Congrats new mods! Phase Zapdos complete!

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Water Pokémon Master

I like Pokemon more than you! :p
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Congratulations to all of our new mods! As you all know, last week we asked members to send in mod applications. We received over 100 of them and narrowed the potentials down to around 20 people, all of which are listed below (along with previous mods). These people will watch over specific forums and will do everything in their power to increase the quality of said forums as if they were their own babies. We're hoping for major changes from this new group of mods - this is definitely an extremely exciting time for PokeBeach! Over the next week we will acclimate the new mods to their new forums so please bear with us during this period.

I would also like to say that I was extremely impressed with around 90% of the applications overall, as were the other mods who helped me review them. Thank you all for taking the time to fill them out! You may have noticed we modded a LOT of people. The problem was that there were easily around 45 to 50 people we could have seriously modded here. We DEFINITELY were not expecting that many good people to apply; I was personally blown away. But since we can't have 50 mods, we obviously had to narrow it down, which was an extremely difficult process. We decided to cap the total amount at 30, as you can see below. Many of you are excellent members who have contributed a lot to these forums and your applications without a doubt showed it. We hope you will continue to contribute to these forums for years to come and will do whatever YOU can to make them a friendly, intelligent, and resourceful place (though do your webmaster a favor and PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE use proper spelling and grammar so he doesn't shoot himself first). :)

This was phase two of our forum project. Phase one was the forum restructuring. Phase three, the biggest (and most overdue) surprise comes next week!

TCG ==========================
* Amt
* BoDragon
* Dmaster
* Dragonexpert
* EspeonROX
* GHJamesGH
* Mew Jadester
* Mudkip
* Omahanime
* Shakespeare
* Viper.Fox
* Zero

VIDEO GAMES ==================
* CCloud
* Chariblaze
* Dragon9
* Gamercal
* Kevin Garrett
* Limitless
* Pride
* Steadfast
* The Assassin

OTHER ========================
* Crystal Hikara
* HeavenlySpoon
* Juliacoolo
* MylesPrower
* Shining Raikou
* Xous
* Zyflair
RE: Phase Zapdos Complete!

I think I'm predicting the future with every new thing that happens. If that's true, I can only wonder what's going to happen next!
What do you mean, why am I storing up food rations?
RE: Phase Zapdos Complete!

Congrats to all of the new mods! :D
RE: Phase Zapdos Complete!

Yes! The only person I know that became a mod is CMP! Actually, I've seen all those pole but never talked with them. Congrtulations, all!
Congrats to the new mods! I'm sure all of you will do a great job with the forums. :3

So if this was phase Zapdos, was the forum reorganization phase Articuno?
So how's about that welcome notice, DNA?

Congrats to everyone else that got modded. I see some really great names up there. :3
"Phase Zapdos" is really clever. Yeah, congrats to all! I think you all really deserve it, and I know you'll all do great! :D
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