Competitive VG Simple Questions Thread

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RE: The Competitive Battling Questions Thread

^ Unless you kill it first. Are there any good Ferrothorn counters?
RE: The Competitive Battling Questions Thread

Many fighting-types make good counters, since Ferrothorn is usually found on rain teams, Fire isn't always a reliable counter. Conkeldurr is one of my favorites, due to it's bulk and resistances to Gyro Ball (low speed), and after a Bulk Up or two can easily KO any Ferrothorn.
RE: The Competitive Battling Questions Thread

SD roost scizor can set up on ferro.
RE: The Competitive Battling Questions Thread

I just bred for 5 Koffing in HG (with Pain Split) and their IVs and natures are as follows.

Koffing's stats:

All are level 100; natures are Calm-Quiet-Sassy-Calm-Timid in that order
211 141 216 156 121 79 - 21/22/21/31/15/4
219 151 216 171 119 95 - 29/16/21/31/24/31
220 164 216 156 129 71 - 30/29/21/31/23/4
207 135 213 156 138 85 - 17/16/18/31/31/10
203 143 216 156 107 96 - 13/24/21/31/12/13

The numbers on the left are the actual stats with no EVs; the ones on the right are IVs, in the order given. So which one should I go with?

I'm thinking #2, but they all look pretty good (except for 4 and 5)
RE: The Competitive Battling Questions Thread

It's a tough one between #2 and #3. #3 has slightly better HP and SpD, but #2 has a bit more SpA. I'd personally go with #3, since Koffing/Weezing should have the highest HP/Defenses possible. But the difference is slight, and SpA is what Koffing uses more often.
RE: The Competitive Battling Questions Thread

I think I'm going to end up going with 2; I know both 2 and 3 are my best shots, but both of them have Speed-reducing natures so it's kind of a push, yet even with that said, 2 has only slightly less HP and SpDef than 3, and since it's a bit faster it can get the drop on a /few/ things. Plus, its nature boosts SpAttk, which can make its power quite surprising.

Thanks for the input nonetheless! (If I didn't pick 2 I definitely would have gone with 3, so don't think your opinion meant nothing to me; it was very helpful.)
RE: The Competitive Battling Questions Thread

Does anyone know whether or not Assist will pick up moves from Pokémon in a Rotation Battle on the rotating platform but not up front? Or will it only pick moves from Pokémon in reserve you'd switch into?
RE: The Competitive Battling Questions Thread

Thanks DNA, I appreciate the help.
I think I will try to ask everyone here & see what I get, because I'm not really sure how to use the Smogon thing you told me.
I feel like a Newb but I've been playing since Red & Blue, & I just learned about EV training.

Hey everyone, I'm also new to the forums.
I've been trying to EV train my party.
I have:
Metagross LV. 61
Dragonite LV. 61
Zekrom LV. 62
Victini LV. 63
Emboar LV. 64
Kyurem LV. 75

How do I know which stats to EV train for each of my Pokemon?
I know it's effective only train 2 stats to 252, but I'm not sure which 2.
Thanks :)
RE: The Competitive Battling Questions Thread

first off, just make sure that your Pokemon have 0 EVs to start with. Based on the levels you gave, I'm going to guess you battled with them quite a bit, so they probably have EVs spread around all its stats.
You can do one of two things:

1) Get new species of each Pokemon, freshly hatched/caught, having earned no battle exp.
2) Use EV-erasing berries en masse to erase all existing EVs on your Pokemon. This is usually more tedious, and the berries are found only through Dream World.

Once you have no EVs you can start EV training. Here are some of my opinions:

Metagross: Primarily physical, so you will probably want to dump a lot into Attack and Speed. Agility is also a good move to have on it, as after one it will outspeed a lot of things.

Dragonite: Dragonite can do a lot of things, and its primary strength is its bulk; Multiscale (DW ability) just adds to this. There are a few things you can do with this.

Zekrom: Like Metagross it is primarily physical, so focus on Attack and Speed.

Victini: Victini's capable of being mixed, but his forte is physical too, given that he gets V-Create and Fusion Bolt via event. Attack and Speed are good areas to focus on, although mixed and special sets exist too.

Emboar: I dunno, mixed/physical?

Kyurem: Like Victini, Kyurem's capable of doing a lot, and does equally well on both the physical and special fronts. Check Smogon for set ideas on all the above so you can get started.
RE: The Competitive Battling Questions Thread

Okay. I've got two questions for you guys now. (Okay'd by Bippa and DNA as reassurance)

1- Would you use Refresh or Psycho Shift on a CM Latias to keep status off it?

2- Are there any merits to using SubTorment Gengar over SubDisable Gengar?

RE: The Competitive Battling Simple Questions Thread

1- Refresh...I wasn't even aware Latias could get Psycho Shift until now. But the reason being generally people run some kind of status around Latias, so you could inflict your opponent with the "wrong" one. It's also possible to shift something like poison onto something with guts, which would then run through your whole team, not just the Latias.

2- no. both of them suck. No I think Disable is the better move to use because Torment and Disable are used to prevent things from breaking subs. Torment kind of needs Protect to go with it, Gengar is too frail to for this strategy, I think. Disable completely shuts off a move rather than making them alternate, so it would be the better option.
RE: The Competitive Battling Simple Questions Thread

Thank you. What would a TormentGar set look like then?

Gengar @ Leftovers
4 HP/252 SAtk/252 Spe
Shadow Ball

Just a rough idea. And just another thought (that must sound moronic), is Substitute+Confuse Ray possible?

EDIT (to Teapot down there): Thanks again. I just have a spare Gengar I have no idea what to do with that doesn't have HP Fire. I already have SubDisable and SubWoW, but this one was up for grabs. I think I'll alternate between Hypnosis and Torment for now.

RE: The Competitive Battling Simple Questions Thread

It's possible, but it's not really a good idea. The only time confusion is really useful is in a parafusion hax set on something like Lanturn. I would rather run Will o Wisp or Hypnosis if I was going to run a status, but I think Sub/Shadow Ball/Focus Blast/HP Fire or Disable or Pain Split is as good as Gengar gets.

And yes, that would be what a TormentGar set would look like, should you choose to use one.
RE: The Competitive Battling Simple Questions Thread

All right, I suppose that question I have about Assist is something nobody here really knows.

I got another question though. Since this cocerns doubles and triples, I'm guessing someone here knows:
Will Wide Guard protect the user from multi-target attacks if it's done by the user's partner? For instance, if I use Wide Guard on one Pokémon and Earthquake on another in the same turn, will it block Earthquake?
RE: The Competitive Battling Simple Questions Thread

Yes, it blocks Earthquake. I've seen this myself. Wide Guard protects the ally's team from all multi-target moves, including from the allies themselves.
RE: The Competitive Battling Simple Questions Thread

In VGC, do you think Teeter Dance could be a potential strategy? Using a Pokemon with either a Persim/Lum Berry or with Own Tempo could work. A DW Ludicolo + Teeter Dance Liligant or something?Teeter Dance has way too poor distribution. Event Pikachu maybe??
RE: The Competitive Battling Simple Questions Thread

No. Any strategy relying on luck is just bad for official tournaments. Not to mention how fragile the couple users of Teeter Dance are.
RE: The Competitive Battling Simple Questions Thread

King Arceus said:
No. Any strategy relying on luck is just bad for official tournaments. Not to mention how fragile the couple users of Teeter Dance are.

Yeah. I saw a battle video in triples, but I didn't think it was that good. I agree with the fragile users statement.
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