Discussion Confirmed Fake Rumor Catalog - Sun & Moon Edition [Games Out!]

It would seem extremely odd if they introduced a major mechanic to 20-30 pokemon only to let it die in a generation. Which is my concern with the alola forms; only one generation will feature alola, so does that mean the concept of "regional variant" dies with this gen, or will there be "not-Alola" forms for the future regions?

Presumably the regional variant concept will continue in future games, but feature variants specific to those other regions.

GF always makes things, sometimes great, sometimes not, that they just discard for the next generations, but those are usually minor things; to discard such game-affecting mechanics, with all the work they mean in design and conceptualizing, would be really strange, even for them. (not to mention, in future games, how would you get an alola form if you're not in alola?).

Two possibilities there:

One, Alolan-forms are not necessarily exclusive to Alola. Just as those Pokemon were first brought into Alola, it's entirely possible that the resulting Alolan-forms could be taken out of Alola and then flourish in other regions. Alternatively, it is conceivable that the Alolan-forms, while refered to as Alolan-forms, are not necessarily exclusive to the Alola region. In theory, similar changes could have appeared in the same species if they were exposed to similar environments.

Two, good old fashioned trading. Not in Alola? Want an Alolan-form Pokemon? Then trade from previous generations!
Two possibilities there:

One, Alolan-forms are not necessarily exclusive to Alola. Just as those Pokemon were first brought into Alola, it's entirely possible that the resulting Alolan-forms could be taken out of Alola and then flourish in other regions. Alternatively, it is conceivable that the Alolan-forms, while refered to as Alolan-forms, are not necessarily exclusive to the Alola region. In theory, similar changes could have appeared in the same species if they were exposed to similar environments.

Two, good old fashioned trading. Not in Alola? Want an Alolan-form Pokemon? Then trade from previous generations!

Which is impossible. They'd have to go back and code in all the Alolan Pokemon into those previous games, which they can't do. Now for any other Gen 7 that comes, the chance is there. Also the act of taking a species from one area and bringing it to another is very dangerous. Even some Alolan forms are stated to have adapted in order to survive. Bringing these back to other regions may cause horrible ecological problems. Just like how you can't bring foreign plants or certain species into other climates and environments.
Which is impossible. They'd have to go back and code in all the Alolan Pokemon into those previous games, which they can't do. Now for any other Gen 7 that comes, the chance is there. Also the act of taking a species from one area and bringing it to another is very dangerous. Even some Alolan forms are stated to have adapted in order to survive. Bringing these back to other regions may cause horrible ecological problems. Just like how you can't bring foreign plants or certain species into other climates and environments.
This is a video game, and it's GF we're talking about here too. They're not concerned with what our little digital creatures will do to a digital environment that doesn't follow the rules of the real world, in the end it's all about fan service and making money. If the fans want their Alolan Ninetales in Gen 9, GF is going to make it possible for us to have it then (although most possibly from trading).
This is a video game, and it's GF we're talking about here too. They're not concerned with what our little digital creatures will do to a digital environment that doesn't follow the rules of the real world, in the end it's all about fan service and making money. If the fans want their Alolan Ninetales in Gen 9, GF is going to make it possible for us to have it then (although most possibly from trading).

Except we got an entire Generation about digital creatures destroying their digital environment. So no, they clearly do care. They even make the point to add it into the Alolan forms. As you used Ninetales, I'll use Vulpix. Alolan Vulpix cannot stand hot temperatures and resorts to freezing the air around it to survive outside of its snowy habitat. How many regions have such a habitat that would fit Alolan Vulpix? Sinnoh and Kalos.
So here's some more Riddler riddles(?) for our brains to chew on:

He brought up an interesting question regarding the professors:
"How many professors are there in Alola? 1 or 2 or 3 or 4?"

He also posted a picture (once again I don't know exactly where possibly either 4chan or a Chinese forum he always posts in) of Anabel, who, in case you don't remember, is the Battle Frontier Brain for the Battle Tower in Emerald. Could this possibly mean we finally get the return of the Battle Frontier?

He also reposted this leak:

What I find really fascinating is that on his thread on the Chinese forum he's on he stated (allegedly) that there is something true in that leak, and it's more shocking than if Red returned to the games.
The mention of gyms kinda debunks it.
Except we got an entire Generation about digital creatures destroying their digital environment. So no, they clearly do care. They even make the point to add it into the Alolan forms. As you used Ninetales, I'll use Vulpix. Alolan Vulpix cannot stand hot temperatures and resorts to freezing the air around it to survive outside of its snowy habitat. How many regions have such a habitat that would fit Alolan Vulpix? Sinnoh and Kalos.
This is already getting off topic so I'll just keep it short (sorta).

If we're talking about gen 3 here, then the weather trio didn't even do anything to Hoenn, they just added weather effects during the climax of the story, in the post game, nothing is really changed from the beginning of the game. The Pokemon also don't simulate real life, they may simulate aspects of real life such as the day/night cycle and species variation (sort of), but not the actual real world.

I think you missed the point when I was saying GF would make Alolan forms available in the future, they could make them be in the wild in the future, but the most plausible case is that they'll mainly be transfer only Pokemon, maybe even found in the wild during the post-game since it's anyone's game once you finish the plot. If we are talking about games from previous generations, of course they won't be available, the game's only move forward. I mean even look at the Megas in ORAS, they weren't available in XY. GF just drops the old games for the latest title.
Interesting to note is the "real leaks" leak got both Ninetails-A and Rattata/Raticate-A's typing wrong:

Screen Shot 2016-09-06 at 5.07.35 PM.png
Which is impossible. They'd have to go back and code in all the Alolan Pokemon into those previous games, which they can't do.
I was speaking in a future tense; when Gen 7 becomes a previous Gen, getting Alolan forms would require trading from Gen 7 games.

Interesting to note is the "real leaks" leak got both Ninetails-A and Rattata/Raticate-A's typing wrong:

They got them half right though... Ninetales is part Fairy and Rattata is part Dark. Considering there seems to be a lot in there they got right, these errors could be explained as the leaker having forgotten certain details, kind of like the X/Y leak that got a lot of things right, but got the starter Pokemon's types wrong and said Mewtwo X would be the Mew-like form.
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I do know this is stating the obvious a bit, but they now also have something that adds more credibility; they mentioned time working differently in the different versions which has now been confirmed.
Well to be fair, time working differently is something anybody could've guessed, especially with these titles.
After the recent Corocoro leaks, one of the 4 important leaks are now debunked:

Well, now I'm just a tiny bit sad... I liked some of the things that third leak claimed, like ditching the Breeding Incense, and how Pokemon transferred from older generations retain their original typing, as if they were some form of regional variant.

Also, correct me if I'm wrong, but isn't that the only rumor to claim the starters would get multiple forms?
I'm curious about something, when was the Alola map revealed? Was it before or after the leaks claimed "No Gyms"?
In case Accel Rock is Pebble Dash in English I'll leave this here, it's apparently from someone who was halfway through the game (it's a summarized version from elsewhere, I couldn't find the exact 4chan post):
New Pokémon:
  • Sidewinder snake Pokémon (pure ground, three stages, found in desert on Ula Ula)
  • Tapu’s: Psychic (a goat), Fire (a shark), Ghost.
  • Fossils (Rock/Electric and Rock/Ground, look like velociraptor and stegosaurus, received on Ula Ula by Rock Trial Captain).
  • Final evo Pikipek is Steel/Flying.
  • Rockruff evolves different during Day/Night (Rock/Fighting and Rock/Dark).
  • Comfey evo: stops being a circle, becomes an infinity loop. Body part grows bigger and some of the flowers grow.
  • Salandit evo (?): cross between komodo dragon and salamander, stays quadruped and now has visible fangs.
Alolan forms:
  • Staryu (Ground)
  • Rattata line (Dark)
  • Ekans line (Poison/Water)
  • Parasect (Grass/Ghost)
  • Ponyta line (Rock/Fairy)
  • Grimer line (Fire)
  • Doduo line (Ground/Fighting)
  • Arbok (Water?, with hood that act like manta ray fins so it can swim through water, it’s a lot larger and thinner with a more sleak body and some sky blue stripes).
  • Persian (Dark/Psychic) (recolour with bit of sassiness, with fancier gem).
Island Trials:
  • After 1/3 on Ula Ula you’ve met 8 trial captains: 2 on MeleMele (Normal and Bug), 4 on Akala (Electric, Grass, Water and Fire), 2 on Ula Ula (Rock and Flying).
  • You don’t battle all the captains, you do battle the following: Normal, Grass, Fire and Flying.
  • Mallow’s team: Fomantis, Lombre, Alolan Parasect
  • Kiaw’s team: Tiki Totem, Darumaka, Alolan Marowak
  • Flying Captain’s team: all Oricorio forms, double battle.
  • Sophocles doesn’t really have a trial, 75% of it is chasing down Team Skull to retrieve an item they stole from him.
  • Totem Pokémon: Gumshoos, Cutiefly evo, Vikavolt, Lurantis, Bruxish, Salandit evo, Minior evo, Pikipek final evo.
  • Islands: MeleMele, Akala, Ula Ula, Poni.
  • Route 1: Yungoos, Alolan Rattata, Ledyba, Spinarak, Caterpie and Weedle.
  • Ula Ula has an desert area with the sidewinder snake, Alolan Staryu, normal Dugtrio and normal Rhyhorn. Ground Trial Captain can be found here.
  • MeleMele island has Nidoran and Dunsparce.
  • Akala Island has Petilil.
Team Skull
  • Guzma has the 3rd starter. First time you meet them they’re fleeing MeleMele after having stolen the starter.
  • Plumeria's team: 1st battle: Golbat and Alolan Persian, 2nd battle: Golbat, Murkrow and Alolan Persian.
  • The Kahunas didn't really like Guzma because Tapu Koko reacted badly to him and they saw this as a sign of wickedness
  • New moves: Pebble Dash (40BP, learned by Rockruff) and Playful Charge (physical move).
  • Pokéride: you have to unlock the Pokémon, you get them by aiding people in side-quests. First on is Tauros on Akala Island.
  • New terrain: Fiery Terrain (does 1/16th damage to any Pokémon touching the floor per turn + burns any that stay in for 3 or more turns).
  • There’s a lot of day/night differences like in G/S and D/P.
I'm curious about something, when was the Alola map revealed? Was it before or after the leaks claimed "No Gyms"?
I think the only credible leak to predate Alola's reveal is the Chinese Riddler leak, and they never mentioned anything relating to the gyms.
In case Accel Rock is Pebble Dash in English I'll leave this here, it's apparently from someone who was halfway through the game (it's a summarized version from elsewhere, I couldn't find the exact 4chan post):

Curiously, there's no mention of the aether foundation and the ultra beasts. It is possible they're some kind of post-game plot, but I doubt it, since they revealed them now.
You would think that something as novel and attention-catching as the ultra beasts is the kind of thing a leaker could not wait to talk about.

Besides, rattata is missing the normal type, and rock/fairy ponyta? what would that even be?
Curiously, there's no mention of the aether foundation and the ultra beasts. It is possible they're some kind of post-game plot, but I doubt it, since they revealed them now.
You would think that something as novel and attention-catching as the ultra beasts is the kind of thing a leaker could not wait to talk about.
That's another reason why I'm so skeptical about this one, that and they also have a preliminary Dex that shows no information that we didn't already see at the time. Oh and it had Rockruff's evolutions taking up 2 slots.
In case Accel Rock is Pebble Dash in English I'll leave this here, it's apparently from someone who was halfway through the game (it's a summarized version from elsewhere, I couldn't find the exact 4chan post):

I think the only credible leak to predate Alola's reveal is the Chinese Riddler leak, and they never mentioned anything relating to the gyms.

If the region map was revealed with the starters, it's very likely the thought of no gyms came from looking at the map. I remember myself and my friends analyzed the map (hi sprout island in the top right) and I was curious where the gyms would be since there were no likely locations shown.

Also to note, that "leak" sounds more like a fanfic/wish list. The UBs not being mentioned aside, Fiery Terrain is crazy when you think about it and it claims Minior has an evolution.
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The newest trailer recently confirmed that there's a "rugby monkey" pokemon called passimian. So the chinese leaks hava a bit more credibility