RE: PDC's Trades Looking For Ev'd Pokemon will give big offers Have Movie 12 Arceus!
Great, can you trade now? I have to leave soon.
Great, can you trade now? I have to leave soon.
palkia dialga clash said:Perfect in Sp.atk and spd?This could take a long time.
palkia dialga clash said:Well first I need a Typlosion.Do you want a good Nature?
palkia dialga clash said:Well I'm really not a good breeder you should ask Sakura to dp that stuff but I think I can oull it off.Befoe I hatched 26 bagon and fiannaly got a Adament one.I hope my Gyrados pasted on it's 31 atk iv to it.
palkia dialga clash said:I think I could do Cyndiquil way faster what nature do you want?