Come here for username changes.

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It was 3 months since my last name changed, I checked, so...

Can I get my username changed to Sweet Dawn Berlitz? Please?
I few questions:
If I change my username, can I have it reserved so no one takes it from me incase I want it back?
If I change my username, and I want to change it back, do I have to wait at all to change it back?
I think it has been three months.
Can I please have my name changed to Frozen-Aeon
SD - done
darkrai - the name is taken.
z-man - It is a rule that no one is allowed to use someone's old username, and if you get it changed, you must wait 3 months to have it changed back (and changing it back counts as your change).
Thank you

I haven't connected since i post the name change so that's why I didn't post anything when you change it

My name was changed to a capital letter, but then it was changed back. It may have something to do with my email since I have a friend registered with my email as well. It caused Scampy problems when he was trying to change my name? Do you think you could try again please?

luckyluigi7 - LuckyLuigi7
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