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Cooro's Trade Thread <> -[H]- Some PT cards and Old EXs. -[W]- PT Rares

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RE: Zacario's Trade Thread -UPDATED With MD Cards; Including Garchomp LV X!!-

@ TearsofanUchiha; Interested in the Chomp LV X.
RE: Zacario's Trade Thread -UPDATED With MD Cards; Including Garchomp LV X!!-

you can have lucario LVX and I'll throw in 2 rares for the porgon-z LVX!!!

Let me know!!
RE: Zacario's Trade Thread -UPDATED With MD Cards; Including Garchomp LV X!!-

Hey, did you see anything else other than the Chomp X?
RE: Zacario's Trade Thread -UPDATED With MD Cards; Including Garchomp LV X!!-

@ #1Weavile; Hm...Sure. Deal. I'll PM you with some questions in a moment.
@ TearsofanUchiha; That was really all. Sorry.
RE: Zacario's Trade Thread -UPDATED With MD Cards; Including Garchomp LV X!!-

Flaming Zak said:
@ .chanman45; Only interested in the Lucario LV X.
@ Mercy; Sorry, didn't see anything.
@ scotty; No. I've been trying to get one, but I don't have any at the time.
@ Taylor45; Really don't see anything I'm interested in. Sorry.
@ Dudeman1993; Sorry, didn't see anything interesting.

So what's your offer?
RE: Zacario's Trade Thread -UPDATED With MD Cards; Including Garchomp LV X!!-

@ .chanman45; Yikes. Sorry. Anything else other than Porygon-Z LV X that you want? If not, really sorry.
RE: Zacario's Trade Thread -UPDATED With MD Cards; Including Garchomp LV X!!-

I was interested in Garchomp Lv X.I have x3 rare candies(from older sets) and 2 darkrai #3 from GE.also have x1 GE rare candy
RE: Zacario's Trade Thread -UPDATED With MD Cards; Including Garchomp LV X!!-

Er, no thanks. Nevermind. Sorry.
RE: Zacario's Trade Thread -UPDATED With MD Cards-

Well I have alot of MD Pikachu material, if you want it.
RE: Zacario's Trade Thread -UPDATED With MD Cards-

Erm, no thanks. I have Pikachu cards coming out of my ears. I'm about to take that off my wants. If there's anything else, don't be afraid to ask.
RE: Zacario's Trade Thread -UPDATED With MD Cards-

Please CML for Aggron EX (CG), 2x Gardevoir, 2x Salamence, and 1x Jumpluff

RE: Zacario's Trade Thread -UPDATED With MD Cards-

i'm interested in your [RH] Gengar - DP
[RH] Ninetales - MT
and 2x [RH] Quick Ball - MD

i dont have much from your wants
but could you check my list for thsoe cards?
thank you!
RE: Zacario's Trade Thread -UPDATED With MD Cards-

@PokemonPhantom3; Sorry, but no thanks.

@junglejoe17; Sorry. Didn't see anything.

@Taylor45; Erm....I really doubt you'd go for it, but all I saw was Glaceon LV X, but I really doubt you'd say yes. So, I apologize ahead of time for not being reasonable if I'm being unreasonable -.-;
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