Competitive VG Simple Questions Thread

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RE: The Competitive Battling Questions Thread

Rock does beat Scizors, Whoever said otherwise is DEAD wrong.
RE: The Competitive Battling Questions Thread

Scizor is its own plural, so your troll/joke is invalid and I should 80% warn you for it.
RE: The Competitive Battling Questions Thread

If a male pokemon has a DW ability and breeds with ditto, can the baby have a DW ability?
RE: The Competitive Battling Questions Thread

I really want to enter VGC 2011 but i have used my action replay on it for rare candies for EV training will i be allowed in VGC??? Im really scared now because i dont want to be DQ for just just using rare candies. Should i just erased everything and start over??? plz HELP!!!! :(

RE: The Competitive Battling Questions Thread

If you only did Rare Candies, you should be fine. You would be flagged if you messed with the IVs/Nature/EVs. If you're truly paranoid, I hear that trading the suspected Pokemon to another game will pass the sensors without a problem, but I have no confirmation for this.
RE: The Competitive Battling Questions Thread

OMG thank you!!!!! I am currently deleting ALLL of my hacked shinies and anything that might be hacked from my earlier games. Will this helps? Even if it doesnt it will will give me that feeling of knowing i not cheating ANYMORE. I think im never using it again lol.
I was reading about the VGC rules and they said they will scan for AR use, if i delete/release the pokemon and items from AR will this give me a clean slate? thank you again :)

RE: The Competitive Battling Questions Thread

Hi, I breed a perfect IV in attack and speed with jolly nature and technician ability, syther but i am not sure what the move set should be. I want to go with a wide types covering sweeper that works in conjuntion with ninjask speed boost baton pass thing or even better SB blaziken if they decide to take make it legal after all the hpye of it's ban. I am pretty sure the evs dhould go: hp-6, attack-252, speed-252, unless i am mistaken. note: i do not use pokesav, because i do not belive in hacking.
RE: The Competitive Battling Questions Thread

You could use a SD set, if you're using it in conjunction with Ninjask. Scyther's best attacks when boosted by Technician are probably Aerial Ace, Bug Bite, and Quick Attack. Use a Spinner. Definitely.
THe best place to look for a set is Smogon. They'll also give you EVs.
RE: The Competitive Battling Questions Thread

6-Dimension said:
You could use a SD set, if you're using it in conjunction with Ninjask. Scyther's best attacks when boosted by Technician are probably Aerial Ace, Bug Bite, and Quick Attack. Use a Spinner. Definitely.
THe best place to look for a set is Smogon. They'll also give you EVs.

sorry if i didn't make my self very clear I will eventualy evolve it into scizor( why go in to competitive play with nfes unless turbo magikarp etc.) I am looking for the best moveset for SCIZOR in general, if i my judgment of nature/ ability was wrong let me know causee i got several full pc boxes of scizor that could ponetial pass down another trait.

edit: I check out smogon.

This is what i cam up with

ability: technician
hold item: expert belt
ivs: 248 hp 252 attack 8 speed
Bullet punch
Night Slash-unsure

I am unsure whether to put swords dance on nijask or scizor himself. ninjask is very fragile but it i keep up a substitue I could try. what do you think?
RE: The Competitive Battling Questions Thread

Well, it's just that Jolly Scizors aren't used very much. For the Standard CB Scizor, as well as the new Bulky SD sets, HP is much more important than Speed. Scyther is actually competitively viable, so I based my post on that fact and the perfect Speed and Attack IVs.
RE: The Competitive Battling Questions Thread

okay, so lets say we have scizor with perfect hp + attack ivs, not to hard, cause i managed to get the power item that ups hp growth from battle frontier in my soul silver I can easily tade it over.
RE: The Competitive Battling Questions Thread

Bullet Punch should be on every Scizor without exception. You don't get a stab Technician-boosting priority move that runs off your dominant attack stat and not use it.
RE: The Competitive Battling Questions Thread

Shadow Arceus said:
I think you have IVs and EVs confused.

no, you can use power items to pass down a specfic iv easier when breeding. True, power items can be used to speed up ev training but i mainly use them for iv breeding.
RE: The Competitive Battling Questions Thread

I've been having problems with Hydreigons (Mine was improperly trained) lately, and I need a good counter for them. My top three were a ShedRest Scrafty, Mach Punch Conkeldurr, or HiJumpKick Mienshao.

Also, need a good counter for C-Scarf Chandelures. Can't think of any, since half of the team I'm using is weak to it. (Galvantula, Jellicent, and Beheeyem anyone?)

RE: The Competitive Battling Questions Thread

A scarfed Chandelure is easily countered by Tyranitar. It's very easy to switch in and Pursuit will destroy him. Chansey can easily wall Hydreigon, and Blissey if for some reason you don't want Chansey. Other things with high SpD can take him such as Cressy (although rarely used because of all the threats. Just an example of high SpD/HP).
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