Cities with a bad cardpool.


Aspiring Trainer
I have cities coming up. The decks I'm able to build with my card pool:

Kingdra with 1 Kingdra, 1 Felicities, and 0 Claydol.
Eevee with 1 Leafeon Lv.X, 0 Claydol, and 0 Magmortar Lv.X
AMU without Uxie Lv.X, therefore obsoleting the deck.

Unless someone would be kind enough to trade me either:

3 Kingdra
2 Claydol MD


2 Uxie Lv. X
1 Uxie Lv.55


1 Leafeon Lv.X
2 Claydol MD
2 Magmortar Lv.X

What would I run, and realistically what are my chances of placing in the top 3?
Seems like you have a serious problem with card supply...hmm, you're better off looking at each of your cards, particulary those you have 4 copies of. Got 4 Tyranitars? Build something with him. 4 Gengars? Surely you can work with something. So why don't you work that way, rather as making a list of cards you DONT have, work from what you DO have.
Also, I never heard of a MD Claydol, what does it do?
Realistically, unless you trade and got those cards you mentioned that you needed, you won't get anywhere close to the top 3.

Also perhaps if you show us your deck list or something so we also get to see what trainer lines you have and such.
hukedonanime said:
Realistically, unless you trade and got those cards you mentioned that you needed, you won't get anywhere close to the top 3.

Also perhaps if you show us your deck list or something so we also get to see what trainer lines you have and such.

If they do that, posting in the deck garage ( would probably make the thread get more attention.
I have Magmortar X. What do you have have for trade?

I hate when I get in situations like this. Which is why I've been trading like crazy these past few days lol. Sealed 9 deals yesterday. I should be ready by cities.
I meant the GE Claydol. =X

My problem is that I've been trying to get Magmortar Lv.X and Claydol since I first started, Claydol being the obvious priority. A close friend has been buying loads of GE and has yet to pull a single copy. Players either don't have Claydol, or won't part with them, even when I offer them cash.

As for the card pool, I suppose it'd do everyone good if I typed up a complete list of my current collection, now wouldn't it?
How much cash are you willing to spend? I'm sure you could find a Claydol or two on ebay, or on a Pokemon singles website. The price is bound to be pretty steep, though. :/
tarealex said:
How much cash are you willing to spend? I'm sure you could find a Claydol or two on ebay, or on a Pokemon singles website. The price is bound to be pretty steep, though. :/

I can't spend any money this month. It's all saved up for a laptop during black friday sales.

Websites sell Claydols for roughly 15$/ea. The problem was when I had the money, it was in cash, not in plastic, so I wasn't able to purchase Claydols.

The problem with my card pool is that I honestly only own what I have for trade, and I only own cards for the three decks that I mentioned in my original post.

As for trainers I own along the lines of:

5 Bebe's Search
4 Roseanne's Research
4 Buck's Training
3 Cynthia's Feelings
4 Professor Oak's Visit
1 Felicity's Drawing

2 Premier Ball
5 Poke Radar
5 Warp Point
4 Night Maintenance
4 Plus Power

Playsets of low-end trainers, such as Quick Ball, Energy Search, etc.

I've only bought the Darkrai and Glaceon starters, and I can't afford any of the other starters. I've also traded my Empoleons from the starter, and that I pulled, and I don't own Snorunts or Bronzongs, or else I'd try to play Spread.
You can always order online using Money Orders. Though they're not the safest way to do things, that's the way I do it, and it works fine each time.
Also I have seen odd decks Top Cut, Prinplup DP Octillery MT could work and you don't need to worry about trying to get other cards. It may not be ideal but it is better than nothing.
DawnOfXatu said:
Also I have seen odd decks Top Cut, Prinplup DP Octillery MT could work and you don't need to worry about trying to get other cards. It may not be ideal but it is better than nothing.

So you're saying that a deck which I don't own any of the cards to can work, eh?

This is looking like it's going to be a bad tournament experience for me. x.x;

Amt said:
Okay people. This thread is turning into a trading thread. Stay on topic please.

Actually, it'd be very nice if these people were to trade me stuff I need, since nobody pays attention to my trade thread in the first place.

Ruby - that was just an example. It is very possible to make a cheap deck with cheap cards. If you just had a list of which POKEMON you have at least 3 of (I'm talking final evolutions here, including their pre-evos), then we could take our time to look at what you could easily build.
I listed everything I own pokemon-wise in my original post.

4-4-1 Kingdra
2-2-2 infernape
2-1 Leafeon
1-2-1 mesprit/azelf
1-0 uxie
0-2 froslass (i dont own any snorunts)
1-4-1 kabutops (i only own 1 dome fossil)

everything else I own is garbage to be honest.

Checked my trade list on and it's already on page 2 without any new posts. People are unwilling to trade me cards I need because my card pool isn't any good, and I lack a disposable income this month.
Last time I checked people wanted Leafeon Lv. Xs... pick one of those to go with first and post the rest up for trade. There's no point in having a 2-1 Leafeon if you're running AMU.

Edit: Oh, and what in the world are you going to do with "16 Claydol GE"? You can't expect to assemble all of these decks if you only have unplayable/junky cards listed for trade.
vilebaseball said:
Last time I checked people wanted Leafeon Lv. Xs... pick one of those to go with first and post the rest up for trade. There's no point in having a 2-1 Leafeon if you're running AMU.

Edit: Oh, and what in the world are you going to do with "16 Claydol GE"? You can't expect to assemble all of these decks if you only have unplayable/junky cards listed for trade.

I share cards with 3 other people, however I'm the only one with an active internet connection.

Last time I checked, it's a good thing to have cards for several decks, and or other players. It's also a turnoff to trade away Leafeon Lv.X since I spent cash on it.
That's a very low supply for three people. It's good to have the cards for several decks if you're able to make several decks. It's like me going around and buying only a couple pieces to various puzzles. Not going to help much if I don't have at least one complete one while I wait on the others.