I want Lugia I have Mew(Mystry), celebi, mewtwo,Deoxys lv100....
blackluster said:I want Lugia I have Mew(Mystry), celebi, mewtwo,Deoxys lv100....
Cladstn_Vampire said:blackluster said:I want Lugia I have Mew(Mystry), celebi, mewtwo,Deoxys lv100....
well do you have anything from my wants list i already have al those pokemon.
blackluster said:Deal FC: 1160-6306-1186...name: Zyos
Cladstn_Vampire said:Tomb said:I want that Magmortar.. But I don't know if I have any of your wants..I could give you a Riolu?
ok i'll trade for your Riolu.
Tomb said:Cladstn_Vampire said:Tomb said:I want that Magmortar.. But I don't know if I have any of your wants..I could give you a Riolu?
ok i'll trade for your Riolu.
Yay! My friendcode is 0774 0908 9122.. Wich one of yours should I add?
addaluchi said:would you trade your lugia for a mew? and what do you want for arceus? also I have Wigglytuff, Meowth, Persian, Poliwrath, Victreebel, Vaporeon, Jumpluff, Wobbuffet, Corsola, Volbeat, Corphish, & Walrein, please let me know.
I also have water, shiny, and dusk stones and masterballs.
addaluchi said:sweet! =D let me know when you can trade. If I have to wait for you to pal park lugia that's fine. I have to pal park Persian, I have corsola ready now. I'll be able to park persian in a couple of hours
Eevee_Master said:Nidorina Nidoqueen Nidorino Paras Venomoth Meowth Persian Primeape Poliwrath Magnemite Dodrio Grimer Muk Krabby Kingler Horsea Seadra Staryu Starmie Jynx Electabuzz Lapras Vaporeon Omastar Kabutops Feraligatr Skiploom Jumpluff Wobbuffet Granbull Corsola Stanter Smoochum Elekid Pupitar Gardevoir Loudred Exploud Nosepass Skitty Spheal Sealeo Walrein Relicanth Shelgon Regice Registeel Latias Tangrowth Electivire Probopass Lairon Aggron Corphish Crawdaunt Cradily Armaldo.
I can get or allow you to dex all of these pokemon, i want your bulbasaur magmortar, lv. 5 jirachi and chikorita with vine whip and leech seed
sure.For that Lucky Egg I can trade you a Master Ball