs[H]2x Luxray gl lv. x HGSS cities Mat,Primes[W]Lost World RH,COL Holo energies,

*bump updated for the day*
RE: CHIAs[H]3x Mew Prime,Regigigas Promo,Cities Mat [W] Gengar Prime etc

*bump updated for the day****
RE: CHIAs[H]3x Mew Prime,Regigigas Promo,Cities Mat [W] Gengar Prime etc

UD Smeargle

Magnezone Prime x2?
RE: CHIAs[H]3x Mew Prime,Regigigas Promo,Cities Mat [W] Gengar Prime etc


Have any Primes for trade?
RE: CHIAs[H]3x Mew Prime,Regigigas Promo,Cities Mat [W] Gengar Prime etc

I think I'll pass man, was looking to get more than that for Zone Prime. But thx
RE: CHIAs[H]3x Mew Prime,Regigigas Promo,Cities Mat [W] Gengar Prime etc

Can you CML for the 4 Non-holo Seeker, and the 2 Spiritomb LP? I need the 'Tombs more, so they have higher priority. :]
RE: CHIAs[H]3x Mew Prime,Regigigas Promo,Cities Mat [W] Gengar Prime etc

I do Adrian, I'm curious about your Donphan Prime and Infernape 4 lvl. X(sp one?) Is there anything else you need besides Honchy?


I'm sorry I don't have anymore. I'll update my page if I do get some more I'll let you know