• Please read THIS THREAD if you are a new trader/seller.

    Thank you!

Come finish your sets!!!

RE: [H] Lots of new crud! [W] Let me know if you have Japanese cards!


- geo15721 - There is an Absol ex on e-Bay for like AUD$2.50, so Raichu would still be worth more...
RE: [H] Lots of junk [W] Let me know if you have Japanese cards!

Hey, if you are willing to buy, here is what I have from your wants:

Legends Awakened

#7 Kingdra RH
#13 Probopass RH

#92 Drifloon RH
#101 Hitmontop RH
#104 Ledyba RH
#114 Poliwag RH

Majestic Dawn

#20 Glaceon RH
#21 Hippowdon RH
#33 Unown P RH

#43 Pachirisu RH
#48 Sudowoodo RH

#63 Eevee RH
#68 Munchlax RH
#74 Spearow RH
#76 Stunky RH
#77 Turtwig RH

#81 Energy Restore RH
#83 Mom's Kindness RH
#86 Quick Ball RH
#91 Helix Fossil RH

#95 Metal Energy RH

Lv. X
#100 Porygon-Z LV.X

Secret Wonders

#67 Smoochum RH
#74 Vibrava RH

2 Japanese Roseanne's Research

LMK, and CML for anything else.

RE: [H] Lots of junk [W] Let me know if you have Japanese cards!

Too poor...
RE: [H] Lots of junk [W] Let me know if you have Japanese cards!


#114 Poliwag RH - LA
#31 Toxicroak RH - MD
#43 Pachirisu RH - MD
#95 Metal Energy RH - MD
#29 Golem RH - SW
#67 Smoochum RH - SW
#115 Team Galactic's Wager RH - MT

#1 Articuno H - MD
#30 Wailord RH - GE
#6 Porygon-Z H - GE
#7 Rotom H - GE
#12 Lickilicky H - SW
#4 Azelf H - MT
RE: [H] Lots of junk [W] Let me know if you have Japanese cards!

Done... PMing :D
RE: [H] Lots of junk [W] Let me know if you have Japanese cards!

New cards, items and DVDs!
RE: [H] New cards, items and DVDs! [W] Let me know if you have Japanese cards!

I have:
Lots of Japanese stuff
(Ninja'd alot of them from Sam)
I want your silver Pikachu sleeves....

So yeah...
RE: [H] New cards, items and DVDs! [W] Let me know if you have Japanese cards!

Care to make a list of what you has???


You want the slips I bought from you in the first place?!
RE: [H] New cards, items and DVDs! [W] Let me know if you have Japanese cards!

There is nothing else I want from you other than the sleeves

Purple dicebox sealed.

RE: [H] New cards, items and DVDs! [W] Let me know if you have Japanese cards!

Cml for
Silver with gold pikachu sleeves
P.S i do have some of your rh's needs but they are not listed
RE: [H] New cards, items and DVDs! [W] Let me know if you have Japanese cards!

THEfapster said:
There is nothing else I want from you other than the sleeves
I meant, make a list of what JPN cards you have to trade... And you arn't getting that dice box >:]

Madmew - We'll see what Faptz has first...
RE: [H] New cards, items and DVDs! [W] Let me know if you have Japanese cards!

k i have
lmk if interested. thanks

#5 Magnezone RH
#9 Regigigas RH
#14 Cherrim RH
#28 Steelix RH

#41 Machoke RH

#74 Snover RH
#79 Treecko RH

#87 Marley's Request RH
#95 Warp Energy RH

#104 Drifloon
#105 Duskull
#106 Voltorb

#7 Kingdra RH
#144 Mewtwo LV.X

#86 Quick Ball RH

#99 Leafeon LV.X

#39 Walrein RH
#59 Pupitar RH

#77 Chikorita RH

#121 Infernape Lv. X
RE: [H] New cards, items and DVDs! [W] Let me know if you have Japanese cards!

Are you saying that you would do all of those???
RE: [H] New cards, items and DVDs! [W] Let me know if you have Japanese cards!

no im saying thats what i have .i can do this

#5 Magnezone RH
#9 Regigigas RH
#14 Cherrim RH
#28 Steelix RH

#41 Machoke RH

#74 Snover RH
#79 Treecko RH

#87 Marley's Request RH
#95 Warp Energy RH

#7 Kingdra RH
#144 Mewtwo LV.X

#86 Quick Ball RH

#39 Walrein RH
#59 Pupitar RH

#77 Chikorita RH

#121 Infernape Lv. X

RE: [H] New cards, items and DVDs! [W] Let me know if you have Japanese cards!

More items, and now with figures...

Madmew - If Faptz doesnt give a list soon, ill continue with you...
RE: [H] MORE ITEMS, figures, DVDs and cards! [W] LMK about Japanese cards!

Gacha'-Sealed Chimchar I NEED!!! And any other Chimchar related Items you have;3

RE: [H] MORE ITEMS, figures, DVDs and cards! [W] LMK about Japanese cards!

For your

#1 Dusknoir RH
#2 Empoleon RH
#4 Lumineon RH
#6 Magnezone RH
#15 Drapion RH
#21 Mamoswine RH
#25 Scizor RH
#26 Skuntank RH
#27 Staraptor RH
#28 Steelix RH
#30 Tyranitar RH
#31 Vespiquen RH

I will give you Japanese 1st edition
Galactics Conquest
Handsome's Investigation

DP6 Intense Fight in the Destroyed Sky
RE: [H] MORE ITEMS, figures, DVDs and cards! [W] LMK about Japanese cards!

CC - Cool, I dont have any others, ill CYL when I get home from work :p

omahanime - It seems that you want cards I dont even have... (You some how miss read the list :p)
RE: [H] MORE ITEMS, figures, DVDs and cards! [W] LMK about Japanese cards!

Hey I have a couple of your wants

# Space-Time Tear GC
and Hitmonchan from GC

I'm interested in your Dialga Palkia dicebox