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RE: Pokefan's Trading Market, is back from the dead with x2 Garchomp C X, and lots more!!

I locked your other Trading thread.


dmaster out.
RE: Pokefan's Trading Market, is back from the dead with x2 Garchomp C X, and lots more!!

You have nothing listed in your WANTS, so will you cml for Absol G Lv X please?
RE: Pokefan's Trading Market, is back from the dead with x2 Garchomp C X, and lots more!!

Please CML for stuff off of my wants.

Mainly Shaymin X, Cherrim SF, Uxie, and Sableye SF...but i need more.
RE: Pokefan's Trading Market, is back from the dead with x2 Garchomp C X, and lots more!!

At both:

Could not find anything sorry :(
RE: Pokefan's Trading Market, is back from the dead with x2 Garchomp C X, and lots more!!

I saw:

2x Garchomp C Lv.X
Vileplume UD RH
Gyarados G+Gyarados MT

I have Mightyena LA, Communication, and Contribution. CML/LMK.

dmaster out.
RE: Pokefan's Trading Market, is back from the dead with x2 Garchomp C X, and lots more!!

Please CML for your...

Blaziken FB Lv X
Garchomp C Lv X
x5 Rare Candy
x1 Judge
x4 Cyrus's Conspiracy (value VERY highly though)
x3 Power Spray

I have 4x Basic Dark Energies,2 Eevee UD(Tickle one), 1 Poochyena LA, & a 1 Ditto LA to go with anything else you find from my list.
RE: Pokefan's Trading Market, is back from the dead with x2 Garchomp C X, and lots more!!

CML for the 4 cyrus conspiracies.
RE: Pokefan's Trading Market, is back from the dead with x2 Garchomp C X, and lots more!!

Vileplume UD RH
Gyarados G
Gyarados MT
+ 2 Throw-ins

2 Umbreon UD
2 Eevee UD (tickle)
1 Communication
1 Palmer's Contribution



1 Rare Candy
1 Judge

4 Basic Dark
1 Ditto LA
1 Poochyena LA

Ryu Hayabusa:

Sorry nothing
RE: Pokefan's Trading Market, is back from the dead with x2 Garchomp C X, and lots more!!

What would ya throw in if I threw in a Glaceon Lv X?
RE: Pokefan's Trading Market, is back from the dead with x2 Garchomp C X, and lots more!!

A Garchomp C X, or something else(not Blaze X)
RE: Pokefan's Trading Market, is back from the dead with x2 Garchomp C X, and lots more!!

2x Mightyena LA
4x Poochyena LA
1x Umbreon UD
1x Dark Energy

1x Drimblim FB
1x Power Spray

PM me so we can work something out.
RE: Pokefan's Trading Market, is back from the dead with x2 Garchomp C X, and lots more!!

Please CML for:

x1 Raichu (RH)

x1 Electrivire FB (H)

2x Super Scoop Up (HSU)
1x Quick Ball (MD)
RE: Pokefan's Trading Market, is back from the dead with x2 Garchomp C X, and lots more!!

@ Glaceon: I you drop the Drifblim FB and I drop 3 Poochyena then sure, PM me to confirm
@ kurokitten:

Raichu SF (SF)
Electriver FB (H)
Quick Ball (MD)

Pokemon Collector
Pokemon Communication
RE: Pokefan's Trading Market, is back from the dead with x2 Garchomp C X, and lots more!!

yeah I can do that ^^
RE: Pokefan's Trading Market, is back from the dead with x2 Garchomp C X, and lots more!!

No Thanks. I'd drop the power spray though.
RE: Pokefan's Trading Market, is back from the dead with x2 Garchomp C X, and lots more!!

1 Umbreon UD(theme deck one)
1 Pokemon Communication
4 reg darkness energies
2 Eevee UD(Tickle one)
For your:
x1 Blaziken FB X
RE: Pokefan's Trading Market, is back from the dead with x2 Garchomp C X, and lots more!!

Cml me for Your
Vileplume rh
RE: Pokefan's Trading Market, is back from the dead with x2 Garchomp C X, and lots more!!

Glaceon: the reason I am dropping the Drifblim is because I just traded it away

LegendHunter: I think I will pass

Raterra: Where is your list?
RE: Pokefan's Trading Market, is back from the dead with x2 Garchomp C X, and lots more!!

Get back to me about our trade bro-ski
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