• Please read THIS THREAD if you are a new trader/seller.

    Thank you!

Come finish your sets!!!

RE: [H] MORE ITEMS, figures, DVDs and cards! [W] LMK about Japanese cards!

I see what I did wrong, sorry
RE: [H] MORE ITEMS, figures, DVDs and cards! [W] LMK about Japanese cards!

Insayneflame said:
Hey I have a couple of your wants

# Space-Time Tear GC
and Hitmonchan from GC

I'm interested in your Dialga Palkia dicebox

Any chance of some Shinxs, Chatots and Shuckles???
RE: [H] MORE ITEMS, figures, DVDs and cards! [W] LMK about Japanese cards!

Prof. Shinx said:
Insayneflame said:
Hey I have a couple of your wants

# Space-Time Tear GC
and Hitmonchan from GC

I'm interested in your Dialga Palkia dicebox

Any chance of some Shinxs, Chatots and Shuckles?

I can add some shinx and shuckle
RE: [H] MORE ITEMS, figures, DVDs and cards! [W] LMK about Japanese cards!

RE: [H] MORE ITEMS [N] SkyRidge, LMK about Japanese cards!

hello can you check my list for Gengar SF RH?
RE: [H] MORE ITEMS [N] SkyRidge, LMK about Japanese cards!

Rodiqio said:
hello can you check my list for Gengar SF RH?
Gym Challenge Rocket's Mewtwo 14/132
Tyranitar Neo Discovery 1H and normal rare
RE: [H] MORE ITEMS [N] SkyRidge, LMK about Japanese cards!

Hi again i just saw these I'm interested in and i have some more of your wants.

Gacha-Pon Munchlax
mystery dungeon Munchlax keyring

do you have any photos of them?
RE: [H] MORE ITEMS [N] SkyRidge, LMK about Japanese cards!

The key ring thing has the same design Munchlax but without base and its smaller... :p


  • Munchlax Gacha-pon.png
    Munchlax Gacha-pon.png
    83.2 KB · Views: 6
RE: [H] MORE ITEMS [N] SkyRidge, LMK about Japanese cards!

Prof. Shinx said:
The key ring thing has the same design Munchlax but without base and its smaller... :p

haha nice drawing, yeah i've already got that sorry.

what about the other one
RE: [H] MORE ITEMS [N] SkyRidge, LMK about Japanese cards!

Same but smaller and without a base...
RE: [H] MORE ITEMS [N] SkyRidge, LMK about Japanese cards!

Prof. Shinx said:
Same but smaller and without a base...
Yeah sorry i just got it after i wrote that, i need it.
and do you have a picture of the other figure?
RE: [H] MORE ITEMS [N] SkyRidge, LMK about Japanese cards!


I dont have a picture but if you already have the Gacha-Pon... Take off the Munchlax and then make it smaller and thats what the keyring is...
RE: [H] MORE ITEMS [N] SkyRidge, LMK about Japanese cards!

i need the keyring and i tried to find some pictures of the other gachapon figures are these the right ones?

Sealed Suicune
Opened Raikou
Opened Weavile evo line
Opened Floatzel evo line
Opened Manaphy


  • gachapon figures.doc
    284.5 KB · Views: 4
RE: [H] MORE ITEMS [N] SkyRidge, LMK about Japanese cards!

Sure are, but Raikou doesnt come with that black base...

I'll check your list...

Edit: Seems you dont have one... :p
RE: [H] MORE ITEMS [N] SkyRidge, LMK about Japanese cards!

I have these from skyridge:

#24 Piloswine RH
#33 Vaporeon RH
#36 Electrode RH
#113 Voltorb RH

what else are you looking for at the moment?
RE: [H] MORE ITEMS [N] SkyRidge, LMK about Japanese cards!

What RH's do you have from Expedition and Aquapolis?
RE: [H] MORE ITEMS [N] SkyRidge, LMK about Japanese cards!

Prof. Shinx said:
What RH's do you have from Expedition and Aquapolis?
Thats pretty much it cause i already traded the rest away do you need any cards that aren't RH
RE: [H] MORE ITEMS [N] SkyRidge, LMK about Japanese cards!

#2 Alakazam
#3 Arcanine
#4 Articuno
#5 Beedrill
#6 Crobat
#7 Dewgong
#8 Flareon
#9 Forretress
#10 Gengar
#11 Gyarados
#12 Houndoom
#13 Jolteon
#15 Ledian
#16 Machamp
#19 Magneton
#21 Moltres
#22 Nidoqueen
#23 Omastar
#24 Piloswine
#25 Politoed
#27 Raichu
#28 Raikou
#30 Starmie
#31 Steelix
#32 Umbreon
#33 Vaporeon
#38 Machoke
#39 Misdreavus
#40 Noctowl
#41 Omanyte
#43 Piloswine
#44 Starmie
#45 Wobbuffet
#46 Abra
#47 Buried Fossil
#48 Cleffa
#50 Diglett
#52 Dugtrio
#53 Dunsparce
#55 Farfetch'd
#56 Forretress
#57 Gastly
#59 Gligar
#60 Golbat
#63 Haunter
#64 Heracross
#65 Hoothoot
#66 Houndour
#68 Jigglypuff
#69 Kadabra
#70 Kakuna
#72 Ledyba
#73 Ledyba
#75 Magikarp
#76 Magnemite
#77 Mantine
#78 Meowth
#79 Murkrow
#81 Nidoran ♀
#82 Nidoran ♀
#84 Pikachu
#85 Pineco
#86 Pineco
#87 Poliwag
#88 Poliwhirl
#91 Rhyhorn
#92 Sandshrew
#93 Sandslash
#94 Seel
#96 Shuckle
#97 Skarmory
#98 Slugma
#99 Slugma
#101 Snubbull
#102 Stantler
#103 Staryu
#104 Staryu
#105 Sunflora
#107 Swinub
#108 Swinub
#111 Venomoth
#112 Venonat
#114 Weedle
#115 Weedle
#116 Yanma
#117 Zubat
#118 Zubat
#119 Ancient Ruins
#120 Relic Hunter
#121 Apricorn Maker
#122 Crystal Shard
#123 Desert Shaman
#125 Fisherman
#132 Mirage Stadium
#133 Mystery Plate α
#134 Mystery Plate β
#135 Mystery Plate γ
#136 Mystery Plate δ
#137 Mystery Zone
#139 Star Piece
#140 Underground Expedition
#141 Underground Lake
#142 Bounce Energy
#144 Retro Energy
RE: [H] MORE ITEMS [N] SkyRidge, LMK about Japanese cards!

RE: [H] MORE ITEMS [N] LMK about Japanese cards! Shuckles, Shinxs, Chatots!

DP6 Intense Fight in the Destroyed Sky

* Grass - Tangela
* Grass - Sceptile
* Grass - Scyther
* Grass - Combee
* Grass - Cherubi
* Grass - Skorupi
* Fire - Ponyta
* Fire - Rapidash
* Water - Bibarel
* Water - Finneon
* Water - Snover
* Water - Abomasnow
* Lightining - Voltorb
* Psychic - Gastly
* Psychic - Haunter
* Psychic - Misdreavus
* Psychic - Mismagius
* Psychic - Budew
* Psychic - Roselia
* Psychic - Duskull
* Psychic - Dusclops
* Psychic - Drifloon
* Psychic - Bronzor
* Psychic - Bronzong
* Psychic - Giratina
* Fighting - Machop
* Fighting - Machoke
* Fighting - Onix
* Fighting - Swinub
* Fighting - Piloswine
* Fighting - Pupitar
* Fighting - Torterra
* Darkness - Stunky
* Darkness - Skuntank
* Darkness - Drapion
* Metal - Magnemite
* Metal - Magneton
* Metal - Steelix
* Colourless - Bagon
* Colourless - Shelgon
* Colourless - Salamence
* Colourless - Starly
* Colourless - Staravia
* Colourless - Staraptor
* Colourless - Bidoof
* Energy - Cyclone Energy
* Energy - Warp Energy

DP5 Temple of Anger Cry from the Mysterious

* Grass - Oddish
* Grass - Gloom
* Grass - Bellsprout
* Grass - Weepinbell
* Grass - Victreebel
* Grass - Ledyba
* Grass - Ledian
* Grass - Yanma
* Grass - Pineco
* Grass - Nincada
* Grass - Ninjask
* Grass - Shedinja
* Grass - Cradily
* Fire - Numel
* Fire - Camerupt
* Fire - Torkoal
* Fire - Castform (Sunny)
* Water - Poliwag
* Water - Poliwhirl
* Water - Poliwrath
* Water - Tentacruel
* Water - Horsea
* Water - Staryu
* Water - Chinchou
* Water - Lanturn
* Water - Politoed
* Water - Swinub
* Water - Piloswine
* Water - Corphish
* Water - Crawdaunt
* Water - Castform (Rainy)
* Water - Castform (Snow Cloud)
* Water - Regice
* Water - Kyogre
* Water - Mamoswine
* Lightining - Chinchou
* Lightining - Luxray
* Fighting - Cubone
* Fighting - Hitmonlee
* Fighting - Hitmonchan
* Fighting - Gligar
* Fighting - Tyrogue
* Fighting - Hitmontop
* Fighting - Nosepass
* Fighting - Anorith
* Fighting - Armaldo
* Fighting - Probopass
* Psychic - Oddish
* Psychic - Gloom
* Psychic - Exeggcute
* Psychic - Exeggutor
* Psychic - Unown J
* Psychic - Unown R
* Psychic - Unown U
* Psychic - Unown V
* Psychic - Unown W
* Psychic - Unown Y
* Psychic - Unown !
* Psychic - Unown ?
* Psychic - Gulpin
* Psychic - Swalot
* Psychic - Spoink
* Psychic - Grumpig
* Psychic - Deoxys (Normal Forme)
* Psychic - Deoxys (Attack Forme)
* Psychic - Deoxys (Defense Forme)
* Psychic - Deoxys (Speed Forme)
* Psychic - Giratina
* Colourless - Meowth
* Colourless - Persian
* Colourless - Tauros
* Colourless - Ditto
* Colourless - Dratini
* Colourless - Dragonair
* Colourless - Taillow
* Colourless - Swellow
* Colourless - Skitty
* Colourless - Delcatty
* Colourless - Castform
* Colourless - Buneary
* Colourless - Lopunny
* Colourless - Regigigas
* Darkness - Sneasel
* Darkness - Mightyena
* Metal - Forretress
* Metal - Beldum
* Metal - Metang
* Metal - Registeel
* Metal - Jirachi
* Trainer - Buck's Training
* Trainer - Cynthia's Plan
* Trainer - Energy Patch
* Trainer - Claw Fossil
* Trainer - Root Fossil
* Trainer - Poke-radar
* Trainer - Technical Machine TS-1
* Trainer - Technical Machine TS-2
* Trainer - Stark Mountain



* #2 Empoleon RH
* #6 Magnezone RH
* #14 Cherrim RH
* #16 Drifblim RH
* #26 Skuntank RH
* #29 Tangrowth RH
* #30 Tyranitar RH
* #31 Vespiquen RH


* #67 Magnemite RH
* #74 Snover RH
* #76 Stunky RH
* #79 Treecko RH


* #82 Conductive Quarry RH
* #84 Energy Switch RH
* #85 Great Ball RH
* #90 Poké Healer + RH
* #95 Warp Energy RH

Lv. X +

* #104 Drifloon
* #106 Voltorb

Legends Awakened


* #32 Kyogre RH

Majestic Dawn


* #19 Flareon RH
* #20 Glaceon RH
* #22 Infernape RH
* #24 Leafeon RH


* #57 Chimchar RH
* #63 Eevee RH
* #76 Stunky RH


* #81 Energy Restore RH
* #91 Helix Fossil RH


* #96 Recover Energy RH

Great Encounters


* #47 Metapod RH

Secret Wonders


* #55 Miltank RH
* #68 Unown K RH

Mysterious Treasures


* #77 Chikorita RH

Pikachu Sleeves

OR $70