Competitive VG Simple Questions Thread

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RE: The Competitive Battling Simple Questions Thread

So there will be a 50/50 chance the Egg of my 31 Defense Modest Charmander will have a 31 Defense IV?
RE: The Competitive Battling Simple Questions Thread

Also, Destiny Knot apparently passes down five of the parent's IVs this gen (and it stacks with the Power item). On top of things like Friend Safari (that give you at least two 31s), it should be possible to breed a 6x31 Pokemon fairly easily, even without RNG abuse.
RE: The Competitive Battling Simple Questions Thread

roughly, but only if both parents have 31 Def IVs. It's more like a 25% chance if the partner doesn't have 31 Def IVs and neither holds a power belt. If your charmander with 31 Def IVS holds a power belt, the chance is 100%.

DNA said:
Also, Destiny Knot apparently passes down five of the parent's IVs this gen (and it stacks with the Power item). On top of things like Friend Safari (that give you at least two 31s), it should be possible to breed a 6x31 Pokemon fairly easily, even without RNG abuse.
dude.. if that's true, you just need an everstone on a mostly flawless pokemon with the nature you want and a ideal (not necessarily flawless if you're aiming for a specific HP type) pokemon (by the 'normal' method) with a destiny knot to breed the 'perfect' pokemon with a (roughly) 1 in 32 chance when the nature passed down is correct (there's a chance it wont be the everstone nature, at least in gen 5. not sure if altered in gen 6).
RE: The Competitive Battling Simple Questions Thread

In BW2, the Everstone chance was changed to 100%, so odds are that was kept. And if the Everstone parent has the missing 31, so much the better.
Yep, it's now legitimately possible to breed a 6x31 Pokemon without RNG abuse.

Woohoo, the rest of us! \o/
RE: The Competitive Battling Simple Questions Thread

Sorry in advance if I'm posting this in the wrong place, as this isn't exactly a "simple" question. Although it's probably simple for a lot of you and I'm just inexperienced. Also I've been through this whole thread and haven't really gotten an exact answer to my inquiries.

I've been attempting to EV train Pokemon since Black and White came out. I'm not a competitive battler. However, I do like trying to get my Pokemon as powerful as possible just for fun. While I've always known of IVs, I found them to be confusing and just dismissed them but I now realize how large a role they actually play in raising your stats.

I'm now playing Pokemon Y and having a lot of fun with the "Super Training" feature, but before I start EV training, I've been breeding for specific natures and IV's. I've been using the calculation on for IVs which is

IV = ((Math.Ceiling(Stat / Stat) - 5) * 100 / Level Value) - 2 * Base Stat – Math.Floor(Effort Points / 4)
for the 5 main stats and

Hit Point IV = ((Stat – Level Value - 10) * 100 / Level Value ) - 2 * BaseStat – Math.Floor(EV / 4)
for the HP stat.

but my questions are:

1) Is there a way to tell the difference in IVs between several freshly hatched LV1 Pokemon of the same species/nature without having to level them up first?

2) If not, what do you recommend I level them up to to notice a difference?

3) If I do have to level them up to be able to tell the difference, obviously their EVs will be affected. If I were to use the Reset Bags in "Super Training" or any other item to reset EVs, will I still use the current stats of my Pokemon in the equations above?

For example, I have a Lvl30 Malamar that has a few EVs raised from when I was evolving it from an Inkay. His stats are currently
If I were to use a Reset Bag to reset all of his EVs, would I still use the current stats so the equation for say, Atk, would look like:
IV = ((82/1) - 5) * 100 / 30) - 2 * 92 – (0 / 4)
(This is assuming that his base attack stat is 92, a couple of sites have approximated this)
or would I still need to know how how many Atk EVs were raised prior to using the Reset Bag?

4) Also, in this equation, do you always round up? Or just round up when the resulting number is x.5 or higher, and round down when the resulting number is x.4 or lower?

Oh, and just so anyone answering is aware, I haven't made it to Kiloude City yet so I can't talk to the IV guy.

IVs are pretty dang confusing, and any other tips regarding them or lesser known tips on EV training would be VERY much appreciated. Sorry about the really long post, I hope I gave enough details for someone to be able to help haha
RE: The Competitive Battling Simple Questions Thread

1) Is there a way to tell the difference in IVs between several freshly hatched LV1 Pokemon of the same species/nature without having to level them up first?

I believe there is a person in the game as there has been in all previous generations (usually located at the Battle Frontier) that tells you the potential of your pokemon. Normally he will tell you what your pokemon's overall potential is (higher potential means generally good IVS) and then he will generally tell you which IV is the highest (he will give you the specific Stat. Normally he includes the word "flawless" if you have a 31 in that IV.) Aside from this though, there is no way to tell without leveling up since at that early of a level, 17 Attack IVs and 31 Atack IVs are both probably going to give you an attack stat of 6.

2) If not, what do you recommend I level them up to to notice a difference?

I duno. 10 or 15 maybe? If you have a lot of the same pokemon, you will at least be able to eliminate the pokemon with the lowest IVs. If you EV Train or use Protein and other vitamins, it becomes a lot easier to tell the IVs.

3) If I do have to level them up to be able to tell the difference, obviously their EVs will be affected. If I were to use the Reset Bags in "Super Training" or any other item to reset EVs, will I still use the current stats of my Pokemon in the equations above?

Always use the stat your pokemon currently has. So if you had an attack of say 90 but then reset the EVs and now have an attack of 80, you would use 80 in the equation.

4) Also, in this equation, do you always round up? Or just round up when the resulting number is x.5 or higher, and round down when the resulting number is x.4 or lower?

Generally in math, I don't round until I have completed the entire equation. After that though, I'm not quite sure how the mechanic works. I would assume that you round up if .5 and higher, but I really don't know for certain.
RE: The Competitive Battling Simple Questions Thread

The simplest solution: trade to a friend who DOES have access to Kiloude city and have him/her check IVs for you with a calculator. What also works for the level-up situation is to save up 3-5 rare candies, save, then use them one at a time, writing down the new stats each time before resetting at the end. the pokemon will return to the lower level and you can use the rare candies again later.
RE: The Competitive Battling Simple Questions Thread

Is Gengarite banned for competitive? I didn't read through so I don't know if this has been answered. I want to use it but I'm worried it'll be banned so I want to make sure.
RE: The Competitive Battling Simple Questions Thread

Pokewiz1999 said:
Is Gengarite banned for competitive? I didn't read through so I don't know if this has been answered. I want to use it but I'm worried it'll be banned so I want to make sure.

Yes, Gengarite is banned. For future reference, here is our official banlist: XY OU Banlist
RE: The Competitive Battling Simple Questions Thread

AoH said:
Pokewiz1999 said:
Is Gengarite banned for competitive? I didn't read through so I don't know if this has been answered. I want to use it but I'm worried it'll be banned so I want to make sure.

Yes, Gengarite is banned. For future reference, here is our official banlist: XY OU Banlist

I thought that list only meant Pokebeach tournaments. It's illegal for Pokemon sanctioned tournaments? I didn't see anything like that in the rules but I easily could have skipped it.
RE: The Competitive Battling Simple Questions Thread

Pokewiz1999 said:
I thought that list only meant Pokebeach tournaments. It's illegal for Pokemon sanctioned tournaments? I didn't see anything like that in the rules but I easily could have skipped it.
Okay, you should've specified what format you were talking about. :p It's allowed for anything run by Pokémon officially. Anything under Smogon, PB, or the like is where it is banned.
RE: The Competitive Battling Simple Questions Thread

AoH said:
Pokewiz1999 said:
I thought that list only meant Pokebeach tournaments. It's illegal for Pokemon sanctioned tournaments? I didn't see anything like that in the rules but I easily could have skipped it.
Okay, you should've specified what format you were talking about. :p It's allowed for anything run by Pokémon officially. Anything under Smogon, PokéBeach, or the like is where it is banned.

Ah ok thanks. Terribly sorry about the confusion.
RE: The Competitive Battling Simple Questions Thread

I really want to make a team that can troll my friends, I figured some stuff but I need some advice on it
F.E.A.R Aron lvl 1 sturdy w/Shell Bell
Quick Attack
-no idea
-no idea

He is probably the main focus of my team, sweeping with a lvl 1 aron will be epic

Trollgekiss Serene Grace w/ Bright Powder
-Air Slash
-Double Team


Banette Frisk w/ Banetite
-Destiny Bond
-Shadow Sneak
Force the opponent to attack me then priority destiny bond

Chansey Serene Grace w/ Eviolite

Wall of doom.

Liepard Prankster w/ leftovers
-Foul Play

Get up a sub with prankster then t-wave swagger and foul play it out :D

Not sure about the last slot, I need something good to just flat out troll the opponent, Keep in mind this is a casual battle so we wont be making sure of our tiers and stuff :D
RE: The Competitive Battling Simple Questions Thread

I really want to make a team that can troll my friends, I figured some stuff but I need some advice on it
F.E.A.R Aron lvl 1 sturdy w/Shell Bell
Quick Attack
-no idea
-no idea
He doesn't get Quick Attack (or any sort of priority). You need to have them killed via sand damage.

Trollgekiss Serene Grace w/ Bright Powder
-Air Slash
-Double Team
IIRC Brightpowder is not permitted, and I know neither is Double Team. Body Slam is an option if you don't want to use T-Wave if you fear Ground-types, and in place of DT you can use something like Heat Wave.

Chansey Serene Grace w/ Eviolite
I assume this is going to be on a simulator, because how exactly do you plan to get Wish Chansey in the videogame when it was event-exclusive?

Liepard Prankster w/ leftovers
-Foul Play
Klefki does this better because it's not fragile.

I have no comments on the Banette as I have no experience with it...
RE: The Competitive Battling Simple Questions Thread

DNA said:
I really want to make a team that can troll my friends, I figured some stuff but I need some advice on it
F.E.A.R Aron lvl 1 sturdy w/Shell Bell
Quick Attack
-no idea
-no idea
He doesn't get Quick Attack (or any sort of priority). You need to have them killed via sand damage.

Trollgekiss Serene Grace w/ Bright Powder
-Air Slash
-Double Team
IIRC Brightpowder is not permitted, and I know neither is Double Team. Body Slam is an option if you don't want to use T-Wave if you fear Ground-types, and in place of DT you can use something like Heat Wave.

Chansey Serene Grace w/ Eviolite
I assume this is going to be on a simulator, because how exactly do you plan to get Wish Chansey in the videogame when it was event-exclusive?

Liepard Prankster w/ leftovers
-Foul Play
Klefki does this better because it's not fragile.

I have no comments on the Banette as I have no experience with it...

I give up. I looked at a couple of sets to use but didn't realise aron doesn't get quick attack and chansey wish. I was gonna do this on X but I wont. thanks anyway
RE: The Competitive Battling Simple Questions Thread

DNA said:
Trollgekiss Serene Grace w/ Bright Powder
-Air Slash
-Double Team
IIRC Brightpowder is not permitted, and I know neither is Double Team. Body Slam is an option if you don't want to use T-Wave if you fear Ground-types, and in place of DT you can use something like Heat Wave.

Chansey Serene Grace w/ Eviolite
I assume this is going to be on a simulator, because how exactly do you plan to get Wish Chansey in the videogame when it was event-exclusive?

Liepard Prankster w/ leftovers
-Foul Play
Klefki does this better because it's not fragile.

I have no comments on the Banette as I have no experience with it...

OK, a few things, having used most of theses species before. Togekiss only gets Body Slam from previous gens (no way to teach it in Gen 6 unless tutors are magically added to the game later) Airslash/Twave/Roost/Flamethrower is generally sufficient in gen 6 (held item: leftovers).

Legitimate Wish Chansey/Blissey are a myth. Yes, it was released in a gen 3 NY event, but not many got the chansey during the short time it was available. Furthermore, of the chansey that were picked up none of them had good IVs (as RNG abuse wasn't even documented at the time, much less practicable for live distributions). To top it off, practically every legitimate wish chansey (who wasn't particularly good at the time due to the mechanics of the move only healing half of the receiving pokemon's HP) died a quiet death to lost/restarted games, etc. A couple may have found their way to gen 4 games, but by that time it was (for the most part) ignored as inferior to other wish users or other blissey sets (remember, Eviolite wasn't a thing before gen 5, so even if a Wish Chansey was used, it was usually evolved first) in the competitive scene. Not until gen 5 was it really "good" as a wish user/passer (Wish then healed half of the user's max HP regarless of the reciever, so 300+ HP wishes were now a thing), which spawned a huge wave of chansey/blissey with the move hacked on. I can guarantee every wish chansey you find today will be a hack.

Regarding Liepard, it's not that it's fragile, it's mainly the lack of coverage and the fact you give everything more power to hit you with when your defenses geneally are ignored EV wise (invetment mainly goes into Speed and HP on Liepard). Sableye is actually a better option since Burn-stall is often more viable than Swagger-Foul Play (Klefki is better as spikes and/or Dual Screens support than Swagger/FP).

Spartansn1p3r said:
Banette Frisk w/ Banetite
-Destiny Bond
-Shadow Sneak
Force the opponent to attack me then priority destiny bond

Having used Mega Banette myself, I find the "priority Stolen" set to be highly effective. It relies on prediction to a large degree, but it can be powerful when used correctly. Here is my set:

Banette (F) @ Banettite
Trait: Frisk
EVs: 252 HP / 252 Atk
Brave Nature (+Atk, -Spd)
- Will-O-Wisp
- Shadow Sneak
- Sucker Punch
- Destiny Bond

With this, you get great coverage, hit very hard, and can deal with many major threats in the game (including the infamous Gale Wings Talonflame). Just beware Prankster doesn't take effect on the turn you mega-evolve. :/
RE: The Competitive Battling Simple Questions Thread

My futere team:

Shiny Klefki (Leftover)
-T wave
-Flash Cannon
-Dazling gem

Kangashan (Kangashanlite)
-Fire Fang
-Rock Slide

Smeargle (Shell bell)

Gengar (Black Sludge)
-Dazling Gem
-Sludge bom

-Ice Beam

Please, give advice about the items and moves, and what the six-pokemon must be
RE: The Competitive Battling Simple Questions Thread

ShinyVincent said:
My futere team:

Shiny Klefki (Leftover)
-T wave
-Flash Cannon
-Dazling gem

Kangashan (Kangashanlite)
-Fire Fang
-Rock Slide

Smeargle (Shell bell)

Gengar (Black Sludge)
-Dazling Gem
-Sludge bom

-Ice Beam

Please, give advice about the items and moves, and what the six-pokemon must be

For Klefki i would use Dual screens

Klefki @ Light clay
Ability: Prankster
EVs: 252 HP / 252 Def / 4 SDef
Bold Nature
- Reflect
- Light screen
- Spikes / Toxic / Thunder wave
- Foul Play

The third move is really what you need, do you want to cripple opposing mons or do you want hazards up while foul play is in the fourth spot to take some threats down.

Revenge Killer

Kangaskhan @ Kangaskhanite
Ability: Scrappy / (Mega) Parental Bond
EVs: 252 Atk / 252 Spd / 4 Hp
Adamant Nature
-Fake Out / Earthquake
-Sucker Punch
-Power Up Punch

Scrappy is if you switching into ghost types and want to use fake out then return to take it out if it starts setting up. Fake out is to get a good amount of Damage off on the first turn and to see if the Opponent has a Toxic orb or another item that activates after 1 turn. Earthquake can be swapped out for additional coverage but I would prefer Fake out as Power up Punch can cover Steel Types. Sucker Punch is for Ghosts or anything low health that would take you out with a priority move. Power Up Punch if anything is low and cant do much for a knockout and +2 Attack. Return is Powerful Super STAB.

I Personally Wouldn't use smeargle unless I used him to set up, If you want you can swap out Klefki for smeargle and use this set as a lead.

Smeargle @Focus Sash
EVs: 252 Spd / 252 Hp / 4 Def
Ability : Doesn't Matter
-Sticky Web
-Stealth Rocks

You can easily tell what to do with this set. Guaranteed Spore (Watch for Grass types) Then Set it Up! If you are faster, Spore after setting up then switch to something that can Get a few kills off, Aegislash For Example.

A Standard Gengar set isn't common these days, you usually see a Gengar w/ Gengarite but if you want to you can go for..

Speed Demon

Gengar @ Choice Scarf
Nature: Timid
Ability: Levitate
EVs: 252 Speed/252 SpA/4 HP

Shadow Ball
Focus Blast
Sludge Bomb

If you want Just Spam Shadow Ball to wreck most things, this can mainly be used as a revenge killer, Heck this thing Outspeeds Deoxys - S. Trick is for getting rid of the Choice Scarf but gives an edge to your opponent, swap it out for thunder bolt if you want coverage. Focus Blast is for Dark Types and Sludge bomb is to F*** Over the Fairies.

Absol Cant Really Be used to its full Extent without its Mega Evolution, If you decide you want to use it try this:

Swords Dance
(Mega) Absol @ Absolite
Ability: Justified/ (Mega) Magic Bounce
EVs: 252 Atk / 4 SAtk / 252 Spd
Naive Nature / Jolly Nature
-Swords Dance
-Sucker Punch/Night Slash
-Fire Blast/Baton Pass
-Play Rough

I'd list Superpower, but... No transfer yet in X and Y. Besides, Play Rough does the work of Super Power and More! Anyway, a Swords Dance set is a Staple for Absol. Thanks to blocking status moves, Sucker Punch becomes more effective, while Swords Dance boosts Absol's high Attack to even higher levels. Night Slash is weaker than Sucker Punch and doesn't have priority, but it grants greater reliability against defensive teams. Fire Blast hits Skarmory, Ferrothorn, and Forretress, which Mega Absol would otherwise have trouble with. However, Baton Pass can be used to pass your boosts to another teammate that can handle an Absol counter. Play Rough hits Fighting-, Dark-, and Dragon-type Pokemon hard; especially Fighting-types as Absol would have a hard time against them otherwise. Other than this set, I wouldn't use Absol, Also note that Play Rough is an Egg Move

Well, Hope I Helped ya :D
RE: The Competitive Battling Simple Questions Thread

Hey, guys I need some help getting back into the competitive online play. I've been on-off ever since Gen IV, but with the new streamlining of online play I really want to get back into it for good. I've got a decent team in X and when Poketransfer comes out I'll have access to my entire Black team, and in case anybody was wondering, yes I do breed and EV train. My question is, where do I start? There so much stuff going on that it feels a bit overwhelming. I feel like one of the first things I need to do is get my team rated, and then start battling. If someone could give me some direction it would be much appreciated.
RE: The Competitive Battling Simple Questions Thread

Metricus said:
Hey, guys I need some help getting back into the competitive online play. I've been on-off ever since Gen IV, but with the new streamlining of online play I really want to get back into it for good. I've got a decent team in X and when Poketransfer comes out I'll have access to my entire Black team, and in case anybody was wondering, yes I do breed and EV train. My question is, where do I start? There so much stuff going on that it feels a bit overwhelming. I feel like one of the first things I need to do is get my team rated, and then start battling. If someone could give me some direction it would be much appreciated.

The first thing to do is to figure out what kind of team you want (all out offensive, bulky offense, weather, trick room, all of that).

After that you should start off with a couple of Pokemon that have good synergy together and then go from there; what covers weaknesses and stuff.
If you have an idea of what you want then you could post it with a couple team members you want/have and work from there.
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