Christmas 2010

Yesterday, I got a 40" Sony Internet TV with Google TV. It's pretty amazing once you get it hooked up. :)
I got a Debit Card (OH YEAAAH), a huge pack of Sour Patch Kids(yum), a booster box of Team Aqua/Magma cards, (always been my favorite) and some other awesome stuff!

Never saw the point of the Touch though. I got a Bamboo Pen for my birthday 3 months ago (technically I got cash, which I then exchanged for Bamboo Pen) because I couldn't find an intuos4 :(

btw the surface of the bamboo tablet scratches easily when you draw. If you want to reduce that, I suggest taking early measures. Initially I had mine wrapped in high quality A3 paper (like a sleeve). I currently have an HP espresso mousepad sitting on top of my tablet so the pen technically never even touches the tablet surface anymore (you can still draw normally since the stylus works using EM resonance and the tablet recognises the stylus even if there's a mousepad in between them as long as the stylus nib is pressing down on something)
I got an Asus CPU with a 27 inch screen, some new old navy, aeropostale, and AE clothes, a new shroom necklace, some aviators, some music recording equipment, some 40 dollar headphones, a webcam, and some snow :)

I spent my money on all that then the next day realized I was out of gold membership on X-Box :( lol
I got:
- a snuggie
- a pillow pet
- clothes
- Super mario galaxy 2
- $80 worth in gift cards
- A Dell Laptop Computer :D
I wasn't expecting / didn't want anything this Christmas (especially since we didn't even make lists this year), but my parents surprised me with a few gifts:

  • Wacom Intuos4 Tablet- I still haven't tried it out, but it was a huge surprise. I didn't need a new tablet, but I lost my Installation CD for my current tablet, so getting a new one was inevitable. Hopefully this one is good - I'm used to my old one, which seems far less advanced (it's just a tablet surface with a scrolling thing and two buttons at the top). XieRH, I see you were looking for one. Are they good?

    1 pack of Unleashed, Undaunted, and HG/SS- My best cards were Steelix Prime and the bottom half of Rayquaza & Deoxys LEGEND, which is the first LEGEND card I've ever owned.

    Black Socks- A lot of my socks went missing (probably thanks to my brothers), so this was nice.

    Jolly Rancher Gummies- It was a decent-sized box of them, but I finished them off before I even got through unwrapping my gifts. xD

    500GB External Hard Drive- I need to back up my art computer before it explodes (it's really old), so this is what I'll do it on. I've already got the essentials backed up on a 16GB Flash Drive, but the external hard drive will let me get everything.
I just got Christmas presents from my uncle and Grandparents. I got junk and 5 Pokémon packs, and $500! (for my college account :(:(:() from my grandparents.

From my uncle I got $60 and a PS3 (for the family, but still!)

Probably the best Christmas ever!
This is what I bought for myself:

Donkey Kong Country Returns
Some used games at Gamestop for the Buy 2 Get 1 Free (Metroid Zero Mission GBA (heckkkkkkyeah), Star Fox Command DS, and Guitar Hero: Modern Hits DS) That was all around $20 so not that bad.
A couple CDs I've wanted for a while (TRON Legacy Soundtrack, Kanye West, Eminem, Black Eyed Peas)

The most satisfying thing is buying your own Christmas presents.

dmaster out.
I got:

Xbox 360 with extra memory and Kinect. We're supposed to use it on my sister's 40'' Flat Screen TV with HD, Blu-Ray, and 3 months of Netflix that her boyfriend got her O.O.
D-series imported Drumset!!!!
HGSS collection box (with the 1" Entei figurine)
Sweet Family Guy shirt
Chocolate Axe Cologne ?!?!?!?!?!
3 HS Undauntd booster packs

I don't even know how people came up with this kind of money, but it was definitely the BEST CHRISTMAS EVER!!!!
Xous said:
Wacom Intuos4 Tablet- I still haven't tried it out, but it was a huge surprise. I didn't need a new tablet, but I lost my Installation CD for my current tablet, so getting a new one was inevitable. Hopefully this one is good - I'm used to my old one, which seems far less advanced (it's just a tablet surface with a scrolling thing and two buttons at the top). XieRH, I see you were looking for one. Are they good?

The intuos4 is the current professional-grade tablet from wacom, and probably the de facto tablet used by most people, both casual and professional. It has many things that the bamboo doesn't have, like an eraser tip on the stylus, and function buttons on the side. The bamboo is designed more for portability rather than functionality. For the casual crowd though, the differences (eg. intuos4 has more pressure levels) are trivial.

The function buttons are the major draw, you can do stuff like zoom in/out without ever touching the keyboard or mouse. With my wacom bamboo, I still need the keyboard to zoom and to change tools.

Same thing I told aggiegwyn: if you wanna avoid scratches on the tablet, put a protective layer on top of it (can be anything like paper, or a small screen protector for laptops or in my case, a thin mousepad). The stylus will STILL WORK, it does not need to physically touch the tablet.

Getting used to new tablet is a matter of time. When I got the bamboo initially I had to get used to working on a much smaller draw surface, and for me it was about 2 days of scribbling on gimp and SAI as I recalibrated all my brush settings for the new tablet (I had to do it again recently when I updated drivers that changed sensitivity)
Let's see, I gotz...
2. A Metal Slinkie XD
3. Donkey Kong Country Returns
4. Triumphant Box
I got:

My family and I are just lazy and we all just get traditional xmas dinner and split booze. :)
I got giftcards for multiple places for Christmas. I've already pre-ordered Pokemon White and I'll preorder Pokemon Gray once I'm able to. And I don't know what I'm going to use the leftover money on. (maybe a strategy guide for Gray once it's available)