Christmas 2010

RE: What do you want for Christmas?

I'd like snow as it rarely snows in Britain at Christmas. We usually get it in February or not at all, so a White Christmas would be good.

Notice how all the mods have good sensible things that make sense while everyone else says stuff we don't need.
RE: What do you want for Christmas?

All that I want for Christmas is possibly a phone,some clothes,and thats all truly,and Kirby's epic yarn....
RE: What do you want for Christmas?

I want my two front teeth Kirbys Epic Yarn, and maybe some more pokemon cards. Oh yeah, along with that a bit of world domination piano playing skills. Stupid left hand not cooporating...
RE: What do you want for Christmas?

I personally would love money... I can never decide what I want, so my logic is that if I have money I can buy stuff when I find something I like :D Oh, and for my parents to stop buying those stupid flouresent light bulbs. I know they're eco-friendly and everything, but whenever I turn lights on I'm half dead by the time I can see...
RE: What do you want for Christmas?

Oh! I'm also totally going to ask for a three wolf moon and a three wolf moon watch.
RE: What do you want for Christmas?

Utada: Single Collection Volume 2

... Too bad importing it would cost around 70 dollars. [According to amazon anyways]
RE: What do you want for Christmas?

Electric Pokemon Master said:
All I am getting is 500 bucks and maybe some video games.


Chiraami said:
Notice how all the mods have good sensible things that make sense while everyone else says stuff we don't need.

Yes, but the mods that posted sensible things are all 18+, and have jobs (most of them) that pay if they ever want anything. They also have a lesser need for gaming and the TCG, as they work and have families. Everyone else 17- doesn't have a job (usually, at most only a part-time job), only have school to worry about and usually have families that are financially secure. Not to mention that they are kids, and need things to do.

EDIT: Sorry, should have added that this post applies to mostly everyone.

On topic, Super Mario All-Stars and Metroid Prime Trilogy (gotta get those limited editions).

And to anyone asking for a DS, try waiting for a 3DS, unless you don't care about the new features, need a low price point, really need something before March, don't want to risk out of stock retailers, don't want to possibly wait until next Christmas if you don't get anything major in the year (asking for money helps, but each family member or friend will give an average of $20.), or really, really need a super-sized DSi XL.
RE: What do you want for Christmas?

@Chariblaze. I'm not a mod, neither I am 18+ nor I have a job. Yet there is nothing I desire to get for Christmas. Of course I expect to get something since I know my parents pretty well, but it's not necessary. I better have a nice time to spend with friends than something physical wrapped up in paper. But nevertheless it's nice to get something for free I suppose.
RE: What do you want for Christmas?

I want a Macbook or a PS3, but their is (absolutely) no chance of me getting either of those. So probably just some Pokemon cards and Magic the Gathering cards. And cash so I can buy White when it comes out. Or the new Zelda game. Skyward Sword. Or both.
RE: What do you want for Christmas?

I also want my grandpa to be better. I can't believe I didn't think of it before.
RE: What do you want for Christmas?

It is still true though.

That's another thing DE. My grandfather has low blood pressure so it's a hard time for him.
RE: What do you want for Christmas?

Feels good to have a Christmas list narrowed down to 3 iems :D (Bag, Hat, Dicebag, all for Pokemon, I'm getting two of them.) gets less and less every year. I remember when I had a whole page.

As for non physical things, I hope I can get in touch with my friends back in Florida when I go back. It'd suck to not see them for over four months :( All the obvious stuff as well like having everybody else have a good christmas, etc.
RE: What do you want for Christmas?

Another thing, i want everyone's family members to get well, my dog had an operation two days ago and i was worried as ever.
RE: What do you want for Christmas?

Nothing. I really don't need anything that money can buy. I'm content enough.

dmaster out.
RE: What do you want for Christmas?

I'm gonna get the new Ipod Nano with a 10$ Itunes gift card and Super Mario All-Stars for the Wii that releases early December. :D
RE: What do you want for Christmas?

Video Games
TCG Cards
Xbox live
Fifa 11

Cousin to get better :( .
Family to have a great time.
RE: What do you want for Christmas?

1.) PS3
2.) Money
3.) Call of Duty Black Ops
4.) Read Dead Redemption: Undead Nightmare
5.) The New Left 4 Dead
6.) Dead Rising 2
RE: What do you want for Christmas?

A laptop would be kinda nice, but I don't see it happening.
  • Japanese version of Black.
  • Some new art supplies, mostly coloring and inking stuff.
  • Money would be cool.
  • Cards.
  • Dice and stuff would be neat.
RE: What do you want for Christmas?

Golf Tees... Maybe some Pokemon Cards, maybe Japanese Black (Since I am going to get White in English cause IMO it is better). It is always hard for me to find things I want for Chirstmas because my B-day is around a month beforehand, so I already got most of the gifts that I wanted...