Not really seeing anything I need, sorry!Archael said:interested in your hp/atk/def ditto and your spA/spD/spd ditto. check my sig for list. i also have 4 and 5iv adamant honedge (no spd) that havent made it onto the list yet
No thanks...I prefer 5IV for 5IV.Teal said:Gible -31 HP, Atk, Def, SpD, Sp
Can I get this for 4 Moonstones and 2 Sun Stones?
Uh, I guess...what are you interested in?midniteoriginal said:It can be any swinub?
What are you interested in of mine?professorlight said:I can give you a chinchou, moon stone, reaper cloth and other items, also what I have on my thread. And I can breed some of the pokemon on my team, like that chinchou I mentioned, or petilil.
For what?117jokes said:Hey I can trade you a Timburr and a Zweilous.
PokeChimpo said:CML for an Hp-SpAtk+ Ditto? Any Ditto with them two 31 IVs -Atk.
CMP said:What are you interested in of mine?professorlight said:I can give you a chinchou, moon stone, reaper cloth and other items, also what I have on my thread. And I can breed some of the pokemon on my team, like that chinchou I mentioned, or petilil.
I could do a couple fossils.professorlight said:CMP said:What are you interested in of mine?
Well, this ditto would be useful, but it's IV breeded
-31 SpA, SpD, Sp
If ditto is too much, one of the dragonairs or a fossil (lileep, shieldon, cranidos).
I've always been of the opinion that if someone posts in another's thread, the poster should be the one to propose the trade (especially if there's no link via a signature). Otherwise, there's nothing to say that the person whose thread you posted in hasn't already checked your thread.PokeChimpo said:Lol, it's 2 threads below...
None of your wants besides perfect galvantula but it's NFT.
Sure. Which one?117jokes said:Can I get a Tyrogue?
CMP said:I could do a couple fossils.professorlight said:Well, this ditto would be useful, but it's IV breeded
-31 SpA, SpD, Sp
If ditto is too much, one of the dragonairs or a fossil (lileep, shieldon, cranidos).