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RE: Need business! Muddy's Banner/Avatar shop Get you holiday things here!


Peta,the same way as IMG but type code instead.
RE: Need business! Muddy's Banner/Avatar shop Get you holiday things here!

I am having problems with paint :(
Can you guys do Kingdra and CC's requests? Thanks!
RE: Need business! Muddy's Banner/Avatar shop Get you holiday things here!

What about mine :(
RE: Need business! Muddy's Banner/Avatar shop Get you holiday things here!

Dark Ace said:
That's just the link again! I want the code!!! By the way, I still love it.


He he sorry
And I will take dia's request of no-one else is
I will get to it tomorrow, sorry for your wait
RE: Need business! Muddy's Banner/Avatar shop Get you holiday things here!

I work here, don't I? It's okay Peta, I want you to do it, I like your work. It's a banner for a forum, so make it that size.
RE: Need business! Muddy's Banner/Avatar shop Get you holiday things here!

Fair enough.... yay people like my work



No matter I did it
RE: Need business! Muddy's Banner/Avatar shop Get you holiday things here!

Oddly enough, both of them (when I copied then pasted them) came out as the links again. I don't know why it wouldn't work, but it sure is annoying. Regardless, this is gonna be well worth the wait. :D
RE: Need business! Muddy's Banner/Avatar shop Get you holiday things here!

What, my banner? When do I start working here, Muddy?
EDIT: I love it!!!!
RE: Need business! Muddy's Banner/Avatar shop Get you holiday things here!

Now. Cannot wait to see your work.
Can you do CC or Kingdra's since I'm having Paint problems?
RE: Need business! Muddy's Banner/Avatar shop Get you holiday things here!

Okay. I do Userbars (But the system is currently down) and animations, but you'll have to give me the things to animate. Not exactly a wiz at making things. Oh well. I can't do either cause' I don't do banners. I have some old ones you could use.
RE: Need business! Muddy's Banner/Avatar shop Get you holiday things here!

I think that I can do Kingdra's, but can someone do CC's? I cannot find any great Kirby pics and maybe someone else can find them.
RE: Need business! Muddy's Banner/Avatar shop Get you holiday things here!

Hmm... just searched, nothing. CC, do you need it anymore? You've got 5 banners so far, three from me.
RE: Need business! Muddy's Banner/Avatar shop Get you holiday things here!

If you want something:

Username:Dark Charizard

What you want (banner, avatar):Banner

What is on is on it?: Can i have snow falling and Marc with all of his minions but each of them and marc are wearing Christmas hats, and all of them are holding snowballs apart from Isaac which is hitting them away. Infantary and tanks which one of the tanks is shooting one out and marc is using phsychic on snowballs (so that means there are levitating snowballs with a blueish glow around them). Can there be burning christmas trees aswell in the backround

Border and other colors:No border please. And can it be red

What it says:Whilst marc wants to kill you all, he wishes you all a Merry Christmas
Rating(when done):

If you want to see his minions then look in my banner!

[attachment=4483][attachment=4480][attachment=4481][attachment=4482]Thease are all of marc's minions:

[attachment=4484][attachment=4485] These are some more of marc's minions


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RE: Need business! Muddy's Banner/Avatar shop Get you holiday things here!

I lickitung marc?
Kingdra: I will have your request done soon. I have had issues with it :) No worries!

CC: No one can find what you want. Sorry. Can you provide pics of what you want?
RE: Need business! Muddy's Banner/Avatar shop Get you holiday things here!

Yes Muddy the lickitung is called marc i asume you know all of the minions names (i attatched them all)
RE: Need business! Muddy's Banner/Avatar shop Get you holiday things here!

Is anyone doing my request!
RE: Need business! Muddy's Banner/Avatar shop Get you holiday things here!

We have others too and I have homework and paint is being stupid, so I still have one to do.
Can someone do Dark Charizard's?
RE: Need business! Muddy's Banner/Avatar shop Get you holiday things here!

Thanks muddy
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