Competitive Movesets and Metagame: VGC edition.

Red Striker

VGC Trainer
This is the spot to post your most intriguing and unexpected VGC sets that would otherwise be something that the opponent wouldn't expect, as well as discuss what you think of the current metagame and what you think will be going on in next year's meta.

Current metagame rules (VGC 2012):
You may use every Pokemon except for the following:

All formes of Giratina
All formes of Shaymin
All unreleased DW pokemon
All unreleased event pokemon

-The Soul Dew Item is banned
-The moves Sky Drop and Dark Void are banned.
-You may not have multiple of one species of Pokemon on a team.
-You may not have multiple of the same Item on one team.
-You may not have a Pokemon with the nickname of another Pokemon, even if it's unreleased. For example, having a Latios nicknamed Magikarp.
-This is Bring6Pick4. It's where you bring six Pokemon on a team and choose four Pokemon in the team preview.
-Everything Lv. 50 or higher is changed to Lv. 50. Anything below is left as is.
-Nicknames and trainer names must be appropriate.

Thread rules:

-All PokeBeach rules apply.
-Please no discussion of ARs or any other sort of hacking.
-If your set is not part of the current metagame, please state that in your post.
-When posting the set, please follow the format below:

-Slot 1
-Slot 2
-Slot 3
-Slot 4

[4-6 Sentence description here.(As of this post.)]

~Note that when putting EVs on the description that you need exact amounts.

Past rules:

VGC 2011:
Only pokemon from Unova are allowed except for the following:

Unreleased DW pokemon
Unreleased Event pokemon

-The Soul Dew Item is banned (duh, it's not like you can use Lati@s)
-The moves Sky Drop and Dark Void are banned. (again, Smeregle and Darkrai are banned)
-You may not have multiple of one speciese of pokemon on a team.
-You may not have multiple of one Item on one team.
-You may not have a pokemon with the nickname of another pokemon (even if it's unreleased)(For exapmle, having a Latios nicknamed Magikarp)
-This is Bring6Pick4. It's where you bring six pokemon on a team and choose four pokemon in the team preview.
-Everything Lv.50 or higher is capped at lv.50. Anything below is left as is.
-Nicknames and trainer names must be appropriate.

VGC 2010:
You may use any pokemon except the following:

All formes of Deoxys
All formes of Shaymin
(This was before 5th gen.)

-The Soul Dew Item is banned
-(The move Sky Drop wasn't around, and Dark Void was leagal.)
-You may not have multiple of one speciese of pokemon on a team.
-You may not have multiple of one Item on one team.
-You may not have a pokemon with the nickname of another pokemon (even if it's unreleased)(For exapmle, having a Latios nicknamed Magikarp)
-(Brig6Pick4 didn't exist yet)
-Everything Lv.50 or higher is capped at lv.50. Anything below is left as is.
-Nicknames and trainer names must be appropriate.

Fithout further adeiu, discuss!

Here, I'll start the thread off:

I've been using this combo for some time now, but I feel it needs more of a tune up.

Nature: Bold
Ability: Swift Swim
EVs: 168 HP, 180 Def., 160 SDef
Leech Seed
Teeter Dance
Giga Drain

Volcarona@Focus Sash
Nature: Timid
Ability: Flame Body
EVs: 252 SAtt, 252 Spe, 6 SDef
Quiver Dance
Heat Wave
Hidden Power Ground

The point of this set is on T1 have Volcarona use Protect while Ludicolo Teeter Dances to confuse both foes (assuming the opponent doesn't use Protect). With two active pokemon confused, the opponent will be forced to either switch of risk taking Confusion damage. With this said, Volcarona will have a chance to reel off a Quiver Dance and beging sweeping T3.

Description of Ludicolo:

With this set, I was trying to maximise Ludicolo's ability of immortality. With Leech Seed and Lefties, it will be able to heal most of the damage taken within the turn (assuming I have both of the foe's active pokemon Seeded). When I don't have time to set up Seeds, Synthesis is a quick way to reover lost HP. Giga Drain prevents Ludicolo from becoming Taunt bait, as well as healing off more damage.

Description of Volcarona:

I was attempting to bring the moth's offensive potential. Most people find it odd that I use HP Ground over Bug Buzz. If I didn't have HP Ground, Heatran and Chandelure would wall Volcarona, with an Immunity to Fire and a 4x Resistance to Bug. Heat Wave makes an incredible spread move at +1 SAtt, as it usually deals about 60-70% to things that don't resist it.
You aren't, I am too, but I am 100% anti-meta. Here's one start I'm thinking about using:

Hippy (Hippowdon) (M) @ Life Orb
Trait: Sand Stream
EVs: 252 HP / 252 Atk / 4 SDef
Brave Nature (+Atk, -Spd)
- Earthquake
- Ice Fang
- Rock Slide
- Protect

Iron Lung (Bronzong) @ Occa Berry
Trait: Levitate
EVs: 252 HP / 84 Atk / 80 Def / 92 SDef
Sassy Nature (+SDef, -Spd)
- Trick Room
- Swagger
- Safeguard
- Zen Headbutt

Magnezone @ Air Balloon
Trait: Magnet Pull
EVs: 252 HP / 252 SAtk
Quiet Nature (+SAtk, -Spd)
- Flash Cannon
- Thunderbolt
- Reflect
- Protect

Slurppppp! (Gastrodon) (F) @ Rindo Berry
Trait: Storm Drain
EVs: 160 HP / 240 SAtk / 108 SDef
Quiet Nature (+SAtk, -Spd)
- Protect
- Earth Power
- Ice Beam
- Muddy Water

I'm a BOSS (Golurk) @ Focus Sash
Trait: Iron Fist
EVs: 252 HP / 252 Atk / 4 SDef
Brave Nature (+Atk, -Spd)
- Shadow Punch
- Earthquake
- Hammer Arm
- Protect

Lagblade (Gallade) (M) @ Fight Gem
Trait: Steadfast
EVs: 4 HP / 252 Atk / 252 Def
Brave Nature (+Atk, -Spd)
- Close Combat
- Zen Headbutt
- Trick Room
- Protect

It's called SwagRoom, and I'm not really sure how popular it is. The basic idea is to use Bronzong to power up Hippowdon as much as possible and then start sweeping. It works pretty well unless I face a team with multiple water Pokemon (which are quite common, thanks to Politoed). The Golurk is a somewhat iffy thing, since it gets KO'd more than it KO's, if you get that. I love export team on PO. :p
Hippowdon should be Sand Stream because that is the better of its abilities. The Brongzong will have Levitate because then it won't be damaged by the common Earthquake. It also combos nicely with Occa Berry so its only weakness the damage gets halved the first time it suffers from that attack type.
@King Arceus: Those are exactly the abilities.

I'll put the rest of my current team up on the post above now.:p
Heres a common one:
Hitmontop @ Eject Button or something that works like life orb
EVs: probably 252 HP, 252 ATK or 128 DEF/SPD, something along those lines.
Fake Out
Sucker Punch
Mach Punch
Close Combat/Drain Punch
Pokeplayer44 said:
Hippy (Hippowdon) (M) @ Life Orb
Trait: Sand Stream
EVs: 252 HP / 252 Atk / 4 SDef
Brave Nature (+Atk, -Spd)
- Earthquake
- Ice Fang
- Rock Slide
- Protect

Iron Lung (Bronzong) @ Occa Berry
Trait: Levitate
EVs: 252 HP / 84 Atk / 80 Def / 92 SDef
Sassy Nature (+SDef, -Spd)
- Trick Room
- Swagger
- Safeguard
- Zen Headbutt

Magnezone @ Air Balloon
Trait: Magnet Pull
EVs: 252 HP / 252 SAtk
Quiet Nature (+SAtk, -Spd)
- Flash Cannon
- Thunderbolt
- Reflect
- Protect

Slurppppp! (Gastrodon) (F) @ Rindo Berry
Trait: Storm Drain
EVs: 160 HP / 240 SAtk / 108 SDef
Quiet Nature (+SAtk, -Spd)
- Protect
- Earth Power
- Ice Beam
- Muddy Water

I'm a BOSS (Golurk) @ Focus Sash
Trait: Iron Fist
EVs: 252 HP / 252 Atk / 4 SDef
Brave Nature (+Atk, -Spd)
- Shadow Punch
- Earthquake
- Hammer Arm
- Protect

Lagblade (Gallade) (M) @ Fight Gem
Trait: Steadfast
EVs: 4 HP / 252 Atk / 252 Def
Brave Nature (+Atk, -Spd)
- Close Combat
- Zen Headbutt
- Trick Room
- Protect

It's called SwagRoom, and I'm not really sure how popular it is. The basic idea is to use Bronzong to power up Hippowdon as much as possible and then start sweeping. It works pretty well unless I face a team with multiple water Pokemon (which are quite common, thanks to Politoed). The Golurk is a somewhat iffy thing, since it gets KO'd more than it KO's, if you get that. I love export team on PO.

I'd suggest replacing Magnezone with Metagross and Bronzong with Cresselia. Intimidate is a pretty common sight when it comes to leads, and you will only be at +1 Att after one Swagger, which by all means isn't enough to sweep. Metagross' Clear Body will suppress the Intimidate Att drop. Cresselia manages to stay in there for long periods of time with its extreme bulk, as well as getting Helping Hand.

So, right now we're at:

Hippowdon, Cress, Metagross, Gastrodon, Golurk, and Gallade.

I'd get rid of either Gastrodon or Hippowdon, prefferablly Hippowdon. While, yes, Rain is a common sight, Hippowdon is a gonner, wheather it be with the LO or Focus Sash. Gastrodon on the other hand can render a Rain team pretty useless, but only if you manage to take down the opponent's Ludicolo (otherwise Gastro is 2HKO'd via Giga Drain with the Rindo Berry). Golurk is also a gonner ,since a Grass Knot Latios, Crunch T-tar, and Surf Politoed are common examples of Golurk's fate. For a replacement, I'd add in something with the Base Speed of around 100 or higher. Though this is TR, a rule of thumb for TR is to always have a fast backup if you're in a bind and can't get TR up again. I'd try Zapdos or Salamence. A Dragon/Steel core on the team isn't a bad thing, and for Mence, a Scarf Special set will do. Zapdos on the other hand is very bulky and has Tailwind instead of TR.

So, say you do remove the Hippo. This is what the team would now look like:


Gallade is actually very good on this team. The only thing I'd do is replace Steadfast with Justified. If you're at +1 Spe. in TR, that's setting yourself up for disaster. If the opponent doesn't have anything with Intimidate, a Gallade/Cresselia lead is near-perfect. Have Gallade setting up TR while Cress gets Safegaurd going. T2 have Cress use Swagger on Gallade (make sure that Cress' Spe. is lower than Gallade's so you can get the +2 Att., before Gallade attacks).

As for that last slot, keep Bronzong. You never know when you might need another SGer and/or TRer. Uxie might also fit here, but then that would be too many Psychics.


Metagross@Occa Berry
Nature: Adamant
Ability: Clear Body
EVs: 252 Att, 252 HP, 4 SDef
Zen Headbutt
Bullet Punch

Cresselia@Lum Berry
Nature: Bold
Ability: Levitate
EVs: 252 HP, 180 Def, 76 SDef
Trick Room
Helping Hand
Icy Wind

Nature: Modest
Ability: Intimidate
EVs: 252 SAtt, 248 Spe, 8 SDef
Hydro Pump
D-Pulse (or D-Meteor)
Hidden Power (Flying)
Heat Wave

Zapdos@Sitrus berry
Nature: Modest
Ability: Pressure
EVs: 252 SAtt, 140 HP, 116 Spe.
Heat Wave
Hidden Power (Ice)
Heres something I just thought of.
Hitmontop @ Pataya(I think thats what weakens psychic) Berry/Fighting Gem/Normal Gem
252HP, 252 ATK, 4 anything else except spa.
Rolling Kick For good damage/Low Sweep Slow Down latios or something
Fake Out
Mach Punch
Sucker Punch
Paired with intimidater, You could get same result and do more damage than usual.
Red Striker said:
I'd suggest replacing Magnezone with Metagross and Bronzong with Cresselia. Intimidate is a pretty common sight when it comes to leads, and you will only be at +1 Att after one Swagger, which by all means isn't enough to sweep. Metagross' Clear Body will suppress the Intimidate Att drop. Cresselia manages to stay in there for long periods of time with its extreme bulk, as well as getting Helping Hand.

So, right now we're at:

Hippowdon, Cress, Metagross, Gastrodon, Golurk, and Gallade.

I'd get rid of either Gastrodon or Hippowdon, prefferablly Hippowdon. While, yes, Rain is a common sight, Hippowdon is a gonner, wheather it be with the LO or Focus Sash. Gastrodon on the other hand can render a Rain team pretty useless, but only if you manage to take down the opponent's Ludicolo (otherwise Gastro is 2HKO'd via Giga Drain with the Rindo Berry). Golurk is also a gonner ,since a Grass Knot Latios, Crunch T-tar, and Surf Politoed are common examples of Golurk's fate. For a replacement, I'd add in something with the Base Speed of around 1oo or higher. Though this is TR, a rule of thumb for TR is to always have a fast backup if you're in a bind and can't get TR up again. I'd try Zapdos or Salamence. A Dragon/Steel core on the team isn't a bad thing, and for Mence, a Scarf Special set will do. Zapdos on the other hand is very bulky and has Tailwind instead of TR.

So, say you do remove the Hippo. This is what the team would now look like:


Gallade is actually very good on this team. The only thing I'd do is replace Steadfast with Justified. If you're at +1 Spe. in TR, that's setting yourself up for disaster. If the opponent doesn't have anything with Intimidate, a Gallade/Cresselia lead is naer-perfect. Have Gallade setting up TR while Cress gets Safegaurd going. T2 have Cress use Swagger on Gallade (make sure that Cress' Spe. is lower than Gallade's so you can get the +2 Att., before Gallade attacks).

As for that last slot, keep Bronzong. You never know when you might need another SGer and/or TRer. Uxie might also fit here, but then that would be too many Psychics.


Metagross@Occa Berry
Nature: Adamant
Ability: Clear Body
EVs: 252 Att, 252 HP, 4 SDef
Zen Headbutt
Bullet Punch

Cresselia@Lum Berry
Nature: Bold
Ability: Levitate
EVs: 252 HP, 180 Def, 76 SDef
Trick Room
Helping Hand
Icy Wind

Nature: Modest
Ability: Intimidate
EVs: 252 SAtt, 248 Spe, 8 SDef
Hydro Pump
D-Pulse (or D-Meteor)
Hidden Power (Flying)
Heat Wave

Zapdos@Sitrus berry
Nature: Modest
Ability: Pressure
EVs: 252 SAtt, 140 HP, 116 Spe.
Heat Wave
Hidden Power (Ice)

Magnezone was just an idea, I had also thrown around Metagross. There are only two Pokemon I refuse to use, and Cresselia is one of them (sorry). Zapdos is a meh, I don't RNG and/or have time to get another before Regionals though, so HP Ice would be irrelevant. So I kinda like this:

Hippowdon (If I get rid of it, the whole idea is trashed)
Salamence (way easier to get than Zapdos, but why Special when I have the Swagger/Safeguard?)

Sorry if this made you mad, but I hate the metagame. That's why I say no way to Cresselia.:p
Pokeplayer44 said:
Hippowdon (If I get rid of it, the whole idea is trashed)
Salamence (way easier to get than Zapdos, but why Special when I have the Swagger/Safeguard?)

Sorry if this made you mad, but I hate the metagame. That's why I say no way to Cresselia.

If you don't like Cresselia, Telepathy Musharna will also work. All you need to do is replace Icy Wind with Psychic.

Also, your ratio (without Mence) is 3 Physical attackers to 1 special attacker (with a support). With this being said, WoW and Intimidate will murder this team (except for Metagross in the case of Intimidate). Special Mence would even this out a bit, thought I might try the ratio of 2/3/1 (Phys/Spec/Support). Metagross should be one of those phys. attackers. The other one is up to you. Also, KEEP GASTRODON! I've been testing over random matchup, and Rain team runs rampant.
Definitely keeping Gastrodon, but what are you saying to drop for Musharna? I have nearly no time to test because of stuff I'll be doing between now and the 21st.:p
Only one pokemon can have the Occa Berry, so unless you plan to make Bronzong's Ability Heatproof and give it the Sucha Berry, I'd replace it with Musharna. If you're worried about the residual damage from Sand, Leftovers also works.
Thats true. So I guess it wount be a threat. I don't think Tornadus/thundurus really use their prankster unless its tailwind or thunder wave. Whimsicott is pretty good, and Sableye might get some use. Think Terracott will still be popular?? Maybe Whimsicario?!?! that's be pretty insane w/ bullet punch, but I think Mach Punch is egg move and the lucario is Male.
I've seen TWave and Tailwind used last year at Nats via the Prankster ability.
TerraCott and Whimsicario are too easily broken. EQ shreds both of them, not to mention the fact that Rage Powder and Follow Me will redirect Beat Up.
Luxray :D said:
You guys think anyone will be using prankster Volbeat??

It also can't have Baton Pass & Prankster thanks to being an all-male Pokemon, so it is basically worthless.