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RE: Need business! Muddy's Banner/Avatar shop Get you holiday things here!

Happy to take them
RE: Need business! Muddy's Banner/Avatar shop Get you holiday things here!

Hi i'm back from holiday, sorry if you think I'm really bossy :(
I love this SHOP!
Also the text could say Marc is becoming ever so hungry wait until the 30th of DECEMBER
RE: Need business! Muddy's Banner/Avatar shop Get you holiday things here!

Wait a minute, isn't the lickitung nicknamed marc when you trade him in FR/LG?
But welcome back anyway
RE: Need business! Muddy's Banner/Avatar shop Get you holiday things here!

Yes the lickitung is named marc when you give him a slowbro, I have suddenly got quite a licking for that name. Anyways would you like a super samash bros brawl i will pm you my friend code and we could have a brawl
RE: Need business! Muddy's Banner/Avatar shop Get you holiday things here!

I haven't got wi-fi yet I will have it in about 1 week I will PM you mine once I get it.
RE: Need business! Muddy's Banner/Avatar shop Get you holiday things here!

Please don't spam.
RE: Need business! Muddy's Banner/Avatar shop Get you holiday things here!

dark charizard said:
Hi I'm back from holiday, sorry if you think I'm really bossy :(
I love this SHOP!
Also the text could say Marc is becoming ever so hungry wait until the 30th of December

you mean write in it:Marc is becoming ever so hungry wait until the 30th of December


Write in it:Marc is becoming ever so hungry

and give to you on 30th December?
RE: Need business! Muddy's Banner/Avatar shop Get you holiday things here!

Write in "marc is becoming ever so hungry wait until the 30th december" with all of his minions i described.
But don't do it yet
RE: Need business! Muddy's Banner/Avatar shop Get you holiday things here!

so just to get the full picture

you want a banner with a lickitung flames and on it
marc is becoming ever so hungry wait until the 30th December" with all of his minions

k this is going to be quit a job but i'm on it


and tadaa here it is

if it's to big just ask
RE: Need business! Muddy's Banner/Avatar shop Get you holiday things here!!

dark charizard said:
Thanks muddy also I will need a new banner about his minions I don't know how I will like it but here is some of his minions:
they could be all of the assist tropies opn brawl that ypu will have to unlock like: custon robo, Isaac, Infantry and troops, Barbra and shadow the hedghog.
I am not asking you do to do it now I am just telling what the banner would be like. By the Way's his request?
RE: Need business! Muddy's Banner/Avatar shop Get you holiday things here!

By the way his minion are all the assist trophiesz that you unlock on super smash bros brall! They are custom robo, isaac, Infantry and tanks, barbra and shadoew the hedgehog if you have any problems pm me please thanks
Yours gratefullydark charizard
RE: Need business! Muddy's Banner/Avatar shop Get you holiday things here!

ow k i'll make work of that k
RE: Need business! Muddy's Banner/Avatar shop Get you holiday things here!

We got there in the end :)
RE: Need business! Muddy's Banner/Avatar shop Get you holiday things here!

?? okay now i'm very confussed
RE: Need business! Muddy's Banner/Avatar shop Get you holiday things here!

I think dark charizard meant "Ok start making it" but in a nicer way
RE: Need business! Muddy's Banner/Avatar shop Get you holiday things here!

That's what I think! My time to start being away starts now...
I'll be back!
RE: Need business! Muddy's Banner/Avatar shop Get you holiday things here!

Oke i'll finish the banner and bring it up in a zippy
And here is the banner WITH minions.

Edit: i improved it a little
RE: Need business! Muddy's Banner/Avatar shop Get you holiday things here!

Thanks a lot sorry for being pushy bye bye muddy.
I just got to w8 until the 30th nov so then i got up the new banner beacause on my previous one it says marc will rule on the 30th nov with his minions :)

Also what was the code for that banner frozen gallade
RE: Need business! Muddy's Banner/Avatar shop Get you holiday things here!

I'll still be on.
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