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RE: ZSL's Rare Pokes! Will also negotiate! (Looking for a partner)

Hey ZSL, I got the sandile and/or scraggy ready. I also have an ash's pikachu and a shiny latias (lvl 100) if you're still looking for those two.
RE: ZSL's Rare Pokes! Will also negotiate! (Looking for a partner)

Ooooh! Yes! and I'm fine with only Sandile! First of all, I forget, what do you want? I can give you a set of all my rare babies I have, and a German Mespret!
RE: ZSL's Rare Pokes! Will also negotiate! (Looking for a partner)

Well, I'll take a lapras (i'll breed more, so don't worry about nature/gender or egg moves) and the mespirit. You wouldn't happen to have any shinies, would you? If not we can work something else out for the third thing (being ash's pikachu or the latias)
RE: ZSL's Rare Pokes! Will also negotiate! (Looking for a partner)

ZSL: Would you be interested in partnering up with me and Darkvoid? It'd be pretty much like OshawottFan, LilipupFTW, and GREENMONKEYDUMP's thread (which obviously has gotten A LOT of attention). I can run Masuda Method, Pokerus, IV breeding (not RNGing XD), and EV training. Darkvoid does pretty much the same too (idk about IV breeding though :().
RE: ZSL's Rare Pokes! Will also negotiate! (Looking for a partner)

Well, my shiny Lapras, I'm pretty sure is hacked, and my Shiny Snivy... My first Unova shiny (or at least legit) and I was in totally shock of getting him, but I will be Musuda breeding, so I would be able to get you a shiny in the future. Or I could just give you one of my Japanese Pokemon in advance if you want.

XanderPitz1010 said:
ZSL: Would you be interested in partnering up with me and Darkvoid? It'd be pretty much like OshawottFan, LilipupFTW, and GREENMONKEYDUMP's thread (which obviously has gotten A LOT of attention). I can run Masuda Method, Pokerus, IV breeding (not RNGing XD), and EV training. Darkvoid does pretty much the same too (idk about IV breeding though :().

Sure I'd partner with you. I can't do IV breeding and I'm not great at egg moves, but I certainly do get a good deal of rare Pokemon that I can breed.
RE: ZSL's Rare Pokes! Will also negotiate! (Looking for a partner)

Ooo what japanese pokemon do you have?

Also, whats the OT on the shiny lapras?
RE: ZSL's Rare Pokes! Will also negotiate! (Looking for a partner)

Sweet! Do you want me to just copy and paste your thread onto mine? I'll work on shortening up my section :p
RE: ZSL's Rare Pokes! Will also negotiate! (Looking for a partner)

Maractus, Smergle, Dieno, Mudkip, Galvantula, and Sawsbuck. I've also got a Trubbish from England (or something outta the USA)

OT on the Lapras~DAWN
Aparently it was level 100 when it got to Black, it's from Kanto, but I've grown very attached to it cuz it's at such a high level, and I need it for specific things. But I has a level 100 Latias now, but I'm pretty sure Lapras is hacked.

XanderPitz1010 said:
Sweet! Do you want me to just copy and paste your thread onto mine? I'll work on shortening up my section :p

Sure! Should I just post it on your thread?
RE: ZSL's Rare Pokes! Will also negotiate! (Looking for a partner)

Oh if it's lvl 100, then nvm. Whats the nature of the deino and smeargle? Also, are they UT?
RE: ZSL's Rare Pokes! Will also negotiate! (Looking for a partner)

Smeargle is Hasty and UT
Deino is Jolly and egg hatched~level 28
RE: ZSL's Rare Pokes! Will also negotiate! (Looking for a partner)

Ill copy it to the first post. That way people would actually see it there :D
RE: ZSL's Rare Pokes! Will also negotiate! (Looking for a partner)

Did you train the deino? Or did you get it at 28?

Also, I'll take the smeargle, I'm just also interested in the deino
RE: ZSL's Rare Pokes! Will also negotiate! (Looking for a partner)

Got Deino at level 28.
RE: ZSL's Rare Pokes! Will also negotiate! (Looking for a partner)

Not really... I've tried looking up on google, but it didn't help.
RE: ZSL's Rare Pokes! Will also negotiate! (Looking for a partner)

Ah, well thats ok, I could just use it for masuda stuff anyway. Is the mudkip UT?
RE: ZSL's Rare Pokes! Will also negotiate! (Looking for a partner)

I've put it in the day-care before, so no.
RE: ZSL's Rare Pokes! Will also negotiate! (Looking for a partner)

Well, what of your japanese pokemon are UT?

Also, you probably should close this thread soon (cuz you just joined another one and whatnot), just in case you didn't know.
RE: ZSL's Rare Pokes! Will also negotiate! (Looking for a partner)

Maractus, Smeargle, Deino, Galvantula, and Sawsbuck, if you mean I haven't touched them.
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