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RE: Looking for Xx Commons.

Well, what would I be able to get from you? Like 2 Lv. X, or a bunch of holos or rares?
RE: Looking for Xx Commons.

I know this is probably asking a lot, but I needed a Leafeon Lv. X. Could I add in something else on my list with a bunch of commons for it?
RE: Looking for Xx Commons.

So its you that is looking for commons??? If so I have like 10Billion :p
RE: Looking for Xx Commons.

chanman45 said:
Exactly how many commons can you give me for one?

That depends on how many you want, which set you want, Dp-on or earlier, which ones, etc.
RE: Looking for Xx Commons.

I prefer DP-on but I don't care which set it's from. Nothing specific.
RE: Looking for Xx Commons.


How many commons for Leafeon Lv.X? You may also CML for some other things to throw in.
RE: Looking for Xx Commons.

Make offers. I may not trade Leafeon Lv X for commons/Uncommons for it as it is a very playable card atm. But, offer away. Didn't see anything on your list.
RE: Looking for Xx Commons.

Well how about...20 commons and 20 un-commons. Please feel free to add to the numbers, as I have zippo clue on how to reach Leafeon Lv.X's value...in commons and un-commons. xD
RE: Looking for Xx Commons.

I will decline that offer. I prefer (un)commons in 100s. And I can sell a Leafeon Lv X for at least $30.
RE: Looking for Xx Commons.

Would you do 75 commons/uncommons from DP-on and 75 from earlier? Counter?
RE: Looking for Xx Commons.

As I said I'm looking for bulks of 100s. 75 commons for Leafeon Lv X which is about $30 is not worth it.
RE: Looking for Xx Commons.

bulks of 100s? 100 of each, or 100 at a time? Would you do 100 common and 50 uncommon?
RE: Looking for Xx Commons.

I want them in 100s. I don't value commons very much. The offer is very low. BTW I value uncommons the same as commons.
RE: Looking for Xx Commons.

I still don't know how I'll be able to ship all commons. What about 300?
RE: Looking for Xx Commons.

Eh, never mind. I was trying to get hundreds of commons, like before with chazmander and Pandamore, but it doesn't seem to be working out well. I'll change my H/W list now.
RE: Looking for Xx Commons.

chanman45 said:
As I said I'm looking for bulks of 100s. 75 commons for Leafeon Lv X which is about $30 is not worth it.

I can do that.
Do you want them from the same serise (IE: RS-PK) or randoms?
*How meny commons would get me that Leafia Lv.X?*
RE: Need 1 RH Machop DP, 2 RH Dusk Ball, 4 RH pokedex, 2 RH Great Ball,Xx RH Unown Rs, and other stuff!


Leafeon LV X


500 commons.



Glaceon LV X


300 commons

LMK, thanks!
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